Chapter 976: Giant Southern Beast Dragon Revealed

Immediately afterwards, he waved his wings and approached the ground. The target was the mutant infected team that was preparing to come over.
After being less than ten meters away from the ground, the Lu Jun slightly raised his hand, and with a thought, he directly summoned the giant southern beast dragon, allowing the giant giant southern beast dragon to appear on the ground.
"Roar!!!" Giganotosaurus screamed as soon as it appeared, attracting the eyes of all creatures on the field, including the corpse controller in the distance.
Because they can clearly feel that the giant southern beast dragon will reveal a force of destruction from time to time, which is only possessed by super-order creatures.
We must know that even if there are 7 million people in their entire infected body group, there will be no super-order infected body. It is enough to show how difficult it is to advance super-order, but why does Lu Jun have it?
Originally, the corpse controllers thought that they had an advantage in the step position, because there were not enough S-order creatures on the road side.
But I didn't expect everything to be an illusion. The Lu Army just hid the most powerful creatures, probably just to get them to the bait.
Thinking of this, the corpse controllers couldn't help but curse these human beings as too shameful, and they counted them like this.
However, in this situation, even if they knew there was a trap ahead, they had to go inside.
After all, the order has been issued, and the infected bodies are all ready. I am afraid it will be a little difficult to get these infected bodies back.
And the corpse controllers were also very dissatisfied, and didn't want to just let the road army and the dinosaurs go.
Even though they know that Tyrant Infected is not an opponent of Giganotosaurus, they still want to try, what if it succeeds?
If they fail, they can afford the loss, so they should be preparing for the next attack on the Westwind Fortress. Anyway, they will encounter it sooner or later...
On the mountain farther away, Baqi and Zhihui looked at the giant southern beast dragon with surprise.
"This...what kind of creature is this?!" Zhihu pointed at the remote monitoring board and shouted, with a look on his face.
Because across the screen, he could feel the terrifying power of the Giant Southern Beast Dragon. This is a power far beyond the fourth-order, and at least the fifth-order strength can be used to contend.
"I don't know, but this is the method of the Lu Army, controlling the creatures that can change the situation of the battle, and it is also one of his hole cards." The old five explained gloomily.
"Change the situation? You mean this creature can block these infected bodies?!" Zhifu directly pointed his finger at the tyrant infected body on the screen, his eyes widened.
He knows Tyrant Infected, a real S-tier creature with superior combat power, and one can lay down a small gathering place.
When they were in the Black Cliff Region, they just couldn't beat the Tyrant Infected Body and exploded several gathering places, so they came to the Blue Wind Region.
Originally, he thought that as soon as the tyrant's infected body appeared, Lu Jun and others would definitely die, but he did not expect that things would not develop as he thought.
"Let me tell you this, the tyrant infected body is in front of this creature, and the fart is not counted, and the ten tyrant infected bodies are not opponents when they come together." The old fifth glanced at the tyrant infected body contemptuously and looked at the southern giant dragon. His eyes are full of solemnity.
"Impossible! I have seen the strength of the tyrant infected body, what you said is too exaggerated!" Zhifu still didn't believe it.
"The Tyrant Infected Body is very strong. I also saw it when I was in the Tianhai gathering place, but this creature of the Lu Army can beat the entire Zerg back. It is definitely stronger than the Tyrant Infected Body. If you don't believe it, just look at it." He shook his head, it is estimated that he is a little tired, and I don't intend to continue explaining.
Just as Zhimo and Baqi wanted to say something more, the Giganotosaurus on the remote monitoring board suddenly moved, which meant that the war was about to begin, so they could only close their mouths and look at the screen.
I saw that the giant southern beast dragon dashed forward in the direction of the infected body of the tyrant, even if it was the only one, he did not hesitate at all.
Seeing that the giant southern beast dragon came, the infected tyrants did not dare to take care of it, and immediately launched a defensive formation. The five stood together because they could also feel the strength of the giant southern beast dragon.
But the densely packed position is an opportunity for the Southern Giganotosaurus to attack. It opened its mouth and shot a super-flame explosive bomb, which instantly shot towards the location of the tyrant's infected body.
With a sound of "boom", the Super Flame Explosive directly hit the infected body of the tyrant and exploded among the five infected bodies of the tyrant.
Despite the shield protection, the five tyrant infected bodies took two steps back together and almost fell, and the shield value on their bodies was forcibly reduced by more than half.
This immediately blasted the tyrant's infected body. The shields on their bodies were able to block the attacks of Tier S creatures many times. How could it be half of the moment when the giant southern beast dragon arrived?
Before they could think through this question clearly, the second Super Flame Blast came and exploded on the infected body of the tyrant again, completely emptying their shields, exposing the surface skin.
Seeing that their own shield was as "fragile" as a piece of paper, the infected tyrant immediately realized that it would be too late if they did not resist.
So in the next moment, they no longer prepared to defend, but rushed towards the Giant Southern Beast Dragon, intending to start a hand-to-hand fight.
Originally, they thought that the Giganotosaurus was a melee creature, and they just put on a defensive formation.
But I didn't expect the long-range attacks of the Southern Giant Beast Dragon to be so terrifying, they would lose their shields before they even started...
However, the infected tyrants now realize that it is too late, because the Giganotosaurus will explode the third superflame bomb in the next moment, and the target is the infected tyrants.
Immediately afterwards, it followed the Ultra Flame Explosive Bomb and charged forward quickly, less than ten positions away from the Ultra Flame Bomb.
Seeing the oncoming Super Flame Explosive, the infected tyrants had their scalp numb and wanted to avoid it.
But their bodies are really too big, and they are standing very close, it is almost impossible to dodge Super Flame Explosive from this distance.
In the next moment, the Ultra Flame Explosive bomb still exploded, hitting a tyrant infected body from the front, and directly killed the tyrant infected body in seconds.
The other four tyrant infected bodies were also affected by the explosion and suffered varying degrees of damage.
However, the super-flame explosive bomb's power just passed, the giant southern beast dragon following behind rushed up, opened its blood basin, bite a tyrant's infected body severely, and instantly took the tyrant. Half of the infected body's arm was torn off.
At the same time, he slapped another tyrant infected body with his sturdy tail, until he patted the tyrant infected body back several meters.
Seeing that the giant southern beast dragon dared to rush in like this, the infected tyrants became angry. They surrounded the giant southern beast dragon from four directions and began to fight more and less...
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