Vol 4 Chapter 1873: The robe is white

Robe White stood in front of the light curtain of the aircraft and looked at the live broadcast. Although it could only monitor less than 20% of the position, the screen still often stayed in a place for a long time, but he still saw it with interest. .
Finally, a situation appeared in a picture. It was only part of a battle. It passed in an instant, but the white body of the robe suddenly moved over and looked at it repeatedly.
After that, his handsome face with small wounds showed a smile.
This instantly melted the almost frozen atmosphere in the entire aircraft.
Aslan also relaxed, it was really the man who put too much pressure on her.
The robe is white, the commander of the star-eye clan silver mask warrior, the silver commander, the force value ranks among the top clan.
This is not the reason he fears and respects the people in the clan the most. What he really makes the clan cannot ignore and forget is that he is a madman and a fighting madman.
For the benefit of the Star Eye Clan, Robe White will fight on almost any battlefield where he can appear, to fight for any leaderboard he can fight for.
Everyone admired him and called him a lunatic, not a derogatory one, but a compliment.
And afraid of him... In fact, he is often crazy enough to challenge his own people, even the kind who has challenged you, but as long as he feels addicted to playing with you, he still wants to fight you.
As for what conceals strength, it is all in the novel. Everyone is doing this. Who doesn’t know who? What's more, robe white is a silver sling, with great power in his hands, and he still can't figure out who his strength looks like?
This time he came to the novice camp, it really surprised everyone and took it for granted.
The accident is that this is a novice battlefield, and Bai Bai is not qualified to enter. He has passed this stage long ago. Even if he comes, it is only a pressure. He should have no interest in this kind of thing.
And it should be right because now the entire Star Eye tribe knows that there is a genius in the tribe, who is dubbed the robe white second, not only improved the double poison shadow skills, but also performed very well in the novice battlefield, and the robe It's really possible for Bai to come here when he's free. After all, the clan needs three fighters with energy below two thousand pay Leila to enter the novice battlefield. Most of the fighters of this level are silver mask fighters. As their commander, come over and look at the'second one'. Reasonable.
"Aslan, this time you are looking good." Although the robe white is the silver commander, he does not like to wear a mask when he is not fighting.
Aslan’s special status, but also respectful in front of the robe, immediately replied: "It is the credit of the old man of Ji Kesu."
"Don't be humble. You taught him the double poisonous shadow. He can improve it. Naturally, he is gifted and sensible, but you must teach very well. This is not to be denied."
Aslan heard this, her face was a little bit red. She really didn't think she was good at teaching. At most, she only taught Ye Zhongming more seriously than usual.
After thinking about it, Aslan still asked the doubts in his heart.
"Robe Bai Ling, why did you bring only two people this time?"
It is not surprising for Aslan to let the silver mask warriors come to participate in the last small cycle of trials, because the two people have a payrera index of more than 1,000, which is a standard for wearing silver masks. Only the ones below one thousand are brass masks, and those above two thousand are golden masks.
Robe White came with his men to comply with the rules, but he only took two people, is it necessary for the other person to come apart? That would be a waste of another aircraft, and the energy of the aircraft comes from the moon pension. The current situation in the family can’t wait to split a moon pension into two pieces, even if it is a person with a white robe. Isn't this appropriate?
The silver commander looked at the monitor and found that there was no problem for the time being. He turned to Aslan and said, "Aren't I a human?"
"I didn't mean that..." Aslan said, the voice was smaller, but the expression on his face grew bigger and bigger.
Robe looked at this little girl who might take over as the patriarch of the Xingyan clan in the future and said: "They all say that this guy is the second me. I will definitely come to see him, and try his ability by the way, and see if I deserve to touch me. The light. If I think it’s not possible, then get rid of it. If the performance is okay, then beat it up to let him know how powerful I am and will fight with me often in the future."
Eslan heard this reason, and had to confess for a long time before he had to admit that it was really a white robe style.
"This kid looks really okay, now he is ranked first."
Hearing what Baipao said, other talents realized that they had focused their attention on this famous silver commander just now, and had not paid attention to the ranking list for a long time.
Seeing Ye Zhongming's name suddenly appear in the first place, everyone first confirmed it, and then cheered collectively.
Is really happy!
The rankings of Ye Zhongming, Shi Kangbu, and Kui Kui have already made them excited and impatient. The overall ranking of the three people is more than 60th, which is only a few steps away from the goal.
Originally, they didn't believe that Ye Zhongming and others could complete the task, but now it seems that as long as the momentum is maintained, 80% of the chances can achieve the best results in the Star Eyes' history.
And now, as Ye Zhongming jumped to the top of the rankings, the points of the two Kuikui and Shikangbu also increased a lot. The overall ranking of the Xingyan tribe has completely entered the top 50, now ranked In the forty-fourth place.
You know, this was done with only three people, and now it is among the top ones, which one is not more than ten people who survived!
In particular, the personal ranking is the first. This is really unprecedented. In the past, no matter whether it is the final result or the intermediate process, no one of the Star Eyes has ever taken the first position.
This is a glory that can be written into the history of the clan!
The white face of the robe was not as excited as the others, but the trembling of his eyes betrayed his mood. It was the same unsteady.
"I will inject the suppressor gene, suppress the energy to two thousand pay Leila, and then enter the novice battlefield."
Robe White's words brought back everyone who was a little forgotten because of Ye Zhongming's ranking just now, listening to the decision made by Master Baiyin.
Robe White didn't speak anymore, but in his mind it was a picture of him and the two patriarchs on the way to make a guarantee.
"I will use my life to protect the kid..."
"If he can do something that convinces me..."
"I am not the hope of the family, but I hope... he is."
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