Vol 4 Chapter 1602: Ball ball

There has never been a moment when Ye Zhongming was so powerless to resist.
It is not that he has not faced the existence of the ninth level. The Father, the Armor King, the Jiuyiwu, the Snow Wolf King, and the Bear King are all true Nine levels. Even after his strength continues to improve, he can already fight the Snow Wolf King. This existence is a dozen.
Although it will lose, it is definitely not without a fight!
But at the entrance of this small cave, Ye Zhongming and Xia Bai lost their room to toss and turn. When these white filaments came around, they could not escape.
In other cases, the two can choose to fight hard, but this time, the toughness of these white silks makes them helpless.
It's just like when I was caught by the language woman and couldn't cut the white silk.
The body was entangled, and a huge force came. Ye Zhongming and Xia Bai felt that their bodies seemed to be strangled.
The magic crystal rose to the top of the cave under the support of Bai Si, looking down on Ye Zhongming and Xia Bai below. Although there could be no expression, it gave a clear greed and evil.
Make Ye Zhongming and Xia Bai feel that this guy is full of appetite for the two.
Xia Bai has no resistance. She wants to make her injured more seriously, preferably in a near-death state, so that she can deliver her strongest blow. All she needs to do is to cut all the white silk.
The strangely evolved characteristics prevent her from being tied down like Ye Zhongming, she can control the sickle to appear from her side.
Xia Bai knew what she had to do to save Ye Zhongming, whose second life is still cooling down, and would lose the elemental spirit permanently if she died!
The King of Genting is also thinking about countermeasures. The equipment on his body makes him in a better state than Xia Bai without resistance.
Ye Zhongming can now think of what might have some effect, namely Ling Xiao cutting, letting go of it with all his mental strength.
It's just that it takes a lot of risk. Now that the arms are firmly wrapped around the body, the cutting of Ling Xiao is very likely to cause harm to yourself.
What to do, bet or not?
Ye Zhongming can only choose to gamble.
He hopes that the purple glove and the characteristics of Ling Xiao's cutting can make him get rid of the present dilemma.
Some faint light came from the glove, which is a sign of activating skills.
Ye Zhongming's mental power began to crazily rush into the glove, and he made a decision in his heart, but he was very depressed.
This ninth-level life is too special. I am so special that I don't know what method to use for Ye Zhongming to solve it.
Now, it is completely forced to do so.
Just when Ye Zhongming passively wanted to use Lingxiao to cut desperately, a black energy hole appeared silently and odorlessly on the ground under the white silk magic crystal.
Before, because the two sides entered a state of battle, no one paid attention, but it was only not noticed at the beginning. Now, the energy opening is large enough, whether it is Ye Zhongming or this nine-level white silk life.
A spheroid slowly drilled out of it.
This guy is not big. The body of the ball is up to two meters in diameter. There are some long soft tentacles on the ball. The whole body looks full of elasticity.
This... Ye Zhongming opened his mouth slightly, I don’t know how to describe his current mood. Isn’t that the life called by many Red Makeup Guard fighters after he was activated last time?
Ye Zhongming's surprise suddenly dropped by half.
He knew the reason for this guy's arrival.
Although he didn't bring it with him here, it was called the life of the bloodline, so when Ye Zhongming activated the bloodline again, it was summoned from the Genting team outside the city.
It's just... Ye Zhongming smiled bitterly in his heart. Even if Jibao is coming, you can use venom to try to see if it can work on these white silks, but it is a ball!
Or Thunderbolt Sand Monster is also ok, shouldn't this guy appear immediately? Why is it gone?
The ball is a defensive metamorphosis, and there is such a strength, but it has no effect on Bai Si!
Bai Si's life also saw the ball. It's not polite. Several white silks popped up quickly and immediately entangled the ball.
The ball has eyes, but it is relatively small, and you can't find it without looking closely. It looks at the white silk hidden in itself with its small eyes, and whimpers.
Ye Zhongming was originally due to this change, temporarily put away Ling Xiao cutting, can not desperately, he is not willing to desperately.
But what he saw was the ball, he hoped to be broken, and he was ready to issue a cut again.
The ball was lifted near Ye Zhongming and Xia Bai, and its body elasticity was just fine. Under the winding of a few white threads, the body was deformed, as if it had the plasticine with shoelaces.
Looking at Ye Zhongming, his face was ignorant.
Ye Zhongming was frustrated, could this guy not see the situation clearly? Even if the attack is useless, will you do some resistance? What do you look at?
At this time, Bai Si seemed to have lost the cat and mouse tricks. The bulge above Bai Si began to appear. Whether it was Xia Bai or Ye Zhongming, he was immediately pierced into the body by this bulge, and the hard armor turned out to be No effect!
Ye Zhongming smelled the breath of death, and also felt the energy begin to lose, and the body even came from the medium.
He knew that white silk, which penetrated into the structure of the body, carried paralytic toxins!
There, the ball made such a sound again. It no longer looked at Ye Zhongming, but looked at the white silk that was entwining itself. Obviously, the white silk was also attacking it.
The defense of the ball is extremely tough. The strength of the nine-level life like the snow wolf king Xiong Wang, and the sharp claws, can't really hurt the ball.
But now, Ye Zhongming sees that the white silk pierced into the ball's body.
The syllable of the ball is still the same, but it has a different meaning in it.
As Ye Zhongming heard, this guy... was angry?
Ye Zhongming saw the ball often played by Yangos and Dihuang Wan in the past two days. Not far away from his eyes, he slowly opened a small gap.
Should it be its mouth? Ye Zhongming thought so.
The next second, he saw a contraction around the mouth of the ball, after which a ball of mucus flew out.
The muscles in Ye Zhongming's face were twitching.
What does this Nima mean? Being caught and unable to resist, angrily sputtered towards the opposite side? !
Can you be more naive? Is this your only way of attacking other than hitting with your body?
As the king of Genting, Ye Zhongming suddenly felt blushing.
What a shame!
However, while these thoughts were still reverberating in his head, he suddenly felt loose, and Bai Si let him go!
Ye Zhongming looked at the white silk magic crystal and saw that the ninth-level magic crystal that had looked down on him like a was being wrapped around by unknown white silk. Although there was no sound, he could see them in Wipe something crazy.
The King of Genting turned a little bit hard, and saw a few tentacles that were also restored to freedom. The tentacles were bent around the waist. The remaining one was pointing to the white silk life that was caught in a frantic state.
"Ooo! Ooo!"
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