Chapter 972: Bait?

In this way, in the case of being besieged from top to bottom, the lickers had no chance of turning over, and they were all killed after only struggling for about three minutes.
You should know that this is a new type of infectious body that has just appeared, and its strength is relatively powerful in the infected group, and thousands of them have been killed in one shot.
Even if the infected body group is as high as seven million, but so many high-end powers die at one time, it is estimated that it will be a relatively heavy blow to them.
Looking at the result of her battle, Xiao Wan was very happy, and was about to let the dinosaurs kill to the left to expand the result.
But at this moment, the voice of the Lu Army suddenly heard from the single channel of the short-range communicator: "Xiaowan, get out! You are about to be surrounded!"
Listening to this, Xiao Wan couldn't help widening her eyes, waving her four wings, flying up a few meters, and looking around the situation on the battlefield.
This look directly frightened her, because from a high place, it could be clearly seen that they were surrounded by elite infections, with a total of 30,000 or 40,000, and they did not know when they came.
The elite infected body is occasionally mixed with the double hammer infected body, even the tyrant infected body, and the encirclement has been formed.
This made Xiaowan pat her forehead abruptly and scolded herself carelessly.
Because she had been concentrating on killing the licker just now, without noticing the movement of other infected bodies.
The corpse controller also happened to take advantage of this, causing the elite infected body and other mutant infected bodies to quietly surround it.
First, in order to kill the lickers, Xiaowan and the dinosaurs did not hesitate to go deep into the infected group, allowing them to gain a geographical advantage.
Second, the number of elite infected bodies in the entire infected body group is relatively large, and the combat power is much stronger than ordinary infected bodies, which is very suitable for besieging strong enemies.
If in normal times, Xiaowan might order to break through immediately, after all, the slower the walk, the more troublesome it will be.
But now she didn't dare to do this, because they went too deep, causing infected bodies in all directions, with more than one hundred or two hundred thousand infected bodies on each side.
It's fine if it's an ordinary infected body, but there are also tens of thousands of mutant infected bodies mixed in between the ordinary infected bodies, which prevents her from acting rashly.
Seeing that there was really no way to go out, Xiaowan immediately made a decision and pressed the short-range communicator: "Brother Lu Jun, we may need support. The enemy's encirclement has been formed, and it is difficult for the dinosaurs to break out..."
From Xiaowan's voice, you can hear that she blames herself and seems to feel very sorry for Lu Jun.
After all, this was a mistake she made carelessly. If the dinosaurs suffered heavy losses because of this, then she would be a sinner...
"It's okay, you hold on first, and I will come over soon." Lu Jun replied in the short-range communicator.
Because of the need to take care of the entire battlefield, the position of the Lu Army is still relatively far away from Xiaowan.
The reason why Xiaowan was surrounded just now was because he inadvertently discovered that some of the mutant infected bodies were not advancing or retreating, as if they were going to do something behind, so he would notice.
After flying hundreds of meters, the Lu Army finally arrived at Xiaowan's battlefield and came to Xiaowan's side.
At this time, the encirclement of the infected body had also formed, trapping more than 10,000 dinosaurs in the middle.
In order to defend, Xiaowan kept Ankylosaurus in front, while Utahraptor stood by to create output opportunities for Blazing Velociraptor.
This kind of defensive formation is quite correct, it can keep the infected body out firmly, and it will be impossible for a while.
But this is only for a while, because as time goes by, the defenses of ankylosaurus will be slowly worn away, and physical strength will also decline.
As long as the Ankylosaurus falls, Utah Raptor alone cannot protect the Flame Raptor.
After the core output of the Flame Raptor is eliminated, the remaining Utah Raptors will not struggle for long.
After the Lu Army swept the entire battlefield, they soon discovered that the situation was very unfavorable for them, and these dinosaurs were likely to be planted here.
However, he didn't panic, but sneered: "These corpse controllers played a good game. I didn't expect these ghosts to be so dark."
"What?" Xiao Wan next to her couldn't understand Lu Jun.
"Do you see those elite infected bodies? So many came out at once. They must have been prepared in advance. Maybe they have been hidden in ordinary infected bodies because they look alike."
"The black spines infected and the lickers just killed by us are just some bait. The corpse controller wants to surround us."
"As long as we are murderous against these black thorn infected bodies and lickers, we will inevitably be surrounded, regardless of your care." Lu Jun and Xiao Wan explained a little bit.
"You mean they set us up from the beginning? Knowing that we like to kill mutant infected bodies, and deliberately use black thorn infected bodies and lickers to lure us to the bait?" The clever Xiaowan understood right away, but she He immediately frowned, "But why do they do this? So many mutant infected bodies have died, and the loss to them is also great."
"Let's tell you that. From our perspective, the mutant infected body has been killed a lot, but in the mind of the corpse controller, they don't think so."
"Because of their large number and large base, dying tens of thousands is just like playing, it doesn't matter at all."
"But we are different. We have so many dinosaurs. If we die, we can't produce them in a short time. Once the number of dead is large, we will have no soldiers available and powerless to defend."
"So the idea of ​​these corpse controllers is also to consume our vital power, exchange the lives of the mutant infected body for the lives of dinosaurs, and prepare for the attack on the West Wind Fortress." Lu Jun frowned and analyzed the corpse controller's thoughts and plans with Xiaowan .
"Hiss..." Xiao Wan took a breath, showing a suddenly realized expression, and at the same time felt a moment of fear.
You must know that their purpose of coming here is to consume the vital power of the infected body and prepare for the defense of the West Wind Fortress.
Unexpectedly, the purpose of the corpse controller is the same as them, but the ultimate goal is to attack the West Wind Fortress.
It is no exaggeration to say that the IQ of the corpse controller at this time is no different from that of humans, and even much higher than normal humans.
After all, being able to look at the problem with a long-term perspective and learn to lay out and yin people is enough to show that the corpse controller has become more and more terrifying.
"Then... Then what should we do now..." Xiao Wan's expression was a bit bitter.
Although they had guessed the idea of ​​the corpse controller, the danger of the dinosaurs has not been eliminated and they are still in danger.
There are more than 10,000 dinosaurs below. If something goes wrong with these dinosaurs, the difficulty of fighting behind them will undoubtedly increase exponentially...
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