Chapter 2058: Pathfinder

"I don't understand what they are doing. There is no reason for this, but I always feel that things will not be so simple, because they are rebels." Old Wu shifted his position and sat on the ground and said.
Recently, he has been running too much, and his old injuries have been attacked. There is some pain, so he needs to relax.
"You're just too scared. In this case, they can't escape. I don't believe they have a way." Baqi mocked Old Wu.
He really felt that the Resistance Army was over, even if the Lu Army and others were lucky enough to escape, the West Wind Fortress was also over.
The ridiculed old fifth did not speak, still sitting quietly, his eyes fixed on the remote observation board.
Although he was the enemy with the Resistance Army, he knew very well that the Lu Army was not a person who gave up lightly.
So he always had a hunch that the real battle might not have started yet...
In fact, not only the fifth class people didn't know what the road army was waiting for, even the rebels didn't know.
They looked at the group of infected bodies getting closer and closer, and the big pit that was gradually being filled, they were all nervous to the extreme.
The most important thing is that during the period, the Lu Army kept their eyes closed, not looking at the battlefield, and did not issue any commands, which made them a little bit confused and panicked.
"Boss Lu, the infected group will soon fill the pit. We don't have any defense facilities for the last 100 meters. They will attack the sky soon..." The butcher couldn't help reminding the Lu Army.
Had it not been for Lu Jun’s eyelashes to shake from time to time, he would have thought Lu Jun had fallen asleep with his eyes closed...
"Isn't this not yet completed? Let them fill out first." The Lu Army slowly opened his eyes, glanced forward, and then immediately turned his head to face the members of the Resistance Army, "I said there is a way but there is The way, you just wait to see the'good show'."
After speaking, the Lu Army began to take out thousands of small square fists from the armed module and place them neatly on the ground.
This thing looks a bit like solidified grease, and I don't know what it is for.
"This is?" Ruan Bing took a small oil cube and glanced at Lu Jun with doubts.
"This is something that allows you to watch a'good show'." Lu Jun grinned and sold it on purpose.
Then he beckoned to Xiaowan who had been observing the battlefield above, and let Xiaowan come down: "It's time for you to go again, let your flying creatures spread these things to the battlefield in front of me, and put them in ten meters. One."
Although she didn't know what the road army was doing, Xiaowan quickly responded to the road army's order and asked the flying creatures to come over quickly, grab or grab a few small squares and head to the middle of the battlefield.
The members of the Resistance Army vacated a large space for the flying creatures to come down.
As thousands of flying creatures flew past, all the small squares on the ground were quickly taken away.
When the flying creatures arrive at the specified location, they throw the small square directly down, and the position error will not exceed two meters.
After three minutes, the flying creatures dropped all the small squares, covering an area close to two kilometers ahead.
And this location also happens to be the location with the most infected corpses. It seems that the Lu Army has already calculated it.
But what puzzled everyone was that nothing happened after these small squares were thrown down...
This left everyone in a daze, thinking that they had heard it wrong or the Lu Jun had said it wrong.
Because if the infected group is allowed to come over, the West Wind Fortress will have to withstand the pressure of millions of infected bodies, and it will be difficult to repel the infected bodies at that time.
However, everyone also knows the way the Lu Army acts. Generally, no one can change the things he decides, so everyone didn't say their own thoughts, just watched quietly.
Xiao Wan in midair also withdrew from a distance, returning to the road army with a group of flying creatures and spiked pterosaurs.
Although they can fly, they can attack from high places and consume the infected group.
But in fact, without the cover of fire guards and drawing artillery, they can hardly infect the body group.
If you rush down rashly, you might be attacked by the rippers and lickers, and their losses would be great and not worth it.
Lu Jun directly entered the system and spent a limited time fully opening the supply box, probably because he wanted to get more Dragon Coins.
Under this circumstance, the group of infected bodies is really unimpeded, and groups of infected bodies rush into the pit in line to facilitate the infected bodies behind to move forward.
This made the hidden corpse controllers excited. They also knew that the ammunition in the Westerly Fortress was empty, and felt that the Westerly Fortress was poor, and immediately accelerated the speed of the infected body group.
"What are they doing? Are they out of ammunition? Give up?" Baqi looked at this scene and asked in a deep voice.
Zhifu also found it strange, but he made several mistakes before, so this time he didn't speak any more, just frowned and listened.
"It is estimated that there is no ammunition. Their ammunition reserves should not be too much, but there is no reason to give up. The resistance must be waiting for some opportunity or have any new plans." The old fifth's words were a little uncertain.
"This is their best chance to consume the infected body group! If they don't seize it, I don't know what they can do to block the infected body group..." Baqi was thinking about empathy, taking his own rebellion from the perspective of members Talking.
Of course, even though he was anxious about the resistance army in his tone, he was anxious for the death of the West Wind Fortress in his heart. He just said so on purpose.
"Not necessarily, it's too early to say this, let's continue to see it." The fifth shook his head. Before the incident happened, it was not good for him to draw conclusions too early.
Seeing what the old fifth said, Baqi and Zhimo calmed down, and wanted to see what "tricks" the rebels would use.
But the strange thing is that in the next thirty minutes, Westerly Fortress did not make any extra moves, not even moved its position.
The infected group paid the lives of nearly 900,000 ordinary infected bodies in these 30 minutes, and filled a pit of more than 300 meters, less than 150 meters away from the West Wind Fortress.
This is the distance that both sides can see face to face, and everyone in the Westwind Fortress can even smell the stench from the infected group.
"What are they waiting for? It's totally meaningless..." Zhifu rubbed his eyes, and watched him motionless for half an hour, making his eyes a little bit painful.
"These people must be crazy, they don't fight hard, they don't run well, they spend so much waiting here to die, what is it that they are crazy?" Baqi was also complaining, he thought this half an hour would be wonderful. .
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