Vol 4 Chapter 1783: Turn around and run

After Ye Zhongming evolved into the nine stars, there was no problem in picking a mutant life of the same level.
He is fully armed on the earth, even if he has not yet reached the level of the Father, but he meets those high-ranking guys who are ranked in the top ten on the earth. If the help of Genting is counted, Mo Yeyangos red hair and others are dispatched together. It is estimated that only Genting alone can make the top ten mutant lives of the country disappear.
But now it’s different. He doesn’t have the best weapon at his disposal, no equipment that can bring him a sense of security, no loyal companions and pets around him, and a skill that has just been learned for ten days to kill a life of the same level. ?
Seeing Ye Zhongming showing hesitation, Aslan was suddenly disappointed.
A trash, in her opinion, is not afraid of being weaker, stupid, or even unruly.
But the most feared thing is that the trash has no courage!
That kind of garbage is really garbage.
"I have taught you everything about Shuangduying, and then you can figure it out for yourself."
After finishing speaking, Aslan took two steps backwards, his wings flickered and flew away.
Ye Zhongming looked at the gradually disappearing shadow and froze for a moment. I didn't know why the birdman suddenly left indifferently. After a reaction, he realized.
It seems that female emotions are not stable anywhere! (Female readers don’t hit me, I’m kidding! Hold your head manually!)
I just wanted to think about whether I should show my cards at this time. Why did you fly?
Although she didn't have a cold for the bird himself, Ye Zhongming was very grateful for her patient teaching. After watching her leave, she turned her attention to the sleeping monster.
Don't look at this guy's snotty bubbles coming out of sleep now, but Ye Zhongming is sure that once he enters its perception range, this guy will wake up immediately and launch an attack.
Unless it is really a master-level character in the assassin, otherwise it is equivalent to the evolution to the ninth level if you want to sneak into the ninth level of life.
Ye Zhongming did not rush to attack, but first sorted out his equipment.
The repaired dagger, the remanufactured leather armor, two bone daggers, and a box made from these materials in the past few days.
In these days, apart from eating and sleeping and despising birds, Ye Zhongming sat there when he was idle and didn't know what to do, and then put it into this box a little bit later.
After checking the equipment, Ye Zhongming still had no action, but took out food and water and ate a little bit slowly to allow the body to absorb nutrients in a shorter time.
His behavior lasted at least twenty minutes. During this period, except for the silent chewing, Ye Zhongming must not move.
The Xingyue tribe is more concerned about the miserable that can beat the special training instructors. At this moment, not only the color man and the mask man are watching from a short distance, but the Aslan who flew away is also with them. Converged. In the hall with the surveillance light curtain, more than a dozen people gathered to see it again, led by Cheng Liji, the highest position here.
"Um, not bad."
The gold commander who saw Aslan was beaten and almost issued a killing order at that time saw Ye Zhongming's movement at the moment. Instead of appearing impatient because he had not moved for a long time, he praised the world.
"An excellent assassin, an excellent Xingyue tribe, should have such patience when hunting. When did our guys take action, did they not prepare for days or even months?"
A silver mask man next to him took advantage of the situation to say nonsense, but everyone was comfortable listening.
The Xingyue tribe now wants to hear the praises of other races, which is too difficult, and can only entertain themselves.
One person reminds everyone.
At this time, Ye Zhongming moved after being still for a long time, but instead of launching an offensive as others expected, he began to circle around the monster's perception.
"Is he looking for weakness?"
Although a civilian has a little military value, it is not high. He knows and understands the Star Eyes' ability, but has little combat experience. He can only rely on his own guess to determine what Ye Zhongming is going to do.
"Dynamic has the characteristics of a multi-armed class. Each arm has a visual organ. Its weakness is not in the field of vision. If this garbage wants to be tempted in this regard, then it has to do useless work."
A gold-masked person shook his head. The trash obviously didn't know what kind of life he was going to face. In fact, it was unfair to Ye Zhongming. This monster, known as Qingtian by everyone, was not easy to deal with.
"It's not easy to raise a ninth-level life. If this garbage can't kill Optimus, then it's better to make food. A useless garbage is comparable to Optimus."
Cheng Liji made Chang Chang sneer, and the others looked at each other, not knowing whether they should listen to it in the opposite direction.
"Are he laying traps?"
Since the words of gold are too long to be answered, then look at the light curtain. Everyone found that the garbage did not stop after going around, but continued to go around, but this time it is very fast, and it will stop when it is somewhere. Come down, take the carrying box off, take out something, and arrange it slowly and carefully.
It seems that it is indeed some traps.
This attracted a lot of scoffs from the people in front of the light curtain.
This trap is not difficult to use, but it depends on who is right. Qingtian's mutated life is thicker than rough meat, only the joints are weak points, but the traps on the ground and plants can attack the joints with almost zero chance.
Also, what are the traps in Dark Strip City, or in some battlefields? It is a high-tech skill, from materials to institutions, which contains extremely high technological content, and requires the cooperation of multi-ethnic factories.
An excellent and functional trap is high-end products.
What's in the space for experience, how can people here not know, they don't think there is anything inside that can create a trap that threatens the life of the ninth level!
Useless work, everyone has made such a conclusion on Ye Zhongming's behavior.
The color man also understood the look after Aslan came back. This guy really gave hope first and made people feel disappointed.
"Let's go and see what he does? It's a waste of time." Aslan wanted to leave a little gruffly.
"Look, he, he should start."
The color hesitated and decided to stay, he was also disappointed, but there was still a little fluke in his heart.
In case...
Ye Zhongming stepped into Qingtian's perception range in the eyes that many people did not expect. The monster immediately opened its eyes, and after seeing the stranger, the fierce light began to shine.
It stood up and shook his body, and a bit of weed debris or the like fell on the ground, revealing his arm-like body.
The green-faced fangs are covered with thick arms with black mane. The lower limbs are quadruped and square. When you take a step, the amplitude is not large, but the frequency is very fast.
Ye Zhongming stopped after two steps, then changed direction and continued to walk a few steps before stopping, he was watching his opponent.
After examining his opponent, Optimus suddenly roared and began to move quickly, rushing towards Ye Zhongming, while waving his two arms, making a sound like a wine cork.
Two waves of air invisible to the naked eye struck.
Faced with an attack of the same level, the king of Genting... turned and ran.
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