Chapter 1964: Calculation

Looking at the evil spirit body that was getting closer and closer to them, Lu Jun knew that the evil spirit body could no longer be brought close, so he immediately used his brain power to prop up a large-scale particle shield, and wanted to block the evil spirit body in this way.
In front of the particle shield, the evil soul body was indeed hindered a bit, and the speed of landing slowed down.
But it was only a few seconds slow, and the evil soul body spit out thousands of soul bodies in the next moment, all squeezed on the particle shield.
Being attacked by this kind of creature no less than S-level creatures, the particle shield would naturally not last long. It only took two seconds to be squeezed out, and the evil soul body and soul body took advantage of this opportunity to rush down together.
Seeing that there was no way to stop the evil soul body, Mu Wu immediately drank a bottle of stamina reagent, ready to use his third ability, the lightning sword to attack the evil soul body.
Lu Jun is also preparing to summon Abeli ​​Dragon and Chinese Raptor. Although Tier A creatures may not be able to handle such a large soul evil body, he has to try.
If there is no other way, then he can only use the real body of Tyrannosaurus to counter the evil body of the soul, which is his last resort.
But before the Lu Army had time to summon the dinosaurs, the evil spirit body, which was only more than ten meters away from them, suddenly stopped, and the expression on his face was very painful, or distorted, and seemed to have suffered great torture.
The soul bodies next to the evil soul bodies also scattered at this moment, as if something scared them appeared.
Seeing this, everyone on the ground was stunned for a moment, stood still, stopped their hands, and quietly looked at the evil spirit body above.
When everyone watched for twenty seconds and couldn't see what was happening, the evil spirit body suddenly flew back into the air, and there was a small depression in the face, as if something was disintegrating inside. it.
Seeing this scene, Lu Jun also guessed that Ruan Bing might have acted inside the evil soul body, otherwise he could not explain what happened.
Lu Jun's guess was also very correct. The next moment Ruan Bing's figure appeared in the small area where the soul evil body was recessed, and the horror who had been inside the soul lamp followed her.
It's just that Ruan Bing is very strange at this time. Her black hair has turned light purple. If you look closely, you will find that her eyes have also turned light purple.
However, it was impossible for everyone on the ground to see these details from Ruan Bing's distance. Seeing that Ruan Bing was unharmed, and helped them overcome their predicament invisibly, they cheered.
It's a pity that Ruan Bing couldn't hear the cheers of the crowd, and didn't dare to be distracted to pay attention to the ground, because she was still struggling to control the soul lamp to contend with the evil soul body.
She just received the data shared by the Lu Army, and was deliberately swallowed by the evil soul body. After all, she can enter the body of the evil soul body and seek a way to kill the evil soul body.
Although this method is very dangerous, there will be no bones if you are not careful, but now it seems that the effect is still very good.
Because while in the body of the evil soul body, she cooperated with the lamp of the soul and the horror to have severely damaged the evil soul body and greatly damaged the strength of the evil soul body. Now it is only the last step to kill the evil soul body.
The evil soul also knew Ruan Bing's thoughts, and it was resisting desperately. After all, it had just arrived in this world and didn't want to die like that.
But Ruan Bing's combat experience is also very sophisticated. He didn't let the evil soul body get rid of her, but instead used the lamp of the soul and the terror to crazily disintegrate the evil soul body.
As the soul body inside the body is constantly being absorbed, the strength of the evil soul body becomes weaker and weaker, and soon there is no means to resist Ruan Bing, and he can only let Ruan Bing "swallow" it.
In this way, with the passage of time, five minutes passed quickly, and the evil soul of the S Tier was also completely swallowed by Ruan Bing without knowing it, or in other words, completely swallowed by the soul lamp.
After devouring the soul evil body composed of a large number of soul bodies, Ruan Bing's hair and eyes have completely turned black purple, and his brain development value has reached a terrifying 50%.
The Lu Army who had been watching all this from below couldn't help but swallowed his saliva. He originally thought that the wood was struck by lightning and the body development value reached 39% was already a great adventure.
However, Ruan Bing, whose original brain development value was only 27%, would forcibly raise his brain development value to 50% in just half an hour. The Lu Jun could not imagine how Ruan Bing would be at this time. Terrifying strength.
But all this didn't seem to be over. After Ruan Bing's brain development value reached 50%, the terror next to her suddenly got into the lamp of soul.
Immediately after that, the lamp of the soul began to blur, transforming into a sickle, and its volume became larger and larger.
However, it seems that due to the lack of energy, the sickle could not be transformed into a solid body, and it has been exposed to the air in the form of an incorporeal body.
Seeing this, Ruan Bing grasped the incorporeal sickle, held it high above his head, and hovered in the air to the center above the Tianhai gathering place.
The next moment Ruan Bing closed his eyes tightly and used his brain power to make all the soul bodies in the Tianhai gathering place gather towards her position.
Under Ruan Bing's order, the soul body wandering in the entire Tianhai gathering place seemed to have found a container, swimming frantically, and the target was Ruan Bing's body, or the virtual sickle in Ruan Bing's hand.
With the infusion of a large number of soul bodies, the sickle of the intangible body gradually brightened up, and a blade with a cold light appeared, and it only took a few minutes to transform from the intangible body into a solid body.
"Not yet, but I don't know where she has gone." Lu Jun simply replied, signalling everyone to stay calm.
When everyone heard Lu Jun say this, they calmed down, looking up to the sky, looking for Ruan Bing's figure.
But before everyone found Ruan Bing, they suddenly saw the evil soul rushing in their direction, seeming to want to swallow them together.
You must know that the evil soul body at this time is hundreds of meters long, and it is larger than the S-rank violent tree demon that everyone has encountered before. This makes everyone's brain blank and does not know how to deal with it...
"Quick... quickly disperse!" The Lu Army yelled to everyone around, because their positions were very dense, and if they were smashed by this evil soul body, they would be destroyed.
Upon hearing the words of the Lu Army, the members of the Resistance Army and the orc warriors immediately left riding on ostrich and frost wolf.
While dispersing, they also used their own long-range weapons and abilities to attack the evil spirit body above, but unfortunately they had no effect.
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