Chapter 564: explosion

Seeing that the fallen warriors he worked so hard to make were constantly dying, the black bird was not anxious, but at this time he had no other way but to make other fallen warriors speed up the destruction of the liquid cage.
But at this moment, the black bird suddenly saw a little boy less than 1.5 meters tall appeared outside the liquid cage, walking in the direction where the explosives were placed.
The back of the little boy made Blackbird feel very familiar, as if he had seen it before, but the blackbird couldn't remember it all at once.
Three seconds later, Blackbird saw that the little boy walking far away was actually destroying the detonator they had set up, which surprised Blackbird.
"No! He wants to destroy our plan! Go and stop him!" Blackbird shouted loudly to the dozens of fallen warriors outside the liquid cage.
Hearing the words of the black bird, the fallen warriors outside the cage immediately took action, rushing towards the boy's position as quickly as possible, running and casting abilities in an attempt to stop the boy's movements.
Seeing many fallen warriors attacking him, the little boy gritted his teeth and could only stop attacking the detonator, activated his own power, and re-drilled into the liquid next to him.
While the little boy avoided, the black bird also took the opportunity to see the boy's front face. When the black bird discovered that the little boy was the first person to participate in the experiment a few days ago, his eyes widened.
"It's him! It's him! How could it be! He clearly died in front of us! How could it be alive! How could it..." Blackbird couldn't help muttering to himself, he couldn't believe his eyes.
The fifth person on the side also saw the little boy's appearance, and his inner shock was no less than that of Blackbird.
However, in this way, he can figure out who made this liquid cage and why they have been targeted in recent days.
"Leave him alone! Time is running out! We have to get out of here quickly!" Old Wu tugged Blackbird's arm loudly.
But at the same time he finished speaking, the surrounding liquid cage suddenly showed signs of collapse. It may be that the little boy's brain power was insufficient, or it may be the attack of a group of fallen warriors.
Seeing this, the black bird immediately regained his senses in a daze, and the basic brain power condensed a large group of black crows, and went straight to the liquid cage that was about to dissipate.
Under the full attack of the black bird, only a "clang" sound was heard, and the liquid cage shattered like glass, leaving only a large pool of water.
Seeing that the liquid cage that had delayed them two or three minutes was finally broken, the old fifth was too happy to let a group of fallen soldiers rush out of the city gate, leaving only ten fallen soldiers to delay the infected black thorn.
But this time Blackbird and others were not blocked anymore, they left the city gate easily and ran far away.
The little boy who used his abilities to sneak into the liquid and hide in the ground was very angry when he saw the black bird and the others run away, but his abilities had been exhausted, and he could no longer use the liquid cage. He could only watch the black bird and the others go away. .
But the little boy didn't choose to catch up like before, because he knew he couldn't catch up at his speed.
What's more, the pile of explosives at the city gate will soon be detonated. He has no ability to continue to stop him, so he can only leave here as soon as possible, otherwise he will be affected.
Thinking of this, the little boy silently controlled the liquid he converted to move into the Tianhai gathering place...
The infected black thorn saw the fifth run away, and wanted to go forward and chase it, but soon there were ten fallen fighters attacking it, causing the infected black thorn to be forced to fight the fallen fighters.
When the black thorn infected body killed the ten fallen warriors, the fifth class had already run away, leaving only the empty gates.
Looking at the high explosives under the city gate and the city wall, the black thorn infected body did not choose to approach, let alone rush out of the city gate, because it felt a dangerous breath.
But it was so unwilling to escape the black thorn infected body by the fifth, so it rushed towards the survivors behind, wanting to kill some people casually.
The survivors who had been standing in the distance and watching saw the black thorn infected body killing the people at the city gate unexpectedly ran towards them again, and instantly weakened their legs and almost fell to the ground unsteadily.
" away...the monster is coming..." I don't know who shouted in the crowd, and then the thousands of people gathered around the city gate started to commotion.
The crowd in front wanted to run to the back. The people behind didn't know what happened in front of them. They only saw the city gates wide open and no one was defending. They wanted to squeeze to the front.
After this round of pushing, the people hiding in the middle were miserable. They kept falling to the ground because of the pushing, and were stepped under the feet by the chaotic crowd.
When the black thorn infected body entered the crowd, the survivors became even more embarrassed. They didn't even know where they were going to flee next, and could only approach the city gate under the push of the rear.
The black thorn infected body was shocked when seeing this group of crazy humans approaching the city gate that was about to explode, and was ready to leave the crowd and escape into the surrounding buildings. After all, it didn't want to be killed by the humans.
But the black thorn infected body did not jump up after a few consecutive jumps, because the surroundings were crowded with chaotic humans, which caused it to become entangled. It was easy to get in, but difficult to get out...
Seeing himself getting closer and closer to the source of the explosion, the infected black thorn roared twice in despair.
But this doesn’t change anything. It’s still being forced to move forward, so it will kill the people next to it with its sharp claws, and there will be new people to make up, endless. This is also the evolution of the black thorn infected body to A. For the first time since I felt fear.
The survivors walking in the front also saw explosives piled up at the city gates and walls. They wanted to stop the people behind because they didn't know when these things exploded.
But their voices were too small for the chaotic crowd, and they were soon drowned in various exclamations and crying.
In this way, as time passed, thirty seconds passed quickly, and there were only a few seconds left before the explosives were detonated.
Instead of retreating, the survivors moved closer to the gate. Some survivors were even squeezed under the gate.
A few seconds later, the countdown of the detonator became zero, and only the explosion of "Boom boom boom!!!" continued to sound, shocking the entire ground.
The chaotic voices and chaotic figures of the survivors disappeared with the sound of the explosion and the flames created by the explosion.
The original solid gates and marble walls were even more unbearable, and collapsed one after another in the explosion...
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