Chapter 2388: New town

It is worth mentioning that after issuing the decree, Takata did not forget to distribute the materials seized from the major forces to the city guards, and then released the icesmith's family to restore their freedom.
Of course, all that Takata did was in the name of the Route Army, which also meant that he was loyal to the Route Army.
And Takata's approach also gave the Lu Army the favor, or gratitude, of all the city guards and icesmiths invisibly.
After doing all of this, Takata relaxed, because he can finally get a good night’s sleep...
At the same time, at the southernmost end of the Blue Wind Region, Scarface and a group of remnants of the Baisha Consortium finally rushed to Amano Town.
During the journey, they encountered several waves of attacks and suffered heavy casualties. The number of people who could come to Amano Town was less than half of the previous ones.
And after arriving in Amano Town, they were also interrogated by a group of people, these people were the confidants of Nandi before, and the Nandi sent them to Amano Town first.
Unexpectedly, Nandi didn't come with Dao Scarface and the others, which made them very puzzled.
In order to prevent these people from discovering the fact that Nandi was killed by them, Scarface could only order all of these people to be killed without leaving them.
Although Nandi's confidant was strong and fought hard to resist, there were too many people on Scarface, which caused them to die without struggling for a while.
After calming down the situation here, everyone collapsed on the ground. The continuous rushing and fighting had already exhausted them, and it was time to take a good rest.
However, Scarface did not sit on the ground to rest like everyone else, but wandered back and forth, as if waiting for something.
This is because when he was on the road before, he had used special means to contact the people of Babuzhong and asked them to bring people to Amano Town to complete the handover with him.
After all, the people of Babuzhong said that as long as he can kill Nandi and take over the Baisha consortium, he will be strongly supported and let him join the Babuzhong.
But now it's been a long time since he sent the message, the people in Ba Buzhong don't even have a shadow, and it's normal for a scarred face to be anxious.
"Boss Scar, my brothers are hungry, how about we start camping, get some food, and treat my brothers?" Suddenly a member of Scarface walked up to him and proposed.
You should know that Scarface was annoying at this time, originally he planned to directly refuse and scold this subordinate.
But he thought in a blink of an eye that he had just subdued the people from the Baisha Consortium, and if they didn't even give them anything to eat, it might turn them off.
So after sorting out the pros and cons of it, Scarface suppressed the impatience in his heart and waved his hand: "Go, by the way, tell them for me, all of you have been working hard lately. Just eat the supplies we brought. Please also take care of..."
"Okay, sir, you pay attention to your safety, we are waiting for you to come back." Takada bent down deeply and clasped his fists in a show of respect.
"My lord has a good journey!" The captain of the city guard and a group of city guards were half kneeling on the ground, their heads lowered.
Seeing these people giving such a big ceremony, Lu Jun smiled bitterly, ignored it, raised his hand to summon three wind pterosaurs, and let Lin Yilan and the others go up.
The black-robed people can only ride antler eagle or raptor druid, after all, there are not so many wind pterosaurs in the road army.
Just when the Lu Army was about to let the Fengshen pterosaur take off and set off with the elves, the Night Demon suddenly fell from the sky on the bone dragon and stood in front of the Lu Army.
"My lord, we have cleaned up the snow monsters outside, and there will be no traces of snow monsters around. They are all done according to your instructions. What is my next task?"
After speaking, the bone dragon next to the night demon spit out a huge head from the mouth, which belonged to the snow monster.
It's just that this head is obviously different from the ordinary snow monster, it is probably the leader of the snow monster in this area or something.
"So efficient? Is it all over?" Lu Jun was obviously a little surprised.
Because he just casually said to the Night Demon yesterday, he didn't expect that the Night Demon would be so caring about what he said.
"Yes, my lord, you can take a look outside now. If you can find a living snow monster, I will raise your head to see you!" The night demon's words were full of confidence, because it had been with the bone dragons all night. The carpet search was done.
"Well, I believe you, it's been hard work, now you take your men back to the Frost Forest. The task is to continue to control the remaining undead creatures and try to control them all within one day." Lu Jun nodded, slightly I praised the night demon.
As for the task assigned to the Night Demon, it is also very simple, because it is related to his real-time task, and he wants to finish it as soon as possible, so as not to worry about it.
After the watchman's translation, the night demon nodded quickly: "I understand your lord, I will do it right away!"
After speaking, the night demon mounted the bone dragon again, quickly climbed up, summoned the undead army, and prepared to leave here.
Takada and the city guards saw that even such a powerful undead creature was obedient to the road army, and their heads were lowered.
Lu Jun ignored the thoughts of these people. After finding that he hadn't missed anything, he raised his hand and signaled the elves to leave.
In this way, after spending a day in Xueyue City, Lu Jun and others finally started to return, braving the wind and snow to return to the frosty forest.
In general, the Lu Army earned a lot of things this trip, including the entire Xueyue City and a lot of spars.
Leaving aside the hundreds of thousands of city guards, the population of Xueyue City and the hidden supernatural powers in it alone are a huge wealth and will be of infinite help to the road army's future development.
Moreover, the Lu Army took down Xueyue City without a bloodbath, not much of its own loss, and it could bring back many elves who were taken away.
It is no exaggeration to say that after owning the two places of Frost Forest and Xueyue City, the road army is already the overlord of this area, even if the undead army returns, he will not be vain.
Of course, it is still too early to say this, and the planning of Xueyue City will take a lot of brains. Everything is still very long...
After the Lu Army and the others left, Takata breathed a sigh of relief, as if collapsed, because he was under too much pressure by the Lu Army's side.
However, even if the Lu Army left, Takata did not dare to neglect what he had said to the Lu Army.
So the first thing Takada did after returning to Xueyue City was to issue a few emergency orders to restrict the humans of Xueyue City from going to the frost forest, and forbid attacking any elven creatures. Treat each other with courtesy, and the offender shall make a decision.
Although the elven creatures will not come over for the time being, it may take some time before they and the elves want to make good friends.
But it's definitely right to make enough preparations in advance. Takata doesn't want to anger the road army because of this kind of thing.
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