Vol 4 Chapter 1983: Some people never bow their heads

A three-level mutant tree was cut, and the trunk was cut into even sections, and then a bonfire was set up with a thick sub-bracket, and a seven-level mutant life hunted was placed on it and lit.
Wang Hanran chose both to be particular.
The mutated life is called ‘spotted elk’. The meat quality is very good, especially suitable for roasting. Even without any seasoning, the taste is fresh and delicious. The mutated plants used to make firewood are called "spices wood". When dried and ignited, the fragrance will come out, which has the effect of calming and calming. Many people like to order one when it's okay.
However, the biggest role of this spice wood is to be used as barbecue carbon, because after they are used to grill meat, there will be a fragrance infiltrating into it, making the meat taste delicious and very delicious.
Genting has also specially studied that this kind of fragrance that penetrates into the meat actually has certain elements, which has a slight effect on the treatment of injuries, especially for some dark injuries, and the effect is good.
So a few years ago, Genting got seeds of spice wood from other places, and got some seeds around.
While Wang Roan was roasting the meat, he took out a bottle of spirits from the space equipment, poured his head down and poured a whole bottle. After talking, he began to put the leaning meat on the outermost side with a knife After peeling off one layer, each slice is peeled and inserted into the flame with the tip of the knife for a few seconds, and then dipped in the chilli noodles in the bowl next to it.
"Chairman Wang has a great deal of leisure."
Xia Lei smiled first, and the voice came from afar. After more than ten seconds, the talent came closer and sat opposite Wang Hanran.
Wang Xuanran was surprised at the appearance of Xia Lei, as if it was a normal thing that the principal of Genting appeared ten kilometers away from the mountain.
Not only that, Wang Hanran specially grilled a piece of meat and handed it to Xia Lei.
Xia Lei took it, and didn't see how she did it. The temperature of the very hot meat quickly dropped, and you could enter in a blink of an eye.
Wang Hanran looked at him and shook his head: "At your level, even if the temperature is as high as Baidu, it won't cause a little harm, why bother so much."
"Always maintain a little habit, otherwise it is easy to forget what you used to look like."
Xia Lei responded disapprovingly.
"It doesn't matter what we used to be, because we can't go back to the past. What we look like now is what we should be."
Wang Hanran might not feel addicted. He gestured to Xia Lei and asked her if she wanted it. After getting a negative answer, she simply lifted the leg to her mouth and gnawed it.
"Not forgetting the original intention, looking at the future is the right way."
"Be casual, don't ask the gains and losses, the most refreshing."
"Life is full of fetters, where can you go casually? How can you not ask for gains and losses if you don't enter and die?"
The two had a quick conversation, and they all understood the meaning.
Wang Hanran threw the meat in his hand into the fire and pointed at it: "You see, no matter how you live, it will eventually turn to ashes after death. When you are alive, so tired, the meat may be sour."
"Take care of your life, and free yourself after death."
Wang Hanran laughed when he heard it, and the sound of the trees around him was shaking, and the life within a few kilometers was running away, far away from there.
"Unexpectedly, the famous Queen of the Black Heart hasn't looked at things yet."
Hearing Wang Hanran saying this, Xia Lei was not angry, just throwing away the uneaten meat, and looking at the boss of the ogre chain in front of him, said: "Look at it and see it, just feel comfortable. "
This time Wang nodded headily, "Really."
After a moment, Wang Huran said: "Your list is huge, and you know that I am already a nine-star evolver, but you still dare to come alone, so I am not afraid that I will grab you to threaten Genting? Or maybe you will be without Genting When Ye Zhongming is away, the dragons are headless?"
Xia Lei smiled and shook her head: "First of all, I may not be able to beat you, but you can't kill me, at least you can't kill me before the Genting chasers come."
"There is a big difference between the Eight-Star Evolutionr and the Eight-Star Evolutionr."
After listening to this, Wang Hudan shrugged uncomfortably.
"Besides, since you have not concealed your whereabouts, you have told us clearly that you are here, so that it will not lead me to kill it? If so, your gambling is too great, because 9% It is not me who may appear in Ten, but the Genting team."
Wang Hanran nodded again, "You are right, I am here, I really do not want to capture you or kill you, even now, it is impossible for me to achieve these two points."
His eyes looked in one direction: "I have long heard that there is a nine-level mutant plant in Genting, which can be transformed into a human being, and it has great strength. I did not expect that it has reached such a point that it can be transformed into any form of plant, and Hidden in it."
"One hundred meters, I found it close to one hundred meters."
In that direction, the original tree changed in an instant, and Yan Wangshu recovered and flashed to the side of Xia Lei.
"Correct you, I am a person, not a tree. I will beat you up if I say the wrong thing next time."
Yan Wangshu was dissatisfied, and now she felt that she was a person, um, a person.
"There won't be another time." Wang Huran clapped his hands and started fighting, turning his head to look towards the top of the mountain.
"There, is the main entrance of Genting. I heard that there is a huge square paved with processed stones in front? Normally, you can stand for 40,000 people?"
After he finished speaking, Xia Lei replied and continued: "I am really envious. I heard that it still uses the Su's defensive array technology. Even if the nine-level life is fighting it, will it cause broken words?"
Xia Lei nodded, the square in front of the villa, after years of continuous repairs, is indeed a very famous place.
"I also yearn for the interior of Yunding Mountain Villa. Too many people describe it as the perfect combination of defense and aesthetics. I want to see it."
"Also, two laboratories, magic crystal weapons and genetic life, there, I always feel that they are the real pillars of your Genting."
Xia Lei listened quietly without speaking.
"Tomorrow, when sunrise comes tomorrow, I'm going to climb the mountain to see where I can go." Wang Hanran calmly seemed to say a trivial thing.
Xia Lei didn't ask you what you thought about, nor did he say any words of persuasion.
She knows that there are always people in this world who will not bow their heads at any time.
At the beginning of the last eight years, Wang Hanran challenged Genting alone, Mo Ye played, and 50,000 Genting defenders watched. Forty-two minutes of fierce fighting between the two sides, Wang Hanran defeated and died 50 meters in front of the main entrance of Genting.
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