Vol 3 Chapter 1217: Red hair is coming

"Two in One"
The Father and the contemporary Chichi madly attacked in the air.
No one can see their movements clearly, not even the existence of the eighth level.
They are all too fast, and you are so fast that you can only capture their shadows, but due to the close distance between them, these shadows become factors that affect vision.
The following people can only hear the sound of loud or dull flesh and blood.
Including the retired Yan Wangshu and Ling Kunhongxiang, they all looked at the sky with surprise and had a new understanding of Yunding and Ye Zhongming's methods.
They knew that Genting had prepared many and many to fight against the ninth-level Father. Even Ye Zhongming's adventure evolution at this time was to pursue time so that he could face the Father with stronger strength. Only bad luck, the Father came early.
However, without Ye Zhongming and without the top three of Genting's Xia Bai, he repelled the Father's repeated attacks.
The Father was indeed injured, but the injured ninth level is also the ninth level. The scene where he just rushed to the top of the city and killed him, although short, left a deep impression on everyone.
That is an unmatched state.
But whether it was Dr. He, or King Yanshu, or the transformed fortress of war, it caused great trouble to the Father. Now, although Dr. He was killed, King Yanshu was seriously injured and lost his fighting power, but the Father is also not easy. Those injuries can explain this.
But all of this before can't really hurt the ninth-level Father, at most it can delay him.
Now, the appearance of Xiangshengzhu really gives everyone a big hope.
Perhaps this father can really encounter Waterloo here.
It is true that the contemporary Shouchi who took Xiangshengzhu is not really a ninth level existence, but the Father is not a ninth level in a complete state. The gap between the two sides may not be really big.
Now the two people use this seemingly primitive but actually deadly attack in the air, which is the real way to win.
Some blood began to shed, which attracted the cheering of the posthumous men and the Genting Allied forces. They knew that the contemporary Shouchi people had no blood.
However, when a large piece of dry skin fell, the posthumous person became extremely silent again, which represented the injury of the contemporary Shouchi.
Many people raised their heads and watched the battle in the air about each other's life and death. They felt a long time passed, in fact, only a few minutes.
The two sides separated, and the Father's face was sullen and gasped violently, and his body was restored to its original state.
The contemporary Shouchi was a little rickety. A large amount of that kind of black substance was exposed on his body. Although no bones were seen, there were obviously more wounds in the body than the Father.
"Not bad, not bad." The Father murmured, with a bit of cruelty and hesitation in his expression, and he didn't know what he hesitated.
"Brother and sister, is there any other way? Use them all."
The eyesight people see the eyesight, making King Kunzun as the first master of the present posthumous person. Although he just gave up all his energy just now, the whole person is in an extremely weak state, but his eyesight is still there. Don’t look at Chi Yan’s split with the Father now, but in fact the defeat has already appeared!
At this time, if there is any other means, it is best to use it, so that maybe it can play a good role with the cooperation of the guardian.
Once the Shouchi people were killed without persevering, then things might really be irreversible.
Xia Lei smiled bitterly and shook his head.
Now Genting is able to come up with these methods. To be honest, Genting has paid a huge price for these bottom cards. If you put these on the earth, Genting can challenge the top ten forces in any country, and it is very likely. Get a big win.
But in the face of the ninth-level Father, they failed one by one.
"I can only pray that Zhong Ming wakes up at this time."
Looking at Ye Zhongming's evolving secret house, Xia Lei started to think of a way out while talking.
Once things can't be done, then Ye Zhongming must be sent back to Earth as soon as possible, even if it affects his evolution, and everyone can sacrifice for Ye Zhongming's safety!
Although Ling Kun guessed the answer, he still couldn't help showing a disappointed look, watching the two people colliding together again in the air, his heart gradually sliding into the abyss.
Even if the earth is a retreat, how many people can be evacuated by then? If the Father is still alive, how can they be easily fulfilled.
Ling Kun didn't have any moment, so I hope Ye Zhongming can be around, maybe only the man can create miracles.
There was a change on both sides of the battle. The Father did not know why. First, he gave a chuckle, then exclaimed again, and finally all turned into a sentence of ‘I complete you’.
As you can see, the two fighting people did not know when they were hugged together. To be precise, the contemporary guardian hugged the Father at the cost of breaking one leg and breaking it directly from the knee The stump fell into the royal city.
His hands were unable to hug the Father's waist, he could only pull one of his arms. When he was lucky, he held the right arm of the Father intact.
Many people don’t know what the contemporary Shouchi people are going to do. Even if he is not the father’s opponent, he can at least persist for a while, consume the father’s physical strength, and fill him with more wounds.
But why did you choose this type of fighting for ordinary people? Among masters, especially in the battle at the ninth level, does this mean death?
Look, now the other hand of the Holy Father is ruthlessly blasted on the body of the contemporary Chichi, and it is marked with obvious depressions. Without the overall defense, the dry body of the Chichi cannot resist the attack of the Father. .
The contemporary Shouchi dodges vigorously, avoiding his vital parts and joints as much as possible, just dragging the Father down in one direction.
Many troops in the city began to move, including the soldiers on the head of the city in certain directions. They gave up their defense areas and retreated quickly inside the city.
The Dawn Temple warriors who had rushed into the city were a little puzzled. Even when the city wall collapsed for the first time a few days ago, even when the Father rushed into the Wangcheng for mass killing, these dead soldiers were not seen running. So fast, what's wrong with today?
While they were wondering, the saint’s order was suddenly conveyed, preventing the team from entering the city, and even starting to retreat.
Many people do not understand this command, which is obviously in conflict with the first command of the Father's full attack.
The commanders who were loyal to the Father refused to carry out this order, and continued to advance with the troops, and the Holy Girl did not block, but let those who obeyed themselves, or the team between the left and right swing back, withdrew battlefield.
The whole battle, at the moment when the Father was embraced by the contemporary guardians, produced a very wonderful and strange change.
The Father realized what, although he didn't understand the purpose of keeping Chichi to drag him to the ground, but he was aware of the danger.
His hand is no longer going to hit the Shouchi, the newbie is not very powerful, and those blood vessel-like organizations are also not interested in the shrivelled Shouchi.
But the Father still had a way. His arms that were embraced suddenly ignited a flame at this moment, igniting the poolkeeper holding him!
This flame is very regular, and it does not affect the Father, just burns on the poolkeeper.
The dry and moisture-free body gave the flame an excellent burning environment, and the flame quickly spread to the body of the guardian, turning him into a fireman.
The Father’s strong resistance clearly worked, and the speed of the poolkeeper pulling him down has become slower and slower, at least more than 30 meters away from the ground.
"Open! Open!"
The Shouchi, who had already lost his ability to speak, suddenly shouted a few people clearly at this moment. The whole person looked frantically below, and the body had begun to hug the Father a little.
This kind of madness reminds everyone of the flashback and the last madness.
It was at this time that the Father noticed one thing. Below him and the entangled posthumous guardian Chichi, a scrapped machine was discarded there. This is his masterpiece, and he destroyed this war fortress.
Due to the huge body, the coalition forces of the posthumous and the earth did not clean up this pile of metal ruins in time.
The Father thought so.
But at this moment, he felt the direction of the Shouchi people shouting these words, not the headquarters of the kings and outsiders on the other side, but this machine that should have been scrapped.
Just when he wanted to react, the pile of metal ruins exploded!
This is really shaking the mountain!
The entire mountain of the posthumous man was shaking violently, and a large amount of rubble fell from the air, making people worry whether it would collapse.
The warriors of the Dawning Temple even thought that the posthumous people had gone crazy, and they wanted to blow up the whole mountain and die with them.
There are indeed some places collapsed in the mountainside, but although the area is very large, several huge pillars stand in the city, providing strong support, and the mountain range is strong enough, so there is no large-scale Collapsed.
However, at least one third of the place was still buried by a large number of stones, and I don't know how many people died in the explosion. This kind of thing can only be estimated after the war.
The War Fortress, which started the self-destruction process, and a small nuclear reactor exploded here.
The smoke and dust gradually faded, and life began to move again. All the two parties with a tacit understanding chose to retreat. The posthumous people retreated to the depths of the king city, and the people of the Temple of Dawn retreated to their camp.
The explosion just made both parties feel terrified.
The fighters in the explosion area were killed without any suspense, and even some of the posthumous fighters who evacuated slowly were killed.
The surrounding city walls collapsed on a large scale, making Wangcheng a truly undefended city.
In the city, a large number of buildings were destroyed by shock waves, and all the materials and materials prepared for city defense were turned into waste. Many soldiers in the collapsed area will definitely cause some casualties, and the specific number must be counted.
Both sides were terrified of this explosion. Once again, this place will really collapse and bury everyone here. Although everyone is an evolver, the power of nature is still unmatched. If such a thing really happens, then in the end, only some high-level evolvers may survive.
After everyone retreated to a safe distance, the tacit understanding stopped at the same place, and no one left.
Everyone is watching a result.
This is undoubtedly a big gift for the Father from the posthumous men and the Genting Allied Forces. Is it just this kind of attack with self-destruction or the same purpose, and finally killed the Father?
Everyone's eyes were patrolling in the air, and after confirming that there was no trace of the Father, they fell on the large rubble between the two sides.
Will the Father be under these ruins? Is he... dead?
Some soldiers loyal to the Father rushed towards this place. They wanted to find the Father in the ruins. But how could the posthumous people allow such a thing to happen? Just fine.
They also sent troops to surmount the ruins with difficulty to stop the rescue of the Temple of Dawn.
But the two sides stopped after only running about 100 meters, because there were some soft noises among the ruins.
It was a ‘whoo-wa’ sound, it was not loud, but it made people hear it clearly.
Then, the sound became denser and more frequent, until after a louder sound, a figure emerged from the ruins.
There is the core of the explosion, so some of the dust has not completely dissipated, and everyone did not see who was going out, but both sides have some expectations, but the things they hope for are completely different.
And after walking slowly for two steps, this figure slowly began to rise to the sky.
The people in the Temple of Dawn shouted great cheers, because this person who floated in the sky was their father.
The Father is not dead!
In this premeditated terrorist explosion, the Father still survived!
Posthumous people and Genting people are also at the same time, experiencing what is called despair.
Can't such a nuclear explosion kill the Father? So what can kill him?
"Shengyuan! Copper Pot!...Xiaohu!" Xia Lei suddenly gritted his teeth and said, "You stay behind to block the Father, no matter what the price is, now I will leave here with Zhong Ming."
The voice is not high, but each core member can hear clearly through the medal of war.
"We lost." Xia Lei said, "We leave!"
Many Genting people cannot accept it at the moment, because this is their first real failure in the strict sense.
"Go? You can't go!" The Father said suddenly, he was covered in blood at the moment, and he was in a very bad state, but he gave people a stronger feeling than before, and he could control the whole process of every move in the mountain. .
"The person who is sleeping is your leader, so today he is unfortunate and is going to die."
The father smiled cruelly, and he knew that this war was ultimately his victory.
"He won't die." A sudden voice inserted into the battlefield, and suddenly a red figure appeared in the hillside, "Because I'm not dead yet."
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