Vol 3 Chapter 1308: Starry sky

Ye Zhongming inspired the bloodline, the thunderbolt sand monster with the first two feet, is the caller of the bloodline. The sand is naturally also to enhance the power of his lineage, and the ability to increase the sand by 20% compared to other media.
The Thunderbolt Sand Monster is a by-product of the lineage that can be summoned all the time. You can use the skill upgrade scroll to increase its power. Ye Zhongming has been upgraded twice. Now this guy has no less than a seventh-level mutant life in terms of attack power.
The needle bird, the roaring mechanic, and the staff of nature have always been Ye Zhongming’s assistant ‘beaters’, and it’s no surprise that they are now available.
The shiny star appearing above the head is the elven ability of the star-the bright star.
As for the changes that caused the celestial phenomena, it is also the ability to temporarily hire the star elf into a new ability permanently possessed by the star elf.
The ability of the current permanent star elf has become like this.
"Star elf instinct 1, the land of brilliance. The star elf will illuminate a space related to its own length when it is needed. In this space, its owner will gain a speed bonus."
"Star elf instinct 2, space is unimpeded. Star elf has elf instinct and can freely shuttle in any space."
"Star elf instinct 3, dazzling star. The star elf will release a small star during the battle, controlled by the owner, and emit star rays when needed."
"Star Elf Instinct 4, Big Stomach King. The elf can use the material it is interested in to accumulate energy in the body. After the energy reaches a certain level, it will enter the next growth stage."
"Star elf instinct 5, starry sky vision. Every three hundred hours, the star elf can activate this ability once, turning the radius of 15 kilometers around the owner into a night sky mode. Within this range, the owner You will get the blessing of the starry sky, everything including the owner itself, including but not limited to body, skills, blood, summons and other data and power will increase by 25%."
"The star elf instinct 6, the night is full of sand. When launching the starry sky vision, three different visions will be generated according to the star elf's level, which are, in their early life: the star sand curtain. Life will be affected by a 20% reduction in movement speed. Infancy: Xingsha Sea. Life in the sand sea will be affected by a 30% reduction in agility, and in the elf owner Under control, star damage can be done to the target. Maturity: Star sand storms, targets in the sand sea will be affected by a 50% reduction in agility, and when controlled, you can put star sand within the starry sky's range of sight Into a huge star sand whirlwind, causing a lot of mixed damage to the target."
"Star elf instinct 7, (in the seal.)"
"Star elf instinct 12, (in the seal.)"
Today, it was Ye Zhongming’s first ability to activate these two spirits of the star elves, which enveloped the starry sky within a radius of 15 kilometers. Jicheng is not very big. A radius of 15 kilometers is equivalent to an area of ​​more than 700 square kilometers. This almost covers the entire city.
Especially for some evolutionary life on the edge, they saw that Lang Lang was on this side during the day and the stars were bright on the other side, so they had to be shocked.
This change in astronomy even made them feel more incredible than the attack on the Hung Hom Free Army.
"I want to thank you." Ye Zhongming was all filled with darkness. "I rarely have the opportunity to go all out, so that I myself don't know what I am like in full state, you, gave me this opportunity. "
After that, the twins of the wind and thunder twinkled in his hand, and a large dozens of lights appeared under the starry sky, flickered for a moment, and then struck the devil scorpion crystal armor and the scorpion inside.
At the same time, Nature's Staff, Roaring Mechanic, Needle Bird, and Thunderbolt also attacked, covering the entire area of ​​the Devil Scorpion Crystal Armor.
This is Ye Zhongming's strongest blow.
At this time, Ye Zhongming completely forgot that the task given to him by the Tarot Red Dwarf was to catch the arrogance and obtain the Angras earrings. He only wanted to make himself attack once and for all, because this is a rare opponent , He was itchy.
In the first layer of star sand curtain covered with sand at night, when the Devil Scorpion Crystal Armor is not using abilities, it is not the strength of the slower speed. In the face of these overall powers, all of them have increased the number of attacks. Wu Ao did not try to avoid it, because he knew that it could not be avoided. The crystal wings allowed him to move fast, but each time the distance was not too far, and the movement slowed down, so that he did not feel that he could avoid it at all. Offense.
Xu Ao knew that this was a life-and-death moment, and the other party had obviously let go of his hands and feet, and he didn't care about anything anymore.
He unconsciously called the caller, controlled the Devil Scorpion Crystal Armor, and also exerted his greatest strength.
The entire crystal armor emits a light red color, just like a set of machines is overloaded, the armor-like deconstruction set up on the head and the three short wings on the back become real armor, covering the whole body, and at the same time The tail behind was also wrapped around the body. The scorpion tail was located on the chest, where there was the only place where the armor was not wrapped, and it was also the reddest place in the entire crystal armor.
Facing Ye Zhongming's attack, the scorpion tail and chest issued a red energy column that merged together, colliding with Ye Zhongming's attack.
Under the starry sky, the sun-like light erupted, once dispelling the darkness belonging to the night. The huge aftermath of energy spread out towards the surroundings. Like dominoes, the buildings in the area collapsed until they were far away.
One-fifth of the entire Jiangnan District of Jicheng was razed to the ground by this shock wave.
I don’t know how many low-level fighters lost their lives under the shock wave.
Ye Zhongming didn't let go of Feng Lei's twins, and with a slight gasp, he looked at the front, and his killing intent remained undiminished.
In the distance, the devil scorpion crystal armor fell there. The original beautiful crystal body has now become tattered, many places have been missing, and there are cracks everywhere. This one comes from the universe. Equipment, even if it is not destroyed.
I don't know if Siao Ao has been ejected because of the serious damage. He is being pressed under the crystal armor.
Ye Zhongming didn't even look at them, but stared at a somewhat stunned man a few meters behind them.
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