Chapter 1971: break out

But the more they persuaded, the more the number of deaths increased, because the Lu Army liked to "bully" those creatures who couldn't fight back...
It is estimated that the high-level creeping monsters who are still attacking the magic tower can't sit still because they have felt their own losses. They stopped attacking the magic tower one after another, and all came down from the magic tower.
When a large number of Tier A creeping monsters rushed out of the magic tower, Xiao Wan and Lin Xiaobai had no way to stop them, they could only let these creeping monsters run out.
Seeing this scene, Lu Jun was happy, because he knew that the high-level creeping monster had given up attacking the magic tower, and he could finally relax.
"Their main power is here! Be careful! First focus your firepower to kill Tier A creeping monsters!" Lu Jun reminded the surrounding people.
But at the moment when Lu Jun finished speaking, everyone had not had time to respond, and then an extremely angry roar came from the magic tower.
Immediately afterwards, there was a creeping demon with two heights, blood red skin, long hair, and each claw 30 centimeters long ran out from the entrance of the magic tower.
Seeing this blood-red creeping monster, Lu Jun frowned, immediately opened the Data Eye, and scanned the creeping monster once.
[Crawling Demon King, whose strength is assessed as S rank, the leader of the Crawling Demon clan, his body's speed and strength have evolved to the extreme, and he can launch deadly attacks from any angle! 】
Seeing that it was actually a Tier S creeping monster, the Lu Army knew that the problem was in trouble. If this creeping monster rushed to the orc warrior and the dinosaur corps, they would definitely suffer heavy losses.
"I'll postpone it, you take the opportunity to kill the creeping monster of Tier A and come and help me!" Lu Jun shared the creeping monster emperor's data with everyone, and then said loudly.
After talking about it, the Lu Army was ready to summon the Abelisaurus, Chinese Raptor, and Tier A Velociraptors. At present, he has only these dinosaurs on hand to fight the S Tier Crawling Demon King.
But before the Lu Army had time to summon the dinosaurs, Ruan Bing suddenly appeared in front of the Lu Army and prevented the Lu Army's movements.
"I'll go, I can deal with it!" Ruan Bing raised her soul eater and stared at Lu Jundao. As a Tier 4 ability person, she can still deal with Tier S creatures.
In fact, the Lu Army didn't want to let Ruan Bing play, because Ruan Bing's ability was still very unstable, and the Lu Army was afraid that Ruan Bing would fall into that kind of devilish state when he hit it.
But the Creeping Demon King is an offensive Tier S creature, and its attack power is more terrifying than all Tier S creatures they have encountered before. No matter whether he or the wood is playing, there is no big chance of winning, so the Lu Army can only let Ruan Bing go up first. Try it...
After getting permission from the Lu Army, Ruan Bing did not hesitate at all, and immediately summoned a Soul Eater from the Soul Eater, and then she mounted the Soul Eater and rushed to the position of the Crawling Demon Emperor.
Seeing the creeping monster actually transfer firepower to them, the Lu Jun couldn't help showing a sneer, because this was exactly the result he wanted to see.
"All members, at four o'clock, unrestricted casting of output powers!" Lu Jun pointed to the place where the creeping monsters were densely populated.
Hearing the order of the road army, the members of the resistance army riding on a ostrich immediately began to gather their brain power and aimed at the creeping monster to use its abilities.
After a few seconds, the abilities were condensed, and dozens of abilities leaped into the air, such as flame bombs, catapult rounds, vacuum blades and so on.
When these abilities landed on the ground and bombarded the creeping monster, they instantly covered a position within 50 meters, and blasted the creeping monster inside into meat sauce.
And this is not the end, I saw that the rebel's fire group ability used a wave of abilities, and immediately used the second wave, continuing to bombard the creeping monsters in other places.
Under the continuous bombardment of the members of the Resistance Army, the 300 meters ahead became a "vacuum" zone. No creeping demon could survive, and the ground was full of meat sauce.
As more than fifty nonchalant members of the Resistance Army rode across the ground full of meat sauce, all the creeping monsters near the magic tower were stunned and stopped attacking.
Because they suffered an unprecedented heavy hit in the few dozen seconds just now, and directly lost about 5,000 creeping monsters.
They originally thought that the Resistance Army was the best bully here, but now it seems that they were wrong. In fact, the Resistance Army is the real "BOSS"...
However, Lu Jun, no matter what the creeping monsters were thinking, still ignored all the creeping monsters and continued to rush forward. He wanted to make these creeping monsters feel the pressure. Only in this way could the high-level creeping monsters in the magic tower be forced out.
While the road army charged, the dinosaurs and the orc warriors also worked together and continued to push forward, and soon approached within a hundred meters of the magic tower.
At this distance, even the high-level creeping monsters still in the magic tower could see that they were attacked, which disrupted their military spirit.
Because all their important forces are attacking the magic tower, they can't get out of it at all, but if the enemy is allowed to attack like this, they will have to suffer heavy losses.
After making a difficult decision, the senior officials of the creeping monster clan decided to send a part of the high-level creeping monsters to block the road army and others, and win time for them to occupy the magic tower.
As long as they can quickly occupy the magic tower, and then rush down to gather the enemy below the fire, then the road army and others will undoubtedly die! This is the thought of the creeping monster high-level.
The road soldiers who were still slaughtering the creeping monsters also saw the movements of the creeping monsters and understood their thoughts better.
After thinking for a moment, the Lu Army immediately said to Xiaowan who was flying above: "Xiaowan, you and Xiaobai are going to block the exit of the magic tower, don't let those creeping monsters rush out!"
Hearing the Lu Army's order, Xiao Wan immediately let the bloodthirsty king bat land, took Lin Xiaobai with the explosive crossbow, and flew to the top of the magic tower.
When the creeping monsters of Tier A rushed out of the magic tower, they were immediately intercepted by the explosive crossbow and the bloodthirsty king bat.
Even if these creeping monsters are of Tier A, it is difficult to handle the damage of the explosive crossbow, and the ultrasonic wave of the bloodthirsty king bat can also have a huge impact on the creeping monster.
Under this circumstance, the Tier A creeping monsters couldn't get out of the magic tower at all, they could only shrink at the exit of the magic tower and stare at Xiao Wan above them.
Seeing that the creeping monsters of Tier A were really blocked, the Lu Army grinned cruelly and let the rebels continue to attack, slaughtering the creeping monsters of Tier B and C.
The dinosaurs and the orc warriors also became more and more courageous, stepping on the body of the creeping monster, even the blood of the creeping monster splashed on their bodies.
With the passage of time, 40,000 creeping monsters died in the massacre by the Lu Army and others, more than one-third.
In the face of this mortality rate, the morale of the creeping monsters dropped again and again, from the initial active offensive gradually to passive defense, and finally became even afraid to even go up.
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