Vol 4 Chapter 1767: Giant Battle (Part 2)

Ye Zhongming's body suddenly disappeared, and when he appeared again, he had reached the palace.
The weapon in his hand has been replaced by the wind and thunder twins, he held it high, turned his body slightly, and then could not see how he did it. Anyway, a sword light almost illuminating the dark sky was facing. The palace was cut.
Perhaps many people think that when a person has evolved to the highest level of the entire planet, then there should be so little ‘fan’ and so little demeanor.
You shouldn't fight more and less, especially if Yan Shushu has said that she will come.
Instead of giving the enemy a face, you should give yourself a little face.
But Ye Zhongming still shot, and he didn't hesitate to see that King Yanshu fell under the wind... In fact, strictly speaking, it was not the downwind... When he attacked the palace giant.
Ye Zhongming's attack was instant to most people. When the sword light was on, he had already hacked the palace giant.
A large piece of the building was cut from the palace giant, and fell to the ground in a horrified glance.
Many people just saw the battle between King Yanshu and the palace giants, and the thought they had was-this is the battle between the nine levels?
And now Ye Zhongming has only their thoughts left behind-it turns out that this is the battle between the nine levels!
The palace giant's injury suddenly interrupted its inherent offensive rhythm. The huge mountain-like body swayed, moving left and right as if trembling, and the roots of the king tree staring at it fell all at once.
"Little leaf, let me come!"
The voice of Yan Wangshu changed into a body, but she was still able to hear that she was a little angry. How she learned other human emotions was unclear, but she was fully aware of the essence.
"Quick battle and quick decision."
Ye Zhongming replied faintly.
When he was eight stars, the king of Genting was not afraid of the existence of the ninth level, let alone has now become the top.
Mo Ye raised his hand and summoned it except for a seal, which was blue and appeared to be ice.
Only the mother-in-law did not move. It was not that she was unwilling, but that she had little effect on the enemy of the physical and fighting style of the palace giant.
When the ninth level of Genting was about to start, the palace giant shook his body not only to shake off the root systems of those king trees. The bricks and stones on the body also fell, as if... molting.
Yan Wangshu withdrew the root system, and it was painful to be hit by these bricks.
Many evolvers who have withdrawn far away feel a little dry, as if the surrounding water has been absorbed.
As this feeling became stronger, many people were unclear, so it wasn't until the huge ice cone fell from the Fu Zhuan floating in the sky that he knew what was going on.
Pieces of ice cones like a train whistled and pierced the palace giant on the ground, and the Taoist master began to show his power. At the same time, Ye Zhongming raised his hands again and cut again.
Yan Wangshu was not happy, but there was no way. She put away the crystallized state. Many of the dense leaves on the branches were retracted into the inside, leaving a few sparse ones. These leaves began to grow larger, and soon It's as big as a washbasin.
The large leaves are arranged very orderly, either up and down, or left and right on the branches, and at the next moment, they start to rotate, like a hacksaw.
The high-speed rotating leaves cover the opponent.
It seems that the ninth levels of Genting are about to kill the palace.
"Be careful!"
Wifey watching the battle on the side, suddenly shouted. With her voice, the bricks and stones of the palace that had originally fallen on the ground flew up again, flying continuously around the palace giant, forming a layer of moving'brick storm' that surrounded it.
Ye Zhongming's second sword, the cutting of the tree of the king, and the Fuzhuan ice cone of Mo Ye hit the masonry storm at the same time.
It's hard to imagine how much energy these collisions of nine-level life produced. Anyway, with them as the center, the energy wave spreads around, and the building collapses like a domino until it stops a few hundred meters away.
Fortunately, the vast majority of evolvers have already withdrawn from this range at this time, otherwise this aftershock of the shock can kill people below five stars.
Fragments of masonry and ice cones became the theme here.
Ye Zhongming's attack did not achieve the effect just now, or that the nine-level existence of Genting did not achieve the desired results. They just smashed this layer of masonry storm for half.
Perhaps the use of a few nine levels is not a trick, and they have not tried their best, but the ability to resist several attacks of the same level together still shows the strength of the palace giant.
Not only that, its counterattack also came very quickly, and those masonry stones suddenly exploded to the outside, whether it was Ye Zhongming Mo Ye in the sky, or the next king tree, or even a linguist who was a little away from here , Are within the scope.
Several nine levels immediately defended each other. The weapon in Ye Zhongming's hand turned, and the airflow generated by itself and the rotation became a shield. Mo Ye's Fu Zhuan instantly withdrew and blocked himself in front of him. Yan Wangshu crystallized again and resisted these attacks.
The language woman and the black cat have already let the flying life under them fly far away, and they are able to catch up with not many bricks and stones, and they are crushed by her.
"Earth Strike!"
The palace giant obviously didn't want to give up the attack opportunities that were hard to come by. Another skill came one after another. It once again ‘molted’ and became smaller for the second time.
Only this time, it wasn't bricks and bricks, but a lot of buildings such as partial warehouses.
They are separated, crushed, liquefied, and solidified independently, and these are completed in an instant, turning into a sharp rock column, which pushes towards its opponent from below.
The length is across the ground and the sky!
"You're so annoying!"
Yan Wangshu yelled, its body is huge, and it is still standing on the ground. As soon as this thing appeared, it immediately ran into it. Even after crystallization, it was uncomfortable to bear it for a while.
After he was angry, the king tree completely blew up, removed the crystallization, and the branches grew soft and grew wildly, directly hugging the palace giant...
"Old lady strangles you!"
A booming ninth level is terrible, a booming aspiration to become a ninth level of humanity is very scary, and a booming aspiration to become a human or female ninth level is very, very scary.
The branches were entangled with the opponent, and the blades that had recovered their normal shape and density all began to rotate, frantically cutting the body of the palace giant who had been two circles smaller.
As you all know, this is the final decision of King Yanshu.
It was only at this critical moment that Ye Zhongming and other tops of Genting did not help Yan Wangshu as before, but turned around and looked in another direction.
There, a flag is slowly emerging in the void sky!
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