Chapter 343: Zerg Lair

At the same time, on the other side, Xiaowan has been following the Zerg Corps for nearly two hours. During this period, these creatures have not changed their directions or made any other changes. They walked all the way on the plain, and the more they went, the more they got better. I don't understand what these creatures want to do.
Just when Xiaowan gradually lost her patience and wanted to give up following these creatures and was about to return to the bloodthirsty king bat, she suddenly noticed that the Zerg Corps had changed its direction and was walking towards the other side of the hill.
Seeing this, Xiaowan stood there hesitated for a while, and then decided to follow the Zerg Corps again. After all, she had followed the Zerg Corps for so long. She couldn't go back empty-handed. She had to gain a little bit. If she passed this hill, these The creature hasn't reached the destination yet, and it won't be too late for her to leave.
After making the decision, Xiaowan continued cautiously following far behind the Zerg Corps. Since she was driving on the road in the form of a dog, her senses were particularly keen, so she was not afraid of being attacked or ambushed by other creatures.
Fortunately, Xiao Wan did not follow for long this time. After 15 minutes, when the Zerg Corps disappeared on the hill, Xiao Wan also lowered her body, slowly climbed to the top of the hill, and then looked down with her small eyes. On the other side of the hill.
But just this look made her stunned, even for a few seconds, she even forgot to breathe, because with the help of the vision provided by the dog form, Xiao Wan could clearly see on the other side of the hill. Full of neat buildings.
If it is a normal building, Xiaowan might not be so surprised. The problem is that these buildings do not belong to the human world, but are made of unknown materials. A building is nearly 20 meters high and has many openings of different sizes. It was densely packed and looked like some kind of nest.
The most terrifying thing is that these buildings are not built by other creatures. It is the uncalculated number of ants and praying mantises, as well as a large number of creatures that Xiaowan doesn’t know. They walk, climb, and fly. Unknown materials are being continuously transported from the depths of the nest, and the building complex is constantly expanding.
As for the Zerg regiment that Xiaowan had just followed, it was just a member of this huge lair, and they no longer knew which hole to move the food back to.
Looking at this huge and magnificent nest, Xiao Wan was very excited, because she had never seen such a scene before, and it would be difficult to see it in the future.
But after the excitement, Xiao Wan fell into deep concern. After all, there are so many monsters living in such a large lair. If it comes out, it will definitely be a disaster.
And why are these creatures so smart? Everyone knows how to build buildings of this scale like human beings. Does this mean that their wisdom has been re-developed after the end of the world and reached a new height?
Or these creatures are not primitive creatures in this world, nor are they mutant creatures, but alien creatures brought by the end times? These are questions worth pondering.
But no matter what, you must report this discovery to the Lu Army. It seems that the human enemy is far more than the infected body and mutant beast, there are more terrifying things, Xiao Wan secretly guessed in her heart.
In fact, Xiaowan's conjecture is correct. There are countless nests of this size and even larger scales in the world. They come from different races, both sea, land and air.
As for why these races haven't started attacking everywhere, it's because they, like humans, know how to accumulate and take time to grow and develop. They have not yet fully evolved.
After they are fully prepared, they will inevitably have an impact on the world, plundering the resources and food they need. At that time, the world will be reshuffled, and mankind will usher in the darkest period after the end of the world. Seek survival in the cracks of various races.
A long time later, the surviving humans called the battles that took place in this dark period as race wars, in order to commemorate all the humans who died in this period. Of course, these are all things...
After taking a closer look at these buildings and these creatures, after remembering the specific appearance of these things, Xiao Wan was ready to climb down the hill to leave here, and could not stay here for too long.
After all, this place is terrible. Xiaowan felt her scalp tingling when she looked at the densely packed creatures. Fortunately, she grew a lot after the end of the world. She had the courage that did not belong to her age, otherwise she would have been scared to death...
Just as Xiaowan gently climbed a few meters below, when she was about to speed up and climb down, her sensitive ears suddenly heard a "buzzing" sound not far away.
The moment she heard this sound, Xiao Wan immediately stopped her crawling figure, breathed lightly, and lay quietly on the ground, because she knew that there must be flying creatures around her to make this sound.
A few seconds later, a team of fighting mantises in charge of patrolling flew towards Xiaowan's position. In fact, they didn't know Xiaowan was here, but this was their routine patrol position.
Xiaowan, who was lying on the ground, turned her head sideways and looked at the fighting mantis that was getting closer and closer to her. She said that she was not nervous and it was a fake. After all, if the Zerg creatures in the nest below came out, she would be in trouble. Up...
Although her heart was beating "boom", Xiaowan still managed to control her body and breathing, so that she lay on the ground like a rock.
Because she also knew that those fighting praying mantis didn't find herself, otherwise it wouldn't be such a little mantis coming. As long as she stayed still, those praying mantis might not find her at night, so she could pass through smoothly.
Xiao Wan's idea was correct. At night, the eyesight of these fighting mantises was indeed not very good, and because there had been no accidents, these mantises did not pay much attention to the bottom, and flew directly from above Xiaowan.
After seeing the praying praying mantis flying over, Xiaowan breathed a sigh of relief, and the cold sweat from her forehead also dripped on the ground. It was in the middle of the night that she was scared to death...
But before Xiaowan could make the next move, she suddenly felt a little loose in the soil under her body, and then a slight vibration came.
Xiao Wan, who was extremely vigilant, didn't hesitate at all. After feeling the abnormality, she rolled aside and got out of her original position.
At the moment she rolled away, there was a creature that was more than one meter long, with thick arms of an adult, black all over, and many small feet. It suddenly rushed out of the ground with its big mouth open. If it hadn't been for Xiaowan to roll over in time, she would definitely be bitten by it. .
Seeing the unknown creature rushing out of the soil, Xiao Wan was afraid that the creature was poisonous, so she didn't dare to attack with dog-shaped claws. She immediately removed the dog-shaped form, pulled out the dagger from her waist, and moved it to the head of the creature. Stab...
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