Chapter 384: Killed the tyrant infected body and ran away

When the infected body of the tyrant without the epidermal protective layer found that it was bitten by the dinosaur, it wanted to stand up and fight back, but the Abelisaurus body and the Chinese Raptor were firmly pressed on it, even though it was too powerful to stand up , Can only lie on the ground and continue to be bitten by two dinosaurs.
Seeing that he couldn't get up, the infected tyrant without the epidermal protective layer panicked, and quickly called his companion next to it, hoping that the other two infected tyrants could come and help him.
But the other two infected tyrants are competing with the copy of Abelisaurus at this time. How can there be anything else? They weren't bitten anyway...
Seeing this, the tyrant infected body without the epidermal protective layer was a little desperate, and immediately let out a miserable wailing, not because it felt pain, but because it wanted to call for help to the corpse controller and the surrounding mutant infected body through wailing. Without support it feels like it will be torn apart.
Hearing the tyrant infected body's cry for help, the corpse controller felt something was wrong, and immediately asked the surrounding mutant infected body to help the corpse controller. It didn't want to lose a "general" in such a place.
The mutant infected bodies that received the order of the corpse controller immediately acted. The elite infected bodies and the double hammer infected bodies immediately attacked the positions of the Abelisaurus and the Chinese Raptor. Their strength is relatively large, and they can attack together. Caused damage to Tier A dinosaurs.
But how could the Lu Army let these mutant infected bodies support the tyrant infected bodies? He saw the mutant infected body approaching, and immediately used the ability to rewind time continuously, relying on one person's power to control the mutant infected body in all directions and not let them interfere with the battlefield.
However, after using several powers in succession, Lu Jun's brain power began to be overwhelmed. He still had to maintain the summons of Abelisaurus and Chinese Raptor, and his brain power could not be consumed too much.
Therefore, they must solve the tyrant infected body on the ground within ten seconds, otherwise the mutant infected bodies will support them after they are released from control.
Thinking of this, the Lu Army immediately asked Abelisaurus and Chinese Raptor to speed up the killing of the infected body of the tyrant, and he himself filled the Death Tu 8000 with bullets, preparing to find a suitable angle to kill the infected body of the tyrant. .
However, due to the fierce resistance of the infected tyrant, the Lu Army sat on the back of Abelizon, making it difficult to find the angle to shoot.
And his time-retrospective ability could not control the infected body of the tyrant on the ground. The attack of the two dinosaurs only tore off the two arms of the infected body of the tyrant, and failed to damage the head of the infected body of the tyrant.
Seeing that the time is running out, the mutant infected bodies controlled by time retrospective will resume their actions soon. The Lu Jun feels abrupt, no longer hesitating, and jumps directly from the back of Abelilong to the ground, holding the death massacre. The Type 8000 shot three shots at the infected tyrant's head at close range, and instantly blasted the infected tyrant's head to pieces.
Although this move by the Lu Army was very dangerous, he would be dead if he was hit by the infected body of the tyrant, but in order to kill the infected body of the tyrant as fast as possible, he had to do this.
"The hunting mission is to kill the infected body of the Tier A tyrant, reward dragon coins400, dragon title value900, and Tier A dragon rider's supply box1."
The Lu Jun breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the reminder of the completion of the hunting mission, but now the surrounding mutant infected body has been released from the control of time retrospective, and is surrounding the location of the Lu Jun.
The Lu Army could only flash back to the back of the Abelisaurus body, and then let the Abelisaurus and the Chinese Raptor begin to break through the encirclement of the mutant infected body and prepare to walk up the hill.
The Abelisaurus body and Chinese Raptor who heard the order of the Lu Army also understood what the Lu Army meant, and immediately flung their tails to disperse the surrounding infected bodies a bit.
Then they stepped away from their sturdy hind limbs, ignoring the common infected and mutant infected in front of them, and walked straight up the hill.
Before leaving, Abelilong did not forget to bite off the head of the tyrant's infected body and chewed the Tier A corpse crystal inside, turning the tyrant's infected body into a headless corpse...
The other two infected tyrants with an epidermal protective layer saw their companions dead, and the Abelisaurus body and Chinese Raptor had also run away. They were very angry, and hurriedly threw down the Abelisaurus clone to chase after. Up.
Although they don't care about the life and death of their companions, they absolutely cannot tolerate the "food" running away, so they want to get rid of the Abelisaurus body and Chinese raptors, so that they can have a full meal.
The Lu Army saw the infected body of a tyrant chasing behind, and did not panic too much, and let the Abelisaurus body and the Chinese Raptor continue to circulate at speed. He and the dinosaurs are now in a very good position, with their backs on the hill, they can always Withdrawal, as long as you don't fall into the siege of the infected group, it's fine.
Abelisaurus and Chinese Raptor, who understand the meaning of the road army, are not in a hurry. They keep killing the infected bodies around them while keeping a distance from the other two tyrant infected bodies. In a short time, the number of ordinary infected bodies they kill is just Reached a thousand.
The corpse controller hiding in the distance learned that one of his tyrant's infected bodies had been killed and the other party ran away. It was shocked because it did not expect that the other party would dare to be so arrogant when surrounded by many infected bodies.
Just as the corpse controller was about to send out all the mutant infected bodies to rush to encircle the road army and the dinosaurs, it suddenly realized that this would probably waste a lot of time, delaying their progress towards the Westwind Fortress, and ordered all the infected bodies to come back. Chasing it again, because now the target of the corpse controller is the West Wind Fortress, it doesn't want to have extra branches.
After receiving the order from the corpse controller, the infected bodies that were chasing the road army and the dinosaurs retreated collectively and returned to the group of infected bodies below. Some mutant infected bodies were protected on the flanks to prevent the road army and the two dinosaurs from returning. Sneak attack.
And the two infected tyrants saw that the corpse controller actually asked them to retreat, and they were a little unwilling, because they really couldn't figure out why they wanted to let the food that was about to reach their mouths away.
However, due to the powerful deterrence of the corpse controller, they had to stop pursuing, viciously looked at the figures of the Lu Army and the two dinosaurs before returning to the infected group.
But when they returned to the infected group, they discovered that the original copy of Abelisaurus had disappeared. This was because the copy lasted only about ten minutes, and it would automatically disappear when the time came.
But the infected tyrants don’t know this. The disappearance of the food makes them very angry. They looked around curiously. If there were no bones on the ground, they all suspected that they were eaten by other infected...
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