Chapter 797: Chaos

Looking at the glacier crocodile trying to run, the elves immediately recovered from their stupefaction and raised their weapons to stop the glacier crocodile, blocking the path of the glacier crocodile.
At the same time, more elves are coming from the side, blocking all the roads, their expressions are full of excitement.
This is because in the previous battle, the glacier crocodile killed many of their companions, and now it is finally time for them to take revenge.
Seeing that his path was blocked, the glacier crocodile knew that he would die if he stayed here, and began to bite left and right, trying to make a way out.
The elves also knew that they were not the opponents of the glacier crocodile, and did not choose to stay with the flesh, but used long-range attacks to contain the glacier crocodile and delay time.
Faced with so many long-range attacks, the glacier crocodile dared not carry it hard, and could not help slowing down its forward pace.
This move gave the Lu Army and the Watchers a chance. After a little slowdown, the Lu Army rushed up with a bone spear.
Immediately after that, the Lu Army exerted the greatest strength, raised the bone spear and stab the glacier crocodile fiercely on the tail, and nailed the glacier crocodile with its tail and body to the ground.
Although it is not easy for such a small bone spear to trap a huge glacier crocodile, it is not a problem to control it for ten seconds.
Not to be outdone, the watcher flashed directly to the right side of the glacier crocodile, and raised the thorn wheel to the belly of the glacier crocodile for a few times, until the muscles of the glacier crocodile were cut open, and something similar to the intestines came out.
Originally, the glacier crocodile was stabbed in the mouth by the road army underwater and it was uncomfortable, but now it has suffered such a heavy injury, and it is even more painful.
Although I hated the Lu Army and the Watcher in my heart, the glacier crocodile did not intend to consume it here, and still endured the pain and rushed forward, ready to go into the water.
But its tail was nailed to the ground by a bone spear, and the control was relatively firm, causing it to temporarily fail to escape.
In addition, the action of the glacier crocodile is more intense, which makes its intestines and some disgusting liquid flow out a little more.
Seeing the embarrassment of the glacier crocodile, the elven warriors grew courageous, and stepped closer to the glacier crocodile again, calling all kinds of attacks on the glacier crocodile.
This made the glacier crocodile extremely angry, because it had never been so humiliated by its weak creatures.
So the next moment, the glacier emperor crocodile used its own frost ability without hesitation, violently frozen, and condensing a large range of snowflakes.
Any elf warrior touched by these snowflakes will be trapped in a short period of freezing, unable to move or make an attack. Only the Lu Army and the Watcher are stronger and escaped.
And at the moment the violent ice seal was used, the wound on the abdomen of the glacier crocodile was also frozen, along with the intestines flowing out.
Although this approach will cause some irreversible damage to the glacier crocodile, but fortunately, the blood that it continuously gushes out has finally stopped.
In the next moment, the glacier emperor crocodile suddenly burst into a powerful force, slammed its tail, broke the bone spear, and ran forward.
As the elven warriors were frozen and unable to block the glacier crocodile, the army behind them would not be able to come up again for a while, and the watcher stepped forward and it was useless, allowing the glacier crocodile to approach the river step by step.
The Lu Jun really did not expect that the glacier crocodile still had this hand, and regretted that he did not prevent the glacier crocodile. If he could be more alert, it would be a pity that none of this can be repeated...
Seeing that the glacier crocodile was about to jump into the river, a tyrannosaurus suddenly rushed out from the side and slammed into the body of the glacier crocodile, interrupting the glacier crocodile's pace.
In fact, from the moment the Lu Army fought with the glacier emperor crocodile, the tyrannosaurus was here to support, but it was delayed by some glacier crocodiles on the way, fortunately, it finally arrived at the most critical time.
The glacier crocodile was stunned by the Tyrannosaurus hit, turned his head and glanced at the side.
When it saw a Tyrannosaurus standing next to it, it was so scared that it could not stand still.
Because with its strength, there is still a chance to fight a Tyrannosaurus in the river, and there is no chance at all on the land.
So in order to survive, the glacier crocodile rushed into the river without hesitation. Now it is less than five meters from the surface of the river, and it can jump in almost a few steps.
As soon as it enters the river, it will not be afraid of anything, even if the creature is stronger than it, it can't help it, the glacier emperor crocodile thought happily.
However, before it had time to take two steps, it suddenly felt that its tail was bitten, and there was still a huge force pulling it, causing its body to retreat uncontrollably.
After the glacier crocodile turned his head, he found that the Tyrannosaurus had bitten it and dragged it away from the river.
This time, the Glacier Crocodile was reluctant. Turning back, dozens of frost bombs hit the tyrannosaurus, marking the skin of the tyrannosaurus one by one.
But the attack of the glacier crocodile is only like this. In the case of no time to gather large-scale capabilities, it cannot harm the Tyrannosaurus.
As time passed, the elven warriors who had just been frozen by the glacier crocodile gradually recovered, staring at the glacier crocodile with gloating eyes.
Although the glacier crocodile can use the attack just now, this approach has no meaning, not to mention that it is being dragged by the Tyrannosaurus, and there is no such time.
At this time, another tyrannosaurus also happened to come over. As soon as it arrived, it bit the left arm of the glacier crocodile, and the two tyrannosaurus besieged the glacier crocodile together, and they fought hard.
Although they are both of Tier S, the strengths of the Tyrannosaurus and the glacier crocodile are obviously not at the same level, and the glacier crocodile can only be bitten.
Coupled with the fact that Tyrannosaurus fights one by two, or the kind of attack from the front and back, the glacier crocodile has no resistance at all, the wounds on the body are getting bigger and bigger, and the blood flowing out is more and more.
Seeing that the glacier emperor crocodile that almost ran away the previous moment was planted into the hands of the dinosaurs, the Lu Army and the watchman were relieved and almost gave up their efforts just now.
Lin Yilan and the other elves stared at the battlefield as if they were watching the excitement, because watching the horrible glacier emperor crocodile get beaten is a very enjoyable thing...
This scene was also seen by the glacier crocodile in the river, and saw that they gave up directly attacking the elves who were crossing the river, and instead rushed towards the shore, intending to rescue their leader, the glacier crocodile.
At the same time, more glacier crocodiles are coming down from the upper reaches of the river, at least three thousand in number.
Although this number is not much compared to undead creatures, the presence of more than 3,000 Tier A creatures in this place is also a force that cannot be underestimated.
As a result, the elves were even more busy. They almost gave up on crossing the river and began to defend the glacier crocodile's attack with all their strength...
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