Chapter 359: Wolf Cavalry Team

The man called the Zhaizhu is the leader of Beizhai, Badong, and the sick man who just walked in is Badong’s capable man, Heiman. He is also responsible for the deployment of Beizhai’s foreign operations, which can be regarded as A figure in Beizhai.
Hearing Heiman's words for expedition, Badong frowned, released the woman in his arms and let the woman go out first.
After the woman left the room and closed the door, Badong lit a cigarette, took a strong breath, and said to Heiman in a deep voice, "What happened to the expedition?!"
Since his brother Barrow is in the expedition and has very important abilities, Padong is very concerned about the expedition in his heart.
Hearing Badong’s tone, Heyman knew that Badong was ready to be angry, and immediately lowered the hat on his head and said,
Since early morning, we have never received the signal from the expedition. This is very abnormal. , So I think something might happen to them..."
But before Heiman finished speaking, Badong came to Heiman and slapped Heiman's face with a "slap", knocking the thin Heiman to the ground, even his hat. Lost.
After playing Heiman, Badong continued to take a puff of the flue in his hand as if nothing had happened. "Didn't you promise that the expedition's combat effectiveness was sufficient? How could something happen now?"
Heyman on the ground heard Badong’s question and quickly stood up from the ground, lowered his head and explained, "The village master, the superpowers in our expedition team, are all strong in our Beizhai, plus one There are more than a hundred elite gun guards, and the combat effectiveness is absolutely sufficient. The previous few trips were fine, and I don’t know why there was an accident this time..."
After listening to Heiman’s explanation, Badong nodded, and then slapped Heiman’s face with a "slap", but this time Heiman was ready and he was not beaten up like last time. under.
After playing Heiman, Badong took another puff of smoke. "My brother is on the expedition. He still has such an important ability. What should I do now? You can tell."
Hearing Badong’s words, Heiman's body trembled, because he sensed Badong’s murderous intent, he immediately said,
The owner, I know the approximate location of the last time the expedition sent back the signal. I’ll take it right now. People go looking for them..."
When Heiman finished speaking, Badong nodded and said, "You take two hundred people and five supernaturalists out. If my brother is still alive, bring him back safely. If he dies, you will be responsible for killing him. The person or monster who attacked him, and then brought back my brother's body."
"In addition, notify the other deputy village masters to come to the meeting right away. By the way, let our people stop the meeting for a few days and prohibit all actions. Did I understand enough?"
Hearing Badong’s explanation, Heiman nodded quickly and said, "Understood...understood..."
After speaking, Heiman picked up his hat on the ground and walked outside without looking back.
After Heiman left the room, Badong squeezed out the cigarette in his hand with his fingers, and let the bulging woman outside come in. After a while, an indescribable voice sounded in the room...
At the same time, Lu Jun and Xiao Wan rushed at full speed and were already close to the place where the West Wind Fortress was located. At this time, the sky gradually dimmed, and it is estimated that it will be completely dark in half an hour.
Just as the Lu Army was about to rush out of the forest surrounding the Westerly Fortress and reach the Westerly Fortress, the ostrich under his crotch suddenly stopped and roared vigilantly, as if there was something terrifying it ahead, Xiao Wan The same goes for the ostrich under the crotch.
Just as the Lu Army took out the Death Slaughter 8000 and wondered what was in front of him, suddenly a group of orcs riding Frostwolf and armed with energy axes rushed out from the front. There were fifteen orcs in number. .
The moment Xiao Wan saw this team of orcs, she immediately turned on her canine form, and called the bloodthirsty king bat flying above the forest, ready to fight.
But when the Lu Army saw this team of orcs, they didn't panic at all. Instead, they smiled and waved to Xiaowan to signal her not to be nervous, because he recognized that the team of orcs in front of him was the wolf cavalry produced by the West Wind Fortress. His subordinates.
Sure enough, after the wolf cavalry team approached the Lu Army, they all jumped from behind the Frostwolf, and then knelt on one knee in front of the Lu Army. The centurion of the wolf cavalry closest to the Lu Army immediately faced the Lu Army Road. "Dear Lord Lord, I am your most loyal subordinate, Centurion of the Wolf Cavalry Squad. You can call me Raku. We have been waiting for you here for a long time."
Hearing the words of the Wolf Cavalry Centurion, the Lu Army raised his hand and motioned the wolf cavalry team in front of him to stand up. He did not expect that in just a few days, the West Wind Fortress had produced so many wolf cavalry.
Xiao Wan on the side saw that these orcs respect the Lu Army so much, her eyes widened in surprise, silently lifted her canine form, and looked at the Lu Army with a dazed expression...
Lu Jun didn’t explain anything to Xiaowan, but said to the Wolf Cavalry Centurion who stood up several heads higher than him,
Laku, how do you know that I’m back? Take me in first, I can’t wait to see. What has become of Westwind Fortress."
Hearing the words of the Lu Army, the loyal wolf cavalry centurion slowly said, "Yes, my lord, your breath is engraved in the soul of each of our orc warriors. As soon as you approach the range of the West Wind Fortress, we will I can feel it."
After speaking, the wolf cavalry centurion and other wolf cavalry fighters mounted the Frostwolf, silently opened the way in front, protecting Lu Jun and Xiao Wan in the middle.
Xiao Wan looked at the well-disciplined wolf cavalry soldiers and the highly vigilant Frostwolf, and she couldn't help but whispered to Lu Jundao, "Brother Lu Jun, are these all your people? But they weren’t before. Did you die in that small gathering place?"
The reason Xiao Wan would ask this is that she had seen these wolf cavalry when they escaped from the initial small gathering place with the Lu Army and Ruan Bing a while ago.
And she still remembered that the bone chain on her neck was given to the Lu Army by a dead wolf cavalry centurion, so now it’s strange to see the wolf cavalry alive...
Hearing Xiaowan's question, the Lu Army scratched his head in embarrassment, "Uh... these wolf cavalry are not the same group as the ones you have seen before. Those were indeed killed in battle before. As for how they came, I am also I don’t know how to explain it to you. Anyway, you remember that they are our friends, not enemies. You are the first to know about this. No one else has been here..."
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