Chapter 865: The hunt has begun...

"The last question, do you know that Xueyue City caught a lot of elves in the Frost Forest? What forces did it?" Lu Jun asked suddenly.
"Why do you even know this?" Buffy was obviously surprised by the road army's problem, still maintaining the action of handing out the map. "There is indeed such a thing, and it was Takada who did it with his guards. This is called hunting."
"It seems that it has just been a week since the last hunt. It is said that there are harvests every time, but they are very concealed and ordinary people generally don't know."
"Furthermore, Takata also issued an order in Xueyue City that anyone who catches the elves can sell them to him at a high price and collect them indefinitely. This once triggered the craze of capturing elves in Xueyue City."
These words made Lu Jun's face instantly gloomy, and at the same time he made up his mind to overthrow Takada.
"Then what did they do to capture these elves? It seems that the fighting power of these elves is not very strong, right? Is it necessary to spend so much manpower and material resources?" Lin Yilan on the side didn't understand this.
"Hey, little girl, let's put it this way, people like Takada don't have to worry about food or clothes, and Xueyuecheng has nothing to do for him. Over time, he becomes bored and he wants to find excitement everywhere."
"And these new human-like species are the points that he finds exciting. Generally, male elves will be distributed to other big forces in Xueyue City to build relationships."
"The beautiful female elves usually keep them for themselves. Even if I don't say anything, you should know what they are."
"As for the market price of these elves, I really don't know, because I am not interested in reselling people, nor have I seen these creatures. I only know that these elves are miserable in Xueyue City." Buffy sighed deeply. Tone, it seemed that the elves should not suffer from this.
"Okay, this is your reward, thanks, remember that I came to you and don't talk about it, otherwise I won't be able to control you when you die." Lu Jun took the map in Buffy's hand and looked at it for a while. Then he threw two S-step spars to Buffy, turned around and pulled Lin Yi lazy to the entrance of the tavern.
Looking at the Lu Jun just giving him this level of spar, Buffy's eyes were widened, because this obviously exceeded the value of the information itself.
Lu Jun himself didn't think there was anything. He now has the armed mods restored. There are as many spars in it. Taking out S-order spars is as simple as taking out D-order spars.
"Eh... his characteristic is that he has a black birthmark on his left cheek. He is very strong. You must not be careless..." Buffy reminded him again, but Lu Jun had already walked out of the tavern.
However, Buffy's words could still be heard by Lu Jun, but he didn't take it too seriously.
Because now he originally had the strength of Tier 4, the surrounding black-robed men also had a lot of Tier 3.
The most important thing is that there is a super-rank Southern Giant Beast Dragon Town. He doesn't believe that Xueyue City has more power than them, at least not at this stage.
After leaving the house, the Lu Army quickly showed the map given by Buffy to everyone and marked the location of the snow camp.
"We are a dozen kilometers away from Xueying Shaoxing, do we want to go over?" Hongyue said while looking at the scale of the map.
"No, that's too slow and too conspicuous. Let's go back to the original place and ask the elves to fly us over."
After speaking, the Lu Army led everyone out of the tavern and drove back all the way.
Buffy, hiding behind the tavern door, looked at the back of Lu Jun and others, and secretly doubted the identity of these people in black robes.
But he dared not ask more, nor did he dare to tell others, because he told the road army the news of Takata, then no matter what happened next, he could not get out of the relationship.
And Buffy has an instinct that something big will happen in Xueyue City these days.
As for what it is, Buffy is not sure, and he can't control it, just hope it won't affect him...
While the Lu Army and others were advancing at full speed, they quickly returned to the unmanned land before.
As the watcher sent out brain waves, the druids of the bird of prey and the antler eagle, who had been hovering in the air, soon flew down and carried the black-robed people on again.
With the help of the druid of the bird of prey and the antler eagle, everyone flew over half of Xueyue City in only forty minutes and came to the top of the snow camp.
Looking at the buildings made of ice blocks below, Lu Jun planned to let everyone find a place to go down.
But the watchman seemed to have discovered something, and directly used the flash, from the back of the druid of the bird of prey, came to the road army and Lin Yilaan.
"We can't go down now. They have hidden a lot of sentries underneath. We will definitely be discovered when we land like this."
After speaking, the watchman pointed to a few high points, indicating that there were sentries from the snow camp in these places.
"Perhaps we can kill them and occupy these high points. It will be much more convenient when we act." Lin Yilan made an idea next to him.
"Do you need this? Then I can go down now, and I promise not to let others find out." The watchman asked the road army's opinion.
"They must be killed, but not now, because they may have to rotate later, and we will be exposed at that time. Let's wait until night to act." Lu Jun said, touching his chin.
"But it's only past four o'clock, and it's still an hour before it gets dark. Are we going to stay on it?" Lin Yi lazy rubbed his cheeks red from the cold.
"Well, you have to wait. By the way, you can figure out all the important points of Xueying, and when the time is up, you will get rid of them." Lu Jun said viciously.
He still remembers what Buffy said before, so he was full of malice towards the guards of Takata.
"Okay, I will mark all the points right away!" The watcher looked at the Xueying below and was secretly excited, nodded quickly, and immediately used the flash to leave.
In this way, in the following time, the Lu Army and others have been waiting to spend.
During the period, the watchman used her special abilities to mark high points, while Lu Jun and Lin Yilan looked at the gate of Xueying to see if any special people and teams passed.
Because Lu Jun and others didn't know exactly what Takada looked like, and didn't even know whether Takada was in the snow camp, they could only search it this way.
With the passage of time, the sky soon dimmed, and the dim lights in the snow camp continued to light up, so that the guards in the snow camp would not be in the dark to watch the night.
But under this kind of light, the field of vision of the guards is only 30 meters, and it is almost impossible for them to see the road army and others in the sky.
Lu Jun also understood this, and saw that he slowly raised his right hand, made a downward movement, and sneered: "Hunting, it's started..."
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