Vol 3 Chapter 1032: Part of the price

With the order of the saint, the entire army of posthumous men began to move.
The most obvious thing is that the air speed of the Temple Air Force suddenly accelerated! Instantly surpassed the army on the ground.
The soldiers on the walls of the Wangcheng city raised their heads and looked at the flying monsters that had been pressed over by the dark clouds. Many people unconsciously raised the weapons in their hands. Later, they discovered that the sky was protected by a screen above their heads, and they dropped the weapons again. Go on.
But this action was loudly scolded by the surrounding leaders.
But they know that the screen of the sky can only prevent long-range attacks. Once these flying monsters rushed down to close combat, the barrier would lose its protection.
The group of monsters that rushed to the front was not big, but the flying speed was extremely fast, and the body of the basin stopped suddenly, and then shook, the feathers like steel needles all fell off, really It turned into a feather arrow and shot towards the bottom.
In an instant, countless feather arrows fell on the screen that covered the sky, and the two sides collided to emit a small spot of light. Although it was far less bright and dazzling than when it blocked the power of the gods a few days ago, this star-like light , Still full of everyone's vision.
Many people narrowed their eyes subconsciously.
I don't know why, Ye Zhongming sees these lights, and she feels a little bad in her heart.
He couldn't say that this feeling came from there, that is, the Temple of Dawn opened in this way...somewhat unexpected.
In his view, bombarding with the power of the gods is the right way.
But he knew why right away. The light burst from these feather arrows hitting the screen of the sky had not dissipated, and the explosion rang. Master Ye Zhongming narrowed his eyes through the dazzling light and saw some shadows flying fast from the sky Falls, hits the screen that covers the sky, and then the liquid of Datan Datan will be sputtered out.
That's black blood.
But where did the explosion come from?
At least until now, Ye Zhongming and others have not been found.
Ye Zhongming has the best eyesight among all people now. He vaguely sees in the light. The falling shadows are the flying monsters that just shot the feathers of his body as arrows.
He quickly looked around, his heart began to sink.
He discovered a problem. These flying monsters may be able to explain this phenomenon by falling down without losing their feathers. But why did they fall so... evenly.
Yes, evenly, these monsters evenly fell to the sky screen when they fell.
The area has completely covered the city walls.
The next second, the explosion came again. Ye Zhongming captured the source of the sound this time. He looked sideways and found that it came from the formation of the Temple of Dawn.
He saw something fiery red. It was the kind of monster with white hair and braids that he saw before sprayed from his mouth. When the thing was spit out, it would make a sound similar to an explosion.
Ye Zhongming suddenly looked up at the blood on the screen, and his face changed.
"Stop those things!"
The roar spurted from his mouth, the purple weapon in his hand waved a full blow towards the front, and a long silver moon was chopped over, chopping the flames closest to the screen of heaven to annihilation.
However, even if Ye Zhongming discovered the problem, not everyone had such excellent eyesight with him. Even a few kings, they did not see what was going on.
For ordinary soldiers, there is nothing in the eyes except those rays.
Although Ye Zhongming reacted, he was still a little late.
Those monsters spit out too much, two waves of attack, at least hundreds of fiery red spheres hit the sky screen.
The violent flame suddenly began to burn.
Everything happened in an instant, from the feathers and arrows rain of those monsters to the fire burning now, only a few seconds, in addition to Ye Zhongming responded, only some Genting warriors have followed Ye Zhongming's command has become a habit , Subconsciously followed Ye Zhongming to attack there.
Although there are a lot of attackers, the accuracy is too poor, and it basically has no effect.
In Ye Zhongming's knowledge of the sea, there was a message at this moment that the energy of the brown bone method pearl was rapidly consumed!
Even in these days, the Temple of Dawn thought and found a way to crack the screen of the sky!
Ye Zhongming now finally knows why the Temple of Dawn has not used the power of the gods for the first time, because they have to break the screen that covers the sky before using it!
This ancient force really has their strong and terrifying place.
Ye Zhongming mentally calculated the speed of the energy consumption of the Brown Bone Pearl. He knew that he still had a little time. He shouted at the burning fire above his head to use skills other than the fire system, preferably the water system.
This is also within a short time, the only way he can think of-energy neutralization!
Take advantage of the unilateral defense characteristics of the screen to shield the sky, and use the energy of the water system and other element series to rush the flame energy above when it rushes out of the barrier!
Suddenly, countless skills flew into the sky, especially those water skills, which really played a great role in extinguishing these flames.
The hint of the energy reduction of the Brown Bone Pearl slowed down a lot, until it stopped at 15%.
This flame directly burned most of the energy that covered the sky.
The reticle regained its crystal-like appearance, but the brightness was darker, and some ashes rolled down.
But without waiting for the sigh of relief from the dead men and the soldiers at Genting, the second wave of attacks from the Temple of Dawn came.
By the cover of the fire, just like the previous cover by the light spot, another group of flying monsters reached the city wall. When everyone saw them, they had dropped the huge stones held by their claws. The number was at least a few thousand. .
Long-range attacks on the city wall hurried up, and skills and arrows with energy crossed the stones.
The two met in midair, then burst into bursts.
Countless gravel fell, hitting the screen of the sky, making a jingling sound, the volume became smaller, the power of the gravel was not so great, this attack seems to be disintegrated, but the high-level face is not good, Hong Xiang stood at the head of the city, pointing at the flying monsters that were flying, and ordered the guards on the city wall to attack with weapons.
Yes, this defense seems to be successful, but you know, this is exchanged for skills and a lot of equipment, and skills consume mental power and have cooling time. Arrows and crossbows are empty, but there are no stones. ? That is endless, this time the defense is down, and the next time, so the most fundamental way is to kill these flying monsters, otherwise no matter whether the screen is hidden, the king city will be subject to continuous air raids.
Giant crossbows on the city walls rose one after another, and some magic crystal cannons also adjusted the firing angle and opened fire in the air. Suddenly, those monsters that were not flying too fast were shot down one after another. After several salvos, these who left the shooting range There are only about two-thirds of the monsters left.
This made everyone on the wall secretly relieved.
However, on the opposite side, the Saint didn’t know when it had landed on the ground and was standing with the Big Three of Dawn.
"The fools are fooled!" Rong Zhi was flushed, his hands patted hard.
Nan Yan's face was a little unbearable, looking at the monster corpses that had just died in a short while, and then said a lot: "Too much life is gone."
The saint smiled, still with a holy light on her face, and said in her signature soft voice: "Everything comes at a price, they are only part of the price."
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