Vol 3 Chapter 1362: Die with this city

"Fifty kilometers from the border of the Red Scarf Forest..."
"Antian hilly ridge..."
"On the side of the thick meadows of Guru Lake..."
"The stone forest at the upper reaches of the winding red water stream..."
"Hey open wormhole near the center line of pit 10 and pit …"
In a dark and concealed courtyard, Ye Zhongming listened to the notes translated by Lan Jin and remembered these positions.
These are all clearly documented. The location of the outsider's first appearance, there are still some uncertain, Ye Zhongming did not remember, he is afraid that the information error will affect his judgment.
Due to the difference in appearance, the appearance of outsiders will always attract the attention of Bourbon free leaders. Ye Zhongming is better, but his ears and fingers are slightly different from the life here, like the three-legged person. No matter how you hide it, the difference is too great.
"Red body, three meters high, double horns..."
"The four-corner body, with its heads back and forth, sounds like a baby..."
"Metal and flesh combined, binocular fire..."
"Four wings, pointed beak, long tail, multi-colored feathers..."
"Ten meters tall, with long neck, one horn, two wings, spitting fire, sharp claws, good flying..."
These are the characteristics and appearances of many outsiders recorded above. Ye Zhongming looked at them. Except one of them felt a bit like a dragon, he didn't know what it was.
It seems that outsiders should be more appropriately called outside life. Bourbon Freedom appears to have been visited by many such lives.
Different life forms, random locations, different numbers, different strengths and weaknesses...
Ye Zhongming summarized the characteristics of these foreign lives and found that there are really no rules to follow.
After taking the healing potion, Lan Jin's body is recovering quickly, but her mood is not high. If Ye Zhongming asked him to translate this diary, she might have fallen into a depression that she did not know how long.
All the companions who usually fought together died, leaving her alone. I want to come, now her family has also been captured or directly killed, and the meaning of living seems to be gone all at once.
Lan Jin said that it is not clear what the map of the whole Heyam Valley looks like, even if it is known, it is probably unclear.
Ye Zhongming told her to sleep for a while, but he went out. He planned to get a map on which to mark these locations to see what clues or patterns he could find.
Just as soon as he came out, Ye Zhongming noticed a tension in the whole city.
He didn't need to think about it, he must have been killed by the city council's nobles, and he should be looking for him and Rankin.
Ye Zhongming sneered a bit, and found a robe with a hat, specializing in various alleys and scarce places. Because of his fast speed, even if someone noticed something wrong, he would have disappeared long ago.
As for the map he wanted to obtain, it was not too difficult to find. After all, the explorer was going to explore the city. The situation of the whole Heima Valley has been well known for a long time, but there are some dangerous places where few people go.
The map found may be incomplete, but many versions are put together to fully present the terrain of the Hey Valley. Ye Zhongming found the map and immediately went back to the hidden hut.
But before waiting to enter, Ye Zhongming stopped.
There is a dangerous breath here.
Was found!
The people here didn't know what method to use, and found the place where Lan Jin was hiding within a few hours of his departure.
Ye Zhongming knew that this was a trap, and did not know how many people were ambushing here, but he had to go in because Lan Jin was still inside. Perhaps the hope of surviving was not great, but... he had to go in to make sure.
Ye Zhongming walked into the encircling circle without looking back. The speed was very fast. When he got outside, he got the answer.
Above the courtyard door, Lan Jin’s corpse, which had nothing to wear, was stared at, twisted, already cold on his face, with pain and humiliation that had been tortured before death, with long nails on his limbs and body Through it, several blood stains flowed from the door panel to the ground, and it has not dried up yet.
On the roof, two people stood up, wearing black uniforms, senior black envoys of the city council, and several figures appeared behind them and on the surrounding walls.
These people have one thing in common, they all exude extremely powerful momentum.
Among them, Ye Zhongming saw the commander-in-chief of the City Guard, and the owner of the magnificent shop, but the two of them opened their heads under Ye Zhongming's gaze and dared not stare at him.
In this trap, the city of Scarby does its best!
Outsiders, in fact, in the history of Bourbon Liberty, the reputation is not very good, mainly because some outsiders are too strong, and caused a lot of disasters in various cities after coming here.
Especially when a large number of outsiders appeared on a large scale, they even occupied the city, and later put all the free power to destroy these outsiders.
Before Ye Zhongming appeared alone, he did not show too much strength, and did not cause too much trouble, so naturally he did not attract attention, but when he defeated the chief commander, killed many explorers and black envoys here, things It caused enough attention above.
The city committee immediately decided to kill the outsider at all costs.
Finding someone in this city they haven't known for a long time is actually not too difficult.
There was footsteps in the back, and Ye Zhongming turned around and saw a person coming by a group of guards.
Everyone saluted towards this person.
His identity is almost ready-the chief member of the city committee, that is, the chairman.
It is also the most powerful person in this city.
Ye Zhongming only glanced at it, and he knew in his heart that this person is very strong, very strong!
But not stronger than myself!
"I could have said nothing to you at first." The very well-dressed chief committee member stood tall and had a slightly high head.
"But I still want to say that outsiders, Scarby, don't welcome you."
"So you must die."
The words were thrown loudly, and along with the voices, a large number of gangsters appeared, followed by a larger number of city guards, but at least thousands of people were there.
Ye Zhongming nodded unexpectedly, looking at the highest ruler of the city and saying, "Can you represent this city?"
"of course!"
Ye Zhongming listened and nodded again.
"Then, I will tell you something."
"Go die with this city!"
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