Chapter 114: Something happened to the wild boar

Gu Pan smiled and put a bottle of 50-year-old Maotai puree in a crystal clear imported wine glass. He has been like this since the end of the last day. №八№§?一№Chinese №net www`w, w-. 81zw. com
Not that he was crazy, but he was happy, he was really happy.
Gu Pan graduated from a famous school! There should have been an enviable occupation in this city. In his early thirties, his career went to the first peak, and then he married a beautiful girl, gave birth to a fat baby, established a family, and passed on the lineage.
Even he thought so.
It is a pity that Gu Pan is somewhat introverted and is still very simple. When he first entered the workplace, he had very bad luck and met bad colleagues from bad companies. He was excluded, wronged, and framed. I owe a lot of money to others.
In order to repay Gu Pan's debts and to prevent his son from going to prison, his parents bought his old house and dragged his sickness to work to save Gu Pan's money. Although he paid off his debts, he couldn't get enough hardship. 6 continued to die.
From that moment, Gu Pan changed, he became more reluctant to communicate with people, became lonely, became bored, and spent many years in a muddle, until a classmate who had a good relationship with him at the university knew him Situation, lent him a sum of money to do some business.
Gu Pan chose to open a farm to raise green wild boars that are getting hotter.
He devoted himself to this new job with hope and gratitude, and the initial stage was also very smooth. He now has a talent in breeding that is unmatched by others. Bayi Chinese Network W-W, W`. `8, 1, z`w-. com
The wild boars he raises are all healthy and fat, and are among the best farms around the city.
But while he was dreaming of wealth, the merchant who signed the acquisition agreement with him regretted not buying the wild boar that was about to be released.
The funds lent to Gu Pan by students before have been invested in the establishment of a factory to buy breeding pigs and later breeding. Originally, this batch of pigs will be able to return funds after the slaughter, but after this merchant does not purchase, the farm’s cash chain suddenly It broke.
Gu Pan tried hard, he looked for the merchant, and they ignored him and wanted to sue, but the court took a long time from the case to the court to the judgment, and he couldn't wait.
Seeing that even if there was no money to buy feed for these wild boars, just as Gu Pan was crying in front of the pigsty, the end of the world came.
Gu Pan is surprised that some of these wild boars that they raise have begun to mutate. These mutated wild boars have become bloodthirsty and violent. They rushed out of the pigpen to attack the workers who gnawed the farm, and they even ate on the road. Walking zombies. Soon, the first mutated wild boar evolved and became a second-class mutant life, so strong that it can knock down a red brick wall and crush the head of a strong man in one bite.
In addition, no matter how blood-thirsty these mutant wild boars are, they do not attack Gu Pan, and even after running away during the day to find food, they will return to the farm at night and go back to Gu Pan to sleep, showing him extremely friendly .卐八??一◎Fiction ¤???Web w`w, w,. , 8`1, z, w`. `c-o`m`
Gu Pan moved, he realized that a huge opportunity was before him.
He began to deliberately find the flesh and blood of humans, zombies and even mutated animals, mixed in the feed, and fed the wild boars that had not yet mutated.
Some died, but some survived and successfully mutated.
In just a few days, all the wild boars in his farm became mutant animals.
Gu Pan cannot forget the first time he walked out of the farm with a group of mutant wild boars. Whether it's a zombie, a mutant life, or even a powerful monster that Gu Pan had never seen before, all became a corpse and evolved nourishment under the attack of this group of nearly a hundred mutant wild boars.
His wild boar pets evolved while killing, eating, and eating!
Soon dozens of second-level mutant wild boars were born, and since then, Gu Pan knew the doomsday roulette.
In the eyes of others, the magic crystal collected at the risk of life is the easiest thing for Gu Pan, who has a group of pets. He soon evolved and became a one-star evolutionr. He also got many other things. Things, eating, using, playing, weapons, even immune potions and magical equipment and so on.
He became the most powerful man in the suburbs.
However, Gu Pan knew that he could not be so satisfied. He needed to maintain his own strength, so he began to consciously let his wild boars evolve. The evolution of the second level requires more energy. The level of the boar has evolved. By the way, he started to accumulate the second level of magic crystals, and looking for the second level of doomsday roulette.
The Moutai in the glass was wiped out with a sip, Gu Pan snapped the precious whiskey glass against the wall, and the broken glass splashed to the ground. Several of the most evolved mutant wild boars looked up at their masters and fell down again to continue to sleep.
"It's really bad to break something."
Gu Pan scolded, and instead took out a bottle of red two, sipped it with interest.
The one-star evolutionary physique has made Gu Pan's alcohol addiction all the year round. Before drinking half a catty, he would be drunk and unconscious. Now, even drinking two catties is fine, and he can still think clearly.
Gu Pan compiled the latest news in his mind and analyzed which of these roulette messages was most likely to be a second-level doomsday roulette.
Suddenly, Gu Pan suddenly opened his eyes.
He had a pain in his heart just now, and it only happened when his pet wild boar died.
He didn't panic, closed his eyes and felt a little, heaved a sigh of relief
The dead was a first-level mutant wild boar.
This kind of thing has been born before, after all, mutant wild boars can't eat the same feed as before, they need to eat blood and meat. Gu Pan cannot always accompany them, so he usually allows these wild boars to hunt by themselves. There have been cases where my pet was not killed during hunting, so although Gu Pan felt distressed, he didn't care too much.
But after a while, he felt that another pet had died. Although he was still a first-class, he had two dead in a row, and Gu Pan became suspicious.
Is there any second-level mutant zombies or mutant lives encountered?
Just when he felt strange, another signal came that the third pet wild boar was hanging!
This time Gu Pan couldn't sit still. The situation of three wild boars dead together was never born. It must have been an accident.
Gu Panhuo walked out of the door and stood in the yard to feel it. Now that the three wild boars died in three directions, he let go of some concerns. If so, it might be an accident.
However, after all, he regarded these wild boars as his sons and daughters, so he decided to go out and look at him. The sound of "Lu" Lu in his mouth called out a few large wild boars resting at home. Finding the most sturdy ride on the back, pointing in one direction, a person with a group of pigs will leave.
"Boss, he went out, leaving seven heads of housekeeping, three heads of level two, and four heads of level one!" Xiaohu's excited voice came out of the intercom.
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