Vol 4 Chapter 1542: Odd array in the valley

"This is... the instruction manual?"
Ye Zhongming held an animal skin page and asked uncertainly about the light beside him. His eyes were not clear, so he didn’t know what it was above, but he found that the boxes that came from the sky contained various equipment. These one piece of such things, guess is the instruction manual.
"Yes." The glorious look was solemn. He and Ye Zhongming opened many boxes together. The contents inside surprised him.
"What is written on it, read it to me."
Guangyao took over the animal skin page in Ye Zhongming's hand and first looked at the whole before reading: "Carliss Energy Gateway."
"Enter the mental power to charge the gateway. After the end, aim at the target and shoot out from the energy net. After hitting the target in the center, it will generate 5000P of binding power, and it will produce a paralysis effect of ten seconds with time. The longer the time, the more paralysis power. Seriously, this function can be controlled to be turned on. Once it is turned on, the gateway will not function after ten seconds."
Ye Zhongming's heart jumped when he heard 5000P. This is the same as the energy counting method of the roaring mechanic, but this value is a bit too scary, right? ! Once hit by this energy net, what level of mutated life can break free? Level 6? Level 7 or Level 8?
"Maximum number of uses, five times."
Guangyao finished reading the instructions on the hide, and it had nothing to do with the shape and firearms. It was completely a cube box with a trigger and a sight.
There are a total of five things in this alien box, and the Carlisle Energy Gateway is just one of them.
There are four other things, including a two-handed professional scroll, a "Eagle Eyes" function card, a white mine, and a bottle of "Golden Bull" blood.
Five things, two are roulette equipment, and the other three are all things of the universe.
"Are there any restrictions on users?" Ye Zhongming asked, and Guangyao replied no.
Ye Zhongming thought about it again, "Find a five-star brother with ordinary mental strength to come over and try to see if he can fill this energy gateway with energy."
After a while, a soldier arrived excitedly and began to recharge the gateway in front of his idol. It turned out that when he ran out of mental energy, he could just fill this piece of equipment once.
Ye Zhongming's complexion was slightly unsightly.
Genting warriors are better than other evolutionaries, but according to this situation, a two-five-star evolutionary relay can easily slow down this gun, and what about the power?
Ye Zhongming tried again. He found a sixth-level mutant life. After attacking with this gun, he couldn't break free. I also found a seventh-level life outside, with a power shape, but there were signs of breaking away. Once the paralysis skills were issued, I couldn't break away.
Although there is only ten seconds, it turns out that after ten seconds, this seventh-level life has been paralyzed.
Ye Zhongming didn't go to test the eighth level of life, this thing should have no effect on this level.
But even so, this weapon without registration restrictions is also powerful.
Perhaps, letting a one-star evolver hold it can't get close to high-level evolvers, but it is possible for a five-star evolver to hold a sixth-level mutant life. If someone cooperates, hunting seven-level lives will become may.
From this piece of equipment, we can see the effect of these boxes on the evolution of the country.
"Is there so many things like this?" Ye Zhongming asked, in fact he already knew the answer in his heart.
"Carlisle Energy Gateway is a good product, but there is not much difference in other things. The current country is crazy for these boxes, it is not unreasonable, many new forces are raised, many newcomers are coming, the whole past With the help of these boxes, the strength is rapidly improving."
In the hands of Guangyao, there is some information sent by the avoidance. The above statistics are not comprehensive, but they are very representative. The names of some forces and evolvers have entered Yunding's vision for the first time.
"There is some dark tide surging in the national area now, because these equipments basically do not have much effect on the top evolvers, but they can help the low-level evolvers to quickly increase their strength. Now the gap between everyone is narrowing rapidly, and the point of competition for benefits There is a coincidence. In this case, conflict is almost inevitable. I don’t know when a large-scale battle will erupt. Also!"
Guangyao is somewhat worried about the current situation in the country.
"Because there are rumors that there are better boxes coming soon, many people are flexing their muscles, and even some super powers are beginning to prepare. Everyone believes that the box that is coming will also be useful for the top evolvers."
Ye Zhongming lowered his head and thought for a while, then said: "Are there any rules to follow where these boxes fall?"
Guangyao shook his head, "Not found, it should be very random, but it is the active area of ​​human evolution. Some people have searched in many unmanned areas, but they have not found it."
"That's it." Ye Zhongming touched his eyes, and this movement has become a habit recently. "Let everyone prepare, if there are more boxes coming, we have to fight as much as possible. We can let the teams in the jurisdiction continue to send out letters to the posthumous people and the Temple of Dawn, let them help me collect the price. negotiable."
Guangyao nodded his head, if the box that appeared again can really have an effect on the top evolvers, then Yunding must naturally grab it.
"Open all the boxes in our hands, advance the library records, and then allocate them as needed." Ye Zhongming issued another order, and then he wanted to say something. Suddenly his face changed, and he didn't greet Guangyao, and hurried toward the outside. And go.
This terrified many people. I didn’t know what happened to my boss. The Red Makeup Guard, Emperor Wow, Yangos, etc. all converged towards Ye Zhongming, and even the defensive forces also divided a part to respond.
Ye Zhongming leaped out of the villa quickly, ran on Dihuang Maru, and then jumped back to the back of the Yangos Dragon, heading towards a farther place, and finally came to a valley, Yangos fell, and soon At the bottom of the valley, dozens of stone pillars were erected, each with strange patterns and a concave hole. Ye Zhongming jumped down and installed these pillars with the help of Yangos' eyes. Many things, then jumped back to Yangos’s back anxiously, and the evil dragon took off. In the process, Ye Zhongming took out something and threw it at the strange town below. Then one person and one dragon started to work hard. Evacuate.
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