Vol 4 Chapter 1554: Deep into the control area

"Refresh after 20 minutes"
When the Elder came, the city center of Black Dragon City was completely messed up.
Before talking with Ye Zhongming, who knew that the king of Genting said that the trouble came out and immediately rushed out of the house. He didn't know what was going on. Until nearly a minute later, he smelled a rich blood in the air. breath.
Then, a news came that the mutated life on the other side of the city, I don’t know why, became very irritable, and launched a large-scale impact on the human side. Some of these extremely powerful existences even entered the Black Dragon City Human Control Zone. Side slaughter evolution.
This is something human beings in Black Dragon City cannot tolerate.
The land of half a city is the root of their survival. If they are lost, they will become rootless people.
On the cold ice sheets of the Northland, no one can survive the ice storm that may come at any time.
Because of this, when the mutated life in the other half of the city was agitated, all the people with heads and faces in the Black Dragon City came. They surrounded the elderly and looked dignified.
"what happened?"
Because of the special circumstances in the city, there is this strict rotation system in the center of the city.
Speaking of this, let’s also talk about the special ‘topography’ here. Naturally, the evolutionists will not let themselves mix with the mutant life without any defensive measures, but build some special lines of defense.
It is said that human beings and mutated life live in a city. In fact, there are only four places that can enter the human city.
Because the city sits north to the south, the south is the human control area, and the north is the mutated life control area. Roughly, you can separate each other from an east-west zone. The people of Heilongcheng are accustomed to call this blood street.
The widest part of Blood Street is more than a hundred meters, and the narrowest part is more than fifty meters, which is full of various boulders, ruins, big pits, bone debris and so on.
Of course, the ground is a strange blue-purple color formed by the infection of blood of various colors, which is very strange.
Connected to the blood street on the human side, there are four passages. There are two in the middle and the widest of the four passages. One is between two huge ruin icebergs with a width of more than 100 meters and the same depth. There are also 100 meters.
At the end of this street is a small wall built by humans using the material of the black dragon city to connect the two ruins of the iceberg. There is no gate. The evolutionary wants to enter the blood street from here, and can only use rope to go down from above. .
Because it is like a concave word, it is notched.
About a kilometer west of the notch, there is a huge skeleton, which was a powerful monster at that time. It reached the eighth level in the last three years, entered the Black Dragon City from the north, and was looted by humans. kill.
Although it has paid a great price, this monster has brought great benefits to Black Dragon City. Its magic crystal is the first eight-level magic crystal obtained here, and many of its materials have become the bosses now. The equipment in his hands and body, its flesh and blood, has improved many human constitutions...
In addition, its bones, as if they were planted on the ground, could not be shaken by the evolvers. Later, we found that these bones with the thickness of adult strong men were very strong, even if they were the same eighth-level life, they could not be damaged, so they gave up on them The idea of ​​removal is to use these bones to make a passage to the blood street.
On the side close to humans, there are a variety of formulas, powerful weapons can be seen everywhere, a hundred meters in front is this skeletal passage, and behind this is a city of humans. It can be said that this is the place where humans will mostly choose to hunt. It is also the place where the battle is the most intense, and it is also the place where the attack of the mutant life is frequently pursued.
Over the course of a year, the mutant life has attacked here more than two thousand times, an average of more than six times a day!
The skeletal passage is what the evolvers of the Black Dragon City call it.
These bones gave the evolutionists the best cover when they played. Of course, in many cases, they are also a cover for mutant life.
In addition to these two relatively spacious passages.
There is also an entrance on both sides of the east and west. On the east, people call it the hive maze. Here is naturally not a real maze, just a lot of passages opened by humans and mutant life in the huge ruins, connecting the blood street and the human area, there are always some mutant lives like to stay in the hive maze, and the evolver can not enter the blood Street, come here directly to kill the mutant life to obtain magic crystals and materials.
It's just that the hive maze is very dim both day and night, and only those who have special abilities in vision or hearing are willing to hunt here.
To the west, there is a with a width of about 20 meters, extending from Blood Street to the top of the ruin ice wall. The is about 200 meters long. People have established a defense line on the top of the slope. Few evolutionaries come out here. More use of some flesh to'fishing' attracts the mutated life of the Blood Street, and then the attack from the top.
Because the ice surface of the is hard and smooth, the mutant life will fall during the running or charging process, which allows humans to easily shoot and attack them.
Here comes the name, fishing slope.
Now the place where Elder and others are located is the top of the fishing slope.
Just now, there have been a large number of mutant life attacks here, the number of which is over ten thousand. If it is not exactly today that the battle madman Yan Shuangfei took her um to take charge of the defense here, it may have been broken.
Now, looking down from the top of the slope, the entire ramp was covered with corpses of mutated life, and some of them hadn't stopped breathing, and their bodies were still twitching.
"It's not just fishing slopes, skeleton passages, notches and other places where attacks have been found, but there are not as many as here. Every place is led by an existence of more than eight levels. Now only the hive labyrinth has nothing to do. Hai Dayu said with his hands crossed and his neck twisting.
"Who is in charge?" Because Elder has a special status, when he encounters something, his words are basically equivalent to instructions.
"The white skin is on the notch, the bone channel is on, and Ru Qin and He Qinchuan are assisting. Although there is nothing wrong with the hive labyrinth, but everything else is messed up, it is estimated that there will be problems there, so Long Lao already It’s going to be out."
Hearing Hai Dayu say this, An Elder's face slowed down a bit.
These people are not very peaceful at ordinary times, but when something really happens, they are still very united.
"Why does this happen?"
Elder does not understand, how to mutate life seems to be crazy? They used to attack before, but the number was not large. Even if there was a precedent of attacking the channel together several times, there were not so many high-level existence leaders.
Humans use this as a hunting ground, why is it not to mutate life?
They will not easily ruin here.
"It's not clear, but the eighth-level life has retreated. Maybe they have negotiated and come together to find food?" Yan Shuangfei shrugged. She was not interested in why these mutant life came here. As long as there was a fight, she would happy.
Standing on the top of the slope, Elder looked across, across the blood street, through the large and small wreckage and ruins, he could faintly see that there are many mutant lives in motion, which was originally normal, but I don’t know why, Now he always felt that it was an unknown conspiracy against the humans of the Black Dragon City.
"Where did Mr. Ye go?"
Elder suddenly said.
"Mr. Ye?" Hai Dayu and Yan Shuangfei looked at each other, but did not see Ye Zhongming.
"Ask Bai Kaipi and Lao Long over there." An Lao seemed anxious, which made the other two bosses very puzzled.
However, according to the instructions of Elder, I contacted them in the fastest way. After three minutes, Ye Zhongming had not seen the news from all over the place.
Elderly is very sure that Ye Zhongming did come here.
"turn up……"
Elder said only two words, and suddenly stopped, then Yan Shuangfei and Hai Dayu also looked east.
"No, Lao Long may not be able to withstand it!" An Lao said, and immediately looked at the heavy rain in the sea. "Let the notch closest to the labyrinth labyrinth be reinforced, open the notch in the past, heavy rain, you can replace Akai, defend the skeleton passage!"
"it is good!"
Hai Dayu knew that what he said was nonsense at this time, he immediately agreed to pass on the news first, and then immediately rushed to the nearest skeletal passageway, according to what Elder said.
"You go to notify the forces of the Black Dragon City, let them according to their camp location, the nearest reinforcement channel, on the other side of the city wall, organize a patrol to patrol the ruined ice wall, find anomalies, resist on the spot, and notify us later."
An Elder handed over a man and asked him to issue the order of the city's general mobilization.
"Shuangfei, I'll hand it over to you here. I'll send someone over later. I will go to the middle position to sit down. If you have any questions, please contact me at any time."
The little girl nodded, and the whole person entered a state of excitement in front of the station.
Just now, as eight-star evolutionaries, they all felt that two very strong breaths suddenly appeared on the east side of the city, near the hive maze, which means that there are two eight-level lives approaching there, even... Having entered there, although Long Lao has the highest personal strength in the Black Dragon City, he has to face danger in the face of two eight-level lives. ,
Elder walked while thinking, feeling very bad.
However, he was strangely relieved.
Because he knew that there was a cow in Black Dragon City.
Ye Zhongming was standing beside a ruin, surrounded by four bodies with different life and death shapes.
Here has crossed the blood street and entered the mutant life control area.
"Bulls, beasts, mutant bees, black jaws..."
Ye Zhongming looked at the four bodies and frowned.
He was followed by Xia Bai, and the red hair remained at the station to lead the Red Makeup Guard. When needed, she could get in touch with Ye Zhongming through the spiritual level and bring the team over.
"They are in different positions in the food chain, and they will be together, then..."
Ye Zhongming muttered to himself, he felt something was not right.
The reason why he rushed out just now, in addition to smelling the smell, also faintly felt a special breath here.
He didn't know what kind of breath it was, but it seemed attractive to him.
But now the situation is, should he look for the source of breath that is attractive to him?
Once you go, you have to go deep into the mutated life control area, and seeing these four lives that should have been preying on each other, he felt that there should be an order that they should not attack each other.
This kind of life usually has a very high spiritual strength, and its strength is certainly not weak. A scattered and mutated life and an organized mutated life are two completely different concepts. Even if Ye Zhongming is strong, you must be cautious.
Ye Zhongming thought for a while and decided to take a look, otherwise he would not be reconciled.
For safety reasons, Ye Zhongming released the two ice birds. They have evolved to the eighth level and are already powerful helpers. Especially in the cold climate of the Northland, the strength of the two guys is even more bonus. Together, it is not weaker than Dihuang Wan and Yangos.
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