Chapter 147: I need half an hour

Liang Chuyin's wicker whip entangled a boulder in the ruins, his body leapt in the air, one side of the light flashed, Feng Zhiyue was thrown over, the net red girl caught it, released the whip, held the knife in both hands, towards The part of the heart exposed by the sand worm pierced fiercely.卐八??一◎Fiction ¤???Web w`w, w,. , 8`1, z, w`. `c-o`m`
Feng Zhiyue pierced the heart of this sand bug, a lot of black blood splattered out, sprayed Liang Chuyin's face, and the pretty net red girl immediately became a little black man.
Liang Chuyin screamed, women, most of them love cleanliness, and the net red girl is no exception. These dirty things make her feel sick.
But she just screamed, and immediately jumped off the sandworm's body after pulling out the front of the moon. She knew that Mo Ye was still insisting there, and she had no time to delay.
Mo Ye was really embarrassed.
She flashed the attack of a sand worm, and the sword was waved out in her hand, which was printed on the body of another sand worm. The power from the blade made Mo Ye almost throw the knife away.
Fortunately, she learned powerful skills. Some things in Chinese martial arts were applied to the sword technique, and her arm moved, barely shed this power.
With a bang, the empty Ling shield on the side was broken again, and Mo Ye sprinted toward the front, avoiding the attack of the head of the sand bug that Mo Ye was injured, which was weakened, but enough to hurt Mo Ye.
The huge head strength of this monster is too full, and it is too hard. Emo Ye now has the level of a one-star evolutionist. Chopping it with the front of the moon will only leave a white stamp. ???◎No. 1st Middle School? Wengwen? ?W`W-W`. , 8`1, z-w`. com
This is already a broken ground with a shield on all sides, and Pu Xiuying's mental strength has dropped to a very dangerous point.
"Captain, here we come!"
Fortunately, at this time, several people of Xiaohu killed their sand bugs and came to help.
"I'm going to haunt it!"
The empty Lingdun on Liang Chuyin was still there, and she took the initiative to take a sandworm.
Mo Ye is no nonsense, and the two of them started attacking another insect killer in tandem.
Li Qiang took the opportunity to put a cold gun on one side. With the cooperation of three people, it took half a minute to kill the sand bug. For this reason, the tiger was hit by the sand bug before he died, although there was an empty shield to protect him. But the huge force still let him fly far away, and some blood spilled from the corner of his mouth after falling to the ground, obviously injured.
Clenching his teeth, Xiaohu stood up quickly, the battle was not over, he could not fall.
It was only when he stood up that the sand bug had been killed, and Ye Zhongming was standing on the sand bug's body and pulled out his Fengyue.
Looking at the other side, the two sand bugs Ye Zhongming dealt with had already hung, and even the magic crystal on the forehead had been dug out. ?? Bayi § № 卍 ◎ novel §? Web www`w, w`. `81Zw. com
The little tiger twitched his teeth, and said that the boss was indeed the boss, and he was a complete mess.
"There is no time." Ye Zhongming said solemnly when he saw everyone coming to ask why he had shot.
Following his gaze, the people standing on the ruins saw that there were tens of thousands of zombies outside, and some mutated lives were mixed inside, even though there was no act of attacking each other at all.
At this moment, there are only tens of meters away from the gap caused by the sand worms. Zombies have already rushed here. Even if they walk slowly, they will climb to the place where Ye Zhongming and others are standing in a minute or two.
Everyone's face was extremely ugly. They all knew that even now it is too late to organize people to strengthen this ruin. Ye Zhongming's previous idea was impossible to achieve.
"How come they come so fast? It seems like everything is planned."
Liang Chuyin, who didn't stop using his sleeves to wipe the blood of sandworms on his head and face, looked at the corpses commonly used by the tide, and his voice was a little trembling.
She can not be afraid of fighting with the second-class mutant life, but she is afraid of the endless zombies like the stormy waves.
"Yeah, and so many sand bugs, attacking the same place, and you see, the corpses in other places have already assembled here, otherwise there will not be so many here."
The little tiger was almost recovered after a nectar surgery by Park Soo-young. He pointed to the two sides of the ruins with Fengyueyue. There were few zombies there, almost all concentrated in front of the ruins, as if he knew it would collapse.
Ye Zhongming's face was a bit ugly, and he had some speculation in his heart, but he didn't want to say it.
If his guess comes true, then Ye Zhongming has little hope of keeping the base.
"I have a way to block these people."
A voice came from beneath the ruins on the side of the base. When everyone turned around, they saw Xia Lei dragging a flat station there, with many neatly wrapped cuboids on it.
"Sister Lei!"
Mo Ye cheered, rushed down from the ruins, hugged Xia Lei for a moment, and then he was surprised.
"Sister Lei, are you an evolver?"
Xia Lei smiled at the little sister, and his eyes fell on Ye Zhongming above the ruins.
"Did you see the two buildings over there?" Xia Lei turned back and pointed to the two tall buildings not far away. "If you blow them up and make them fall in the same direction, you can block the southern area from leading to the other. At the entrances of several districts, people at the base have enough time to reorganize and arm."
Ye Zhongming took a look, there were two tall buildings that were not opposite to each other. According to Xia Lei, if dumped together, it would indeed isolate the Southern District from the base.
"It just so happened that I found these explosives from the east side. Give me some time and I can do what I just said."
Xia Lei looked up, a mature and charming face gleamed in the morning light, but I didn't know if it was an illusion. Mo Yezu on one side felt that Lei's eyes were a little swollen, as if she had just cried.
Ye Zhongming's eyes fell on Mo Ye's body, and the woman nodded immediately: "Sister Lei's level is comparable to the most professional blasting experts. This kind of directional blasting is not difficult for her."
"How much time do you need?"
Ye Zhongming pondered for a few seconds and immediately made a decision. Although he had an ominous premonition in his heart, he felt that he was not lucky, as if he had encountered the kind of legendary thing, but he still wanted to take a fight at the last minute. .
Xia Lei smiled. She knew what it meant. She returned to the group and was assured by the most important person.
"Half an hour, I need half an hour to arrange explosives." Xia Lei pointed at Mo Ye and Xiao Hudao again: "I still need their help!"
Ye Zhongming secretly gritted his teeth and glanced at the corpse that had already rushed in from outside the base. The magic crystals on the foreheads of these stinky guys were like a charming witch, tempting him all the time.
Wealth insurance, bet once!
"Okay, I will give you half an hour, I hope you will not let me down."
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