Vol 3 Chapter 1247: Hustle and bustle

When Zhenghua left Genting, he was half empty, but his heart was full.
In the past few days at Genting, he has seen too many different places.
The safety and stability here surprised him the most.
Living in Yunding Mountain Villa, there is no difference between work and rest before the end of the world, even safer, and the real night is closed.
When you go to bed, you don't have to worry about the attack of mutated life, there is human looting, you can sleep until you wake up naturally.
This is unthinkable elsewhere.
Also, the food in Genting is terrible and exquisite.
This exquisiteness is not as unrealistic as it was before the end of the world. But compared to the habit of eating cooked in other places, the processing method and taste here are much better.
Moreover, Yunding Villa pays great attention to the balance of nutrition. Zhenghua's favorite food every day is not the meat cooked by various methods, but vegetables, various vegetables and fruits.
Some of these things will also appear on the roulette, but most of them exist in a canned situation. Although the taste is good, the nutrition is different.
However, these in Yunding Mountain Villa are fresh, pure green food, rich in nutrients, and contain various trace elements scarce in the last days of evolution.
Zhenghua felt that he had become a little fatter in Genting these past few days.
Of course, these are only small aspects, reflecting the comprehensive strength of Genting, and Zhenghua is even more shocked in terms of hardware.
The awakening of Dihuang Wan, the attachment of Yangos, and the red hair riding the undead ichthyosaur made Zhenghua feel great pressure.
Even if Dihuang Wan is in an evolutionary slumber, the dragon is only level 7, and the red hair has not shot, but these are enough to prove the thickness of Yunding. Ye Zhongming, the eight star that Zheng Hua has seen. Xia Leiliang Hatsune Xia Baimoye and others, all seven stars.
Previously Zhenghua disagreed with Wuhuanqian's ranking of countries and regions, but now it is even more scornful.
Genting Mountain Villa can definitely occupy the top three positions in overall strength, and can even distinguish itself from the resistance.
Even if these forces are not more or less supported by cosmic peoples, then they are estimated to have been completely surpassed by Genting.
Zhenghua decided to go back and talk to the three bosses thoroughly, and then talk to those in the sky, such Yunding Mountain Villa, it is necessary to fight!
A week after Zhenghua left, the fortifications around Yunding Mountain Villa were almost completed, and the rest were just a few supplements, which did not affect the whole.
At the end of the last three years, Yunding Villa ushered in its strongest defensive posture.
At this time, everyone's world team also told everyone of the previously sold pass, no, it was directly displayed.
"Defensive Array..."
Seeing the 氤氲 pattern floating on the night sky, everyone in Yunding Mountain Villa could not close his mouth wide, and Guangyao, who knew something about this, looked up at this scene and muttered to himself.
In the last days, there is a profession called Array Master, which is a professional who specializes in constructing various Arrays. Some of them are excellent. The Arrays built are extremely powerful and have many functions. They can provide a lot of help for the evolutionists. Talents that all forces want to have.
In the previous life, Ye Zhongming once knew that a force with the formation of the mage as the core, they can build a white killing formation, causing tons of damage to the target, and even a legendary nine-level life broke in, although it has not been Killed, but seriously injured, which shows that such professionals are very powerful.
At present, the fortresses of Genting have actually surprised Ye Zhongming and other core members. At least at the current evolutionary life level, it is almost impossible to break this defense system.
But who would have thought that after the completion of all the fortresses at the end, a defense formation was formed based on the plan!
"This defensive array is called clamoring. The main ability is to defend against long-range attacks, including physical attacks and energy attacks. The core of the defensive array is its energy system. The reason why I chose to clamor for this defensive array is because it is a double Energy system."
Captain Liang was complacent, apparently satisfied with his own hand, looking at the defensive array that had been excited, his face was all red.
"Dual energy system? Talk about it." Ye Zhongming was surprised.
The defensive array needs energy to maintain this, he is clear, just like the sky covered by the king city, it needs the serve of the Almighty God.
Now this phalanx called clamor is naturally no exception.
"The first energy system is naturally a magic crystal." Captain Liang began to explain, "You see, every fortress, plus the core area and laboratory of Yunding Mountain Villa, is a node. Among these nodes, the defensive array Above the tattoo hub, there are magic crystals to provide energy for the defensive array. When there is no battle, a hundred third-level magic crystals can maintain a week's operation. During the battle, it depends on the intensity of the attack. "
Ye Zhongming nodded, this consumption is normal, and within his acceptable range.
"What about the second energy system?"
Captain Liang pointed to a location on the Genting city wall.
"Stable stone statue?"
Liang Chuyin said next to him, "That thing is an energy system? That is a summon that can be activated."
Steady stone statue is a sculpture that Ye Zhongming obtained before, usually can be used as a decoration, when needed, you can turn it into a gargoyle warrior to attack the enemy.
"Yes, it's a solid stone statue, but it actually has a name called Charging Beast." Captain Liang gave a gesture, and his person lifted up a box, and after opening, it revealed three different sizes inside. The statues are all like solid stone statues, but the volume is different.
"These energized beasts can actually store energy in the body and have good compatibility. No matter what kind of energy can be stored, as long as they are placed on the nodes of the array, they can also charge the defensive array. "
Captain Liang explained that people had to test it face to face. Sure enough, these solid stone statues can absorb energy, and the number is still large.
"One of the most cost-effective ways is to let some evolved class and level of evolution use some attack skills on these stone statues, and it is a kind of recharge under the premise that they will not be destroyed."
Everyone was amazed by the ability of this kind of stone statue. I did not expect this kind of equipment that everyone does not pay much attention to, and such a magical ability.
Ye Zhongming was not too happy. He thought about it and asked, "Does it need many stable stone statues? Do you have them?"
"I only have these three, and I will give them to you for free." Captain Liang replied: "But if you want to support the hustle and bustle, you need at least thirty!"
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