Chapter 2364: Wind and frost

Behind the first echelon is the second echelon consisting of Ankylosaurus, Utahraptor and Monolophosaurus, with a number close to 20,000.
They are characterized by thick skin and strong melee combat ability, able to withstand the impact of ordinary infected bodies, and they will not be threatened.
The task is to fill the front platoon, in order to wait for the infected group to approach the back of the sky to face off, and by the way to meet the returning stormtroopers.
This also means that they exist to protect the sky, and will not charge with the first echelon.
The third echelon is composed of troll hunters and flame raptors, which add up to nearly 10,000.
They have a common feature is that they will use long-range attacks, and their offensive power is good, and they can cause damage to infected bodies below the S level.
The task of the team is also very simple, that is to cooperate with the second echelon to defend the sky, and output as many infections as possible.
The fourth echelon consists of 80 sickle dragons, 140 Abelisaurus, 90 Chinese raptors, and 135 Majun dragons.
The number of them is very small, and it is very inconspicuous compared with the number of dragons that are over ten thousand at every turn, and it is easier to be ignored.
But in fact, they are the most elite dinosaurs besides Tier S dinosaurs. They used to fight against Infected Tyrant before, and it was them that helped the road army and others to contain them.
And this time their task is also very simple, that is, to continue to fight the tyrant infected body, and prevent any tyrant infected body from approaching the sky.
After all, the attack power of the tyrant infected body is too terrifying, even if the defensive power of the sky curtain is high enough, it cannot withstand the chaos of hundreds of tyrant infected bodies.
Therefore, it is necessary for the more elite dinosaurs to intercept, and there is no doubt about this.
In addition, the Westerly Fortress has also established a fifth echelon, which is composed of members of the resistance army, bee-stinger pterodactyl, Xiaowan mutant creatures, earth-digging sandworms, frost wolves, witch doctors and thunder rhinoceros of the orc family.
The total number of them is the largest among the five echelons, their abilities are relatively average, and they have all kinds of skills.
They have no specific mission. As long as there is a critical situation on the battlefield, they will rush to wherever they are. This is the original language of the road army.
As for the slave laborers in the Westwind Fortress, they all stay neatly next to the defensive facilities behind them at this time, and are responsible for repairing the defensive facilities and maintaining the operation of the defensive facilities.
After all, the top of the spiked sentry tower also needs to be controlled by the orcs to attack, and the fire guard and the like have to change the magazine frequently, otherwise it will be turned off after a round.
On the whole, the number of the five echelons of the road army plus the slave labor of the orcs exceeds one hundred thousand.
Even without the help of defensive facilities, they can fight against ten times more infected groups than themselves, that is close to one million...
However, the original intention of the slave laborers to build this thing is not to block, they just want to create a buffer zone.
For example, when the infected body rushes over, the speed is very fast, and the impact force generated is likely to directly knock down the spiked guard tower and the fire guard.
But with the presence of the buffer zone, the infected body must slow down when passing and crawl over it slowly, otherwise they will be knocked down.
As long as they decelerate, it will be difficult to get up quickly at that time, and it is invisibly equivalent to well protecting the defense facilities around the Westwind Fortress.
The big problem can be solved with a small buffer zone, which is undoubtedly very profitable for the entire Westerly Fortress.
Of course, these ideas can only be established when the canopy is breached by the infected body group.
Because at this time all the defensive facilities are wrapped by the canopy, as long as the canopy is not broken, it is impossible for the infected body to touch any defensive facilities, and the slave workers are just to make complete preparations.
Perhaps it was not enough. In order to delay the attack of the infected group to the greatest extent, the slave laborers also cooperated with the digging sandworm to dig many large and small pits on the periphery of the sky.
These pits are as small as ten meters wide and five meters deep, and the larger ones are even fifty meters wide and ten meters deep, and there are hundreds of them.
No cover was placed on the surface of the pit, not even some turf and leaves.
If you use traps to describe these pits, it may not be appropriate, because traps are relatively hidden.
These pits are clearly dug there, and they are black and hollow, and they can be seen tens of meters apart.
As for why this is done, the reasons are also very simple. First, the pit is too large to be dug, and it will be difficult to cover it with normal methods.
Second, the time of slave labor is limited, they have to get too many things, they can only dig holes, there is really no time to cover up...
However, these pits can also exert their due effect, because the ground outside the West Wind Fortress is so wide, the infected group must step in if they want to attack.
If they choose to walk around the pit, the West Wind Fortress side prefers to see it, after all, the offensive and impact of the infected group will be greatly weakened.
If the lives of infected bodies are used to fill the pits, the West Wind Fortress can also accept them. Anyway, the purpose of their digging pits is to deal with these infected bodies. It is a good idea to "pit" one by one.
This is all the defensive facilities of the West Wind Fortress, whether it is attack or defense or traps.
It is no exaggeration to say that even if no one is defending the Westerly Fortress at this time, these defensive facilities alone can block half a million infected bodies or even more.
Of course, the road army and others must be there this time, and they have made enough preparations to set up their formation.
I saw that at the edge of the sky, all wolf cavalry were standing there riding the Frostwolf.
There are more than 10,000 of them, holding two bone axes produced by the West Wind Fortress, and they are very murderous.
The bone axe is made according to the design drawings provided by the road army. It is three times larger than the energy axe. It fits the size of the wolf cavalry. The axe body is made of beast bones, and the axe blade has some metal, which is convenient for "cutting people."
Although this kind of axe does not seem to be sharp with energy axe, it is even a little old, making people feel that it is not strong enough.
But in fact, the bone axe has been heavily forged and has a little rune blessing. Both its sharpness and durability are much stronger than that of the energy axe.
On the left and right sides of the Wolf Cavalry Corps, there were the Triceratops Corps and the Swollen Head Dragon Corps, the number of which was close to 10,000.
They are the most suitable dragon species for charging among the dinosaurs currently owned by the Lu Army, and they have great lethality when charging.
Therefore, they and the wolf cavalry formed the first echelon of the West Wind Fortress, referred to as the Charge Corps.
The task is to carry out the first wave of charge after the infected body group approaches, in order to limit the impact of the infected body group, and let the infected body group slowly approach the sky.
Although it would be dangerous to rush out of the protection of the sky and enter the infected group, they will not rush too far, and will return in time after reaching the goal, greatly reducing the risk factor.
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