Chapter 526: Cracking method

Looking at the big bear falling to the ground and the smell of "barbecue" in the air, Lu Jun's heart tightened and he immediately supported the big bear with a particle shield to prevent him from receiving secondary damage.
Seeing that the big bear was attacked, Mu Mu and others immediately gave up the attack, and placed a protective formation around the big bear. The Northern Lion also squatted on the ground to check the bear's injuries.
But the young man with sunglasses did not intend to let the bear go like this. He raised his hand and shot two lasers on the wood. The surrounding abilities also used abilities to besie the wood and others. Fortunately, there is wood in front of them. The particle shield can barely hold it.
Fortunately, the big bear finally slowly got up from the ground and waved his hand with difficulty, indicating that he could hold it.
His chest was scorched black, and there were some faint blood stains. If he hadn't just turned on the frenzied form to increase his own defenses, he would have been killed...
Seeing that the big bear was not in serious trouble, everyone sighed with relief, and Ruan Xue used Wood Resuscitation as quickly as possible to help the big bear recover from his wounds.
But before Lu Jun and others had time to slow down, the person in charge of the research institute sent two middle-aged supernaturalists to attack the wood.
One of the powers’ ability is heavy pressure. When he gets close to Mu Mu and others, the pressure around him instantly increases, making the actions that Mu Mu and others could easily complete become extremely difficult, let alone let go of hands and feet to fight. .
Another supernatural player's ability is the electric field. When he gets close to the wood and the others, a lot of electric elements are generated around him, which instantly makes the wood and the others numb.
Under the interaction of the two abilities, Mu Mu and others were restricted in their actions, unable to control their limbs at all, and naturally lost the ability to attack and defend.
Seeing that Mu and others were recruited, the person in charge of the scientific research institute was very excited, and immediately let his own supernatural powers besie Mu Mu and others, preparing to take the opportunity to kill Mu Mu and others.
Seeing this, the Lu Army couldn’t sit still anymore, and regardless of the hidden powers of the opponent’s abilities, he directly summoned Abelizon and let it rush towards the person in charge of the scientific research institute. The boss is killed.
Looking at the behemoth in front of them, the person in charge of the scientific research institute and the supernatural beings around him couldn't help taking two steps back. After all, they were still a little scared of this unknown creature.
But Abelisaurus didn't care whether the enemy was afraid of it or not, it rushed straight into the blisters in front of it, and then opened its mouth to get a big flame, and the target was the head of the scientific research institute who was shrinking behind.
Seeing the scorching heat flying towards them, the head of the scientific research institute couldn't help shaking his legs several times.
Fortunately, the young supernatural player who had been standing next to him immediately shrank the size of the blisters, making the blisters a width that could only accommodate a few of them.
In the case of shrinking several times, the defensive power of the blisters has also risen in a straight line, firmly resisting the flame of Abelilong, without revealing the slightest flaw.
Seeing that even the flame breath of Abelisaurus was blocked, the Lu Army felt a headache, because the enemy was holding a "tortoise shell" to contain all their attack methods.
Although Lu Jun wanted to use time backtracking to control the opponent, he just tried it and found that the layer of blisters could block the time backtracking, and he couldn't control the enemy hiding inside.
Just as Lu Jun quickly thought about what to do next, Lin Xiaobai next to him suddenly turned his head and said, "Brother, I may have a way to destroy the blisters, but it is very difficult for me to pass, and the process will be very short. You have to seize the opportunity to launch the attack in time."
Hearing Lin Xiaobai's words, the Lu Army's spirits refreshed. He didn't know what Lin Xiaobai said to crack the method, but he didn't need to know too clearly at this time because he believed in Lin Xiaobai.
"Okay, I can send you there, as long as you can destroy that layer of blisters, everything will be easy to handle." Lu Jun said solemnly to Lin Xiaobai in front of him.
After speaking, the Lu Army took Lin Xiaobai's hand, propped up a thick particle shield and ran forward.
Ruan Bing and others stayed behind to cover the road army to prevent the road army and Lin Xiaobai's plan from being disturbed.
The person in charge of the scientific research institute was very puzzled when he saw Lu Jun rushing over with a person, and instinctively wanted to retreat.
But he relied on his own blisters to protect him, and he had the upper hand. If he retreated, it would hurt morale, so he bit his head and stayed.
However, the person in charge of the scientific research institute also knew that the Lu Army was not easy to provoke and could not let the Lu Army approach like this. He immediately ordered the people around to concentrate the firepower on the Lu Army. Just some trouble.
Hearing the order of the person in charge of the scientific research institute, the city defense army immediately took action, whether it was a supernatural person or an ordinary person, all transferred firepower, forming a dense firepower network to sweep the road army.
Especially the young supernatural person wearing sunglasses, the red laser in his hand has not stopped, and no less than 20 lasers were fired within ten seconds.
In the face of this level of firepower, although the Lu Army was not injured, his brain power was rapidly declining, and it was quickly consumed by half. It is expected that the remaining brain power will not last even a minute.
Fortunately, the road army ran very fast, not far from the position of the person in charge of the scientific research institute, and immediately advanced about five meters in front of the person in charge of the scientific research institute.
Seeing this, the Lu Army did not hesitate anymore, pulling Lin Xiaobai directly and using the flash, came not far behind the person in charge of the scientific research institute, and avoided all firepower attacks by the way.
But even if the Lu Army came to this position, it would not be able to break the blister. After all, this strange blister could not be broken even with the attack of Abelilong.
"Quick! Xiaobai!" Lu Jun shouted to Lin Xiaobai without looking back. Now he can only pin his hope of breaking the blisters on Lin Xiaobai.
Hearing Lu Jun’s shout, Lin Xiaobai also knew that the situation was urgent. He had to seize this rare opportunity, and immediately walked two steps forward, touching the blisters in front of him with his hand, and at the same time activated her ability. , The power of ice cold.
The person in charge of the research institute and the supernatural beings around him saw Lu Jun "flying" behind them in the blink of an eye, and their eyes widened, wondering what was going on.
But they didn't froze for too long. They turned around holding their weapons, and poured firepower on the particle shields in front of Lu Jun and Lin Xiaobai.
In this situation, the Lu Army had no other choice but to maintain the particle shield with all its strength, to protect Lin Xiaobai's safety, and to help Lin Xiaobai buy time.
However, because he is very close to the enemy's ability, the enemy's attack will have a higher hit rate and destructive power, and the particle shield of the road army has actually been unable to support...
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