Chapter 197: Strategic facilities

"Ding, the real-time mission is triggered. Find the surrounding strategic facilities. You will fully open the strategic module and get a lot of rewards."
The continuous sound of prompts in my mind made the Lu Army stunned. Strategic facilities? No wonder your own strategic module has not responded. It turns out that you need to find a strategic facility to fully open it, but what is this strategic facility?
And what direction does the system prompt mean? It's night now, it's dark everywhere, and I don't even know how to look for it...
To be honest, the Lu Army originally wanted to return to the village as soon as it was midnight, and midnight was the most dangerous time of the day in the wild. The Lu Army did not want to stay outside at midnight in its current state.
But the sudden emergence of real-time missions disrupted the Lu Army's plan and forced him to stay outside. After all, every real-time mission is critical and worth his risk.
What's more, this real-time task is also related to his strategy module. The important effect is self-evident, but how to find it now is a problem...
Just when the Lu Army was at a loss, he suddenly felt that the bone key that had been placed in the armed module seemed to have some strange reactions. The Lu Army who felt that there was a problem took the bone key out, and saw the original ordinary bone key. A faint white light appeared in the dark night.
This bone key was handed to him by the wolf cavalry centurion before he died a few days ago. Because he didn't know the role of the bone key, the road army had not paid much attention to this bone key. Is this thing related to strategic facilities?
Feeling strange, Lu Jun took the bone key and turned around a few times. Gradually, Lu Jun realized that when the bone key was in a certain direction, the white light would be brighter.
After experimenting three or four times, the Lu Jun was more certain of his thoughts. The bone key would indeed be brighter when it was close to the west. Is this some kind of guidance? Lu Jun thought in his heart.
But there is a forest to the west, and the forest at night is almost full of beasts. The Lu Jun is not sure whether he can force through this forest with his current strength...
But it didn't make sense to think so stupidly. After hesitating for a few seconds, the road army decided to go to the woods to the west. Anyway, there is no good way to do it. It's a big deal to exit after encountering danger.
After making the decision, the Lu Army retracted the fire guard, and then rode on the ostriches, letting the Velociraptors divide into three groups to open the road ahead, holding a bone key in his left hand and a MK35 in his right hand and entered the woods, since the system prompts The strategic facilities are around, so it should not be too far away from here...
After walking in the woods for nearly half an hour, the Lu Army felt that he had already reached the middle of the woods, because the scattered birds and beasts gradually increased.
The most terrible thing is that the bone key in the hands of the Lu Army is getting brighter and brighter, like a cold light rod, illuminating a large area of ​​the surrounding field of vision, but the light of the bone key also invisibly attracted the attention of most beasts. The beast is coming to the position of the road army.
If you count them carefully, they have already suffered more than a dozen waves of attacks along the way. Fortunately, the beasts who attacked them are all relatively low and did not pose a real threat to the road army and Velociraptors.
However, all kinds of sudden attacks made the Lu Army a headache. He had the urge to stop and kill these annoying beasts, but in a blink of an eye, he didn't come in to kill the beasts. Finding strategic facilities was the key, so he suppressed it. This impulse.
After getting acquainted with the attack frequency of these beasts, the Lu Army no longer loves to fight. If they can avoid these beasts, they will avoid them. They only choose to engage in battle if they can't avoid them. Focus on any suspicious scenes around them. Anyway, these low-level beasts. It can't help him.
In this way, the Lu Army and the Velociraptors continued to move forward for half an hour without stopping. After paying the price of a few Velociraptor injuries, they finally passed through the woods and came to a clearing.
With the help of night vision goggles, Lu Jun can see that the area of ​​this open space is the size of two football fields, surrounded by woods, as if it were specially planned.
There is a large building in the very center of the open space. Because of the distance and the dark environment, the Lu Army can’t see the specific appearance of the building, but the Lu Army has a feeling that this may be the strategic facility he was looking for. At this time, the bone key has been brightened to the extreme...
No longer thinking about it, the Lu Army immediately ordered the ostrich to run to the unknown building. A minute later, the Lu Army and the dinosaurs came to this large building.
The moment he saw this large building up close, the Lu Army was shocked, because it was not a conventional building in the human world at all, but a large fortress made of rough wood and animal bones.
The fortress is about ten meters high, the top is similar to an ivory tower, and it is surrounded by dozens of giant fangs of unknown creatures. The fangs are slightly broken and have an ancient feeling.
The tips of the fangs are facing the sky, and if you look closely, you can still find traces of dried blood on the fangs, which exudes a sense of majesty all the time.
The Lu Jun took a deep breath, climbed down from the ostrich-like back, and walked towards the door of the fortress holding a bone key. He didn't know why such a fortress appeared here, or whether it was a fortress. What he is looking for, but these are not important, because he will know the answer soon...
When approaching the gate of the fortress, you can see that the gate is four meters high and nearly three meters wide. It is made of unknown trees and looks heavy.
Lu Jun tried to push the wooden door twice, but the wooden door did not move. It seemed that the door could not be pushed by force alone. Lu Jun scratched his head and looked at the bone key in his hand. It seemed that he had thought of something, and he stood on tiptoe carefully. Observe the top of the gate.
Sure enough, Lu Jun found a keyhole in the middle of the gate. From the shape, the size of the keyhole and the bone key are basically the same. No longer think about it, Lu Jun lifted the dazzling bone key and stuffed it in with great effort. In the keyhole above.
After the bone key entered the keyhole, the fortress suddenly shook, and then a "rumbling" sound rang from the fortress, as if thundering.
The sudden noise frightened the Lu Army, and quickly backed up a few steps, then raised the MK35 and looked at the fortress door closely, for fear of something suddenly running out of it.
But the Lu Army’s worries were unnecessary, because two minutes passed, and the gate of the fortress remained silent, and even the "rumbling" sound stopped.
Just as Lu Jun breathed a sigh of relief and was still a little confused, a system prompt sounded in his mind, "Warning! West Wind Fortress is activating. A major attack during the activation will completely destroy it. Please pay attention to defense. !"
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