Vol 4 Chapter 2053: 200 million

"Two in One Chapter~~"
Daomang was extremely fast, the two sides were close together, and as soon as they appeared, they collided with the Sioux warriors, unable to dodge, they could only use various methods to defend.
It's just that the first few people were so close because they didn't have much reaction time. Daoman hit the body and caused injuries immediately.
Although this is a mimic battlefield, the attack will still be very painful to the body. Once the degree exceeds a certain range, it will also be injured, and even in some extreme cases, people will die.
If they are injured, the system will determine the degree of physical damage, and will be eliminated if they reach a certain standard. Obviously, from the system's perspective, even if these attacks just cannot kill them, they will also make them lose their combat power and be sent directly to the battlefield. .
Others of the Sioux were injured and resisted, so they all stopped attacking.
When they looked at the opposite side again, they only saw the knife that struck again, this time, the number was not large.
However, each of them looked more serious than before, and some abilities began to inspire.
The energy impact of the collision caused a momentary distortion in the mimic battlefield. The first few people directly lost the game. The next few people were also struggling for a while and were taken out of the field.
Even if they were prepared, they still did not resist.
Two consecutive attacks made them feel very surprised.
They are all warriors of about 20,000 paid Leila. Although they are not equipped, they have to crush the opponent in terms of strength. Normally, the opponent's attack cannot easily send them away.
But what do they feel? An opponent of the same level is attacking!
Is this the power of this strange array?
"Spread the attack!"
A Sioux warrior reminded.
If the intensity of the attack in the beginning, they can respond when they are prepared, it does not exceed their ability.
But for the second time afterwards, although the number of daggers was less, the power was much greater, and they were extremely threatening.
The people watching the battle saw clearly that the second attack launched by the Xingyan tribe was the first repetition. The difference was that those who had received the friendly swordsmanship were not sent out as they did the first time, but were transmitted again. There were dozens of people, it was they who launched the second Daoguang.
"Overlay?" Yao Hansu whispered to himself, this ability has similar applications in the formation of the Su nationality, but it is a patent of a large formation, this somewhat similar but strange formation, the ability is so outstanding ?
The change of the Sioux warriors is very effective. After seeing it, the commando retreated again, but it was inevitable that some people were defeated in this process. The individual's strength was basically a spike.
However, the companion's sacrifice once again gave them more than 70 people the opportunity to attack, and this time, they used a triple attack stack.
There are only five Daomang, but each one is extremely powerful, and it directly tore the front of the Sioux camp. At least ten people were'killed' in the first time. After they were sent out of the battlefield, they all spit blood and fell. Sitting on the ground, without wearing any protective body coat, was gradually soaked with blood.
This time the senior leaders of the Sioux could not sit still.
Three consecutive attacks directly eliminated half of the remaining 50 people, leaving only more than 20 people, while there are still 70 people on the opposite side. If there are several such attacks, don’t you have to lose? !
They really can't think of it. This group of low-level fighters who paid an average of about 6,000 to Leila can actually explode this kind of strength.
The Sioux warriors also had red eyes. They paid Leila to be crushed. If they lost, it would become a stain in their lives.
They continued to use the decentralized attack tactics just now. This time they were divided further. Almost everyone is independent. There are no people around. Twenty people seem to be surrounded by more than 70 people.
The timely response made the Klansu family look better. If this formation can be maintained, even if the Star-Eyed Clan sends out several powerful attacks again, it can kill up to half of the people. The remaining dozen Sioux warriors are enough to destroy the opponent.
The battle seemed to be following everyone's guess. The Xingyan tribe once again launched a triple stack attack, and five Sioux could not resist being eliminated, but the others also rushed to the neighborhood, killing more than a dozen Xingyan tribes in an instant. warrior.
Shi Yong issued an order, and the team immediately moved closer to him, changing from backward to forward.
Because the previous attack was on the front, the commando returned smoothly to the place where they first stood.
Next to it, there are Soviet fighters who follow their maggots like tarsal bones. In a short distance, nearly ten commandos were eliminated.
The situation seemed to stabilize again.
Jie Su has been watching nervously. At this time, he looked at Ye Zhongming and whispered: "Is there a way?"
Ye Zhongming smiled: "Look at it."
At this time, the commando returned to its original position with only more than forty people left, but they did not panic at all. They once again formed the previous formation, but the number of people was small. How to look and how to look sparse. This position is more likely to be Everyone broke.
The following Sioux warriors would not let this opportunity pass, and ‘done’ a few more people, pushing the number of commandos below 40.
The commandos used this gap and used the superposition method again, which was still a shocking four stacks!
Only Shi Yong and Zhu Chong issued a sword.
Perhaps because of the increase in the number of stacks, these two swords were surprisingly large and surprisingly fierce. As soon as they appeared, they crossed the surroundings, and left and right to roar forward.
All Sioux warriors on their routes were ‘killed’ and sent out of the mimic battlefield. The injuries they suffered after going out were even heavier than those of the previous ones. If they were not powerful, they might even suffer casualties.
The two swordsmanship, accompanied by fierce fighting, the Soviet soldiers and star-eyed soldiers seem to know that victory or defeat is in one move.
When Daomang disappeared, there were only four people left on the Sioux side, and only ten people survived from the Star Eye Commando.
Fighting for this part is really beyond expectations. The number of people is not large, and the back and forth offensive and defensive is not how and fierce, but it still gives people a feeling of shock.
"I see what else you guys have!"
The remaining four Sioux warriors, the people who looked at the commando are all crazy, they can see that these opponents are very expensive after using this powerful tactic several times in a row, and the state is very bad at the moment. Ten people should be unable to fight anymore, at least, it is not a superposition attack.
At the same time, they also noticed the blood on the clothes of these people. Obviously, such attacks are not so easy to bear.
As the last link of several superimposed attacks, Shiyong and Zhichong suffered the most, and the blood at the corner of his mouth could not stop ticking to the ground.
They looked at the person opposite and smiled miserably, but their eyes were bright.
"Meet you."
After four simple words, the remaining commandos pushed the weapons into the ground in front of them.
I don’t know what these people are going to do, but the Sioux warriors and Klansu almost exclaimed together,
Stop them!

Four silhouettes rushed by, flying weapons in their hands, slashing at those weapons instead of the Star Eyes.
For them, there is no threat to the low-level fighters of the Star Eyes who are already the end of the strong crossbow. They are afraid of this unknown formation.
At this time, the commandos reflected the scene of ATV's death, they blocked their bodies before the weapons, and used their flesh and blood to intercept the enemy's attacks.
One, two... five, six!
Six people were killed by the Star-Eye tribe, only a weapon destroyed by the Sioux warriors.
Now, there are four people left on both sides, but their expressions are different. The Su people are anxious and suspicious, and the Su people are relieved and happy like this.
The remaining nine weapons flew from the ground and were ejected into the air a few meters high. Then they cracked and shattered into metal fragments that contained no energy and slammed toward the Soviet soldiers.
There is no way to hide, because there are too many fragments, and they have no confidence to defend. The only way is to kill the rest of the Star Eye Clan before they are attacked.
puff! The first debris hit a Sioux warrior, and blood spattered with it, and then the sound was so dense that it was indistinguishable.
After the last action, all the remaining commandos can do is move slowly. It's not that they don't want to be fast, but that their bodies don't allow it. If they weren't fighting, they were lying on the ground now.
But the four people are still trying to move backwards, maybe one step away is the key to the final victory.
All the people who watched the game were nervous. Ye Zhongming was the same. He did not expect the Su people to be so determined and determined. He also temporarily overestimated the commando team’s mastery of this ability. Their strength was still too weak. A little more, otherwise it should be a complete victory.
All the pieces of weapons fell, and there was no palpable tearing in the air. There were only two people standing in the center of the whole field. One was a Soviet soldier full of pieces of weapons, and one was Shiyong. .
It was only at this time that the weapon of the Su warrior stabbed in Shiyong's body, and Shiyong's hands clasped the weapon. The two kept this posture for a while, and then disappeared into the virtual battlefield at the same time. in.
"It turned out to be a tie."
Basically, no one thought that this would be the end. At the last moment, the Soviet soldiers rushed to Shiyong who had quit a few steps and stabbed a deadly sword, but he was also killed by fragments.
The leader of Klansu sighed sighingly. He knew that there was no difference between a draw and a loss. If it is still true in this place, it really makes people look down.
He looked at Ye Zhongming righteously and said, "You should discuss with the patriarch about the cooperation, but don't lose the benefits of our other two lines."
After a pause, he said again: "I hope that we have no wrong choices."
After speaking, he took the people away, but the other line of people stayed. They had to listen to the negotiation with their own ears.
Ye Zhongming called a golden mask warrior and took out some medicine from the space equipment to send him to the commando.
When the golden warrior took the medicine, he threw himself into the five bodies that the grown-up had admired.
A group of little brothers, Fu Leila averages 6,000, and can even tie with people more than several times their strength, which is simply incredible. Although those Sioux warriors are even worse than they are, they will not be too much, which means that even if they play, these little brothers can win.
The Xingyan tribe certainly has no such technique, obviously it is for grown-ups to have such magical abilities, but they must not admire them.
If in the past they were only half-confident about ZTE’s ZTE, then now, they are completely convinced.
Yao Hansu brought people to a meeting room this time. Since it was a cooperation between the two communities, the occasion was naturally formal.
"Let's talk about your conditions first." Yaohan Su opened the door and asked Ye Zhongming directly.
Now that the cooperation between the two sides has been determined, being the chief of the Sioux is completely different from the previous attitude.
Before, he was on Ye Zhongming's side. He had to help Ye Zhongming anyway. Now, he has to stand in the perspective of the Su people and treat Ye Zhongming as a negotiating opponent.
Ye Zhongming also simply asked for it.
"First, set up three large formations in the places designated by the Xingyan tribe and me. Your best three formations."
"Who gives the material?"
"you guys."
"No, the three best teams, do you know how much it costs?"
"Then you have the core materials. It takes too long to prepare these things."
"Five thousand pounds of Luo Zinc."
"Too much, what this thing is, you know better than me, a thousand pounds."
"Too few."
"The two thousand catties, that's it."
At the beginning, Yaohansu and Ye Zhongming were tit-for-tat. They did not let the Su people seem to suffer, but they would have conditions for a while.
"Second, an interest-free loan of 100 million monthly pension."
"Do you think we look like big heads?"
Yaohan Su sneered and sneered.
"Unlike, I'm like a big head, because this 100 million month old pension will make me and the Xingyan tribe stronger. In turn, the benefits to you must be far more than this money."
"Just talk about it by your mouth?"
"What I just proved is not enough? If the Golden Mask Warrior used the abilities just now, how many of you can fight?"
Yao Hansu glared at Ye Zhongming, this kid, it was really hard to crack down on people.
"You don't think that our Soviet warrior Fu Leila can't exceed 50,000 or even 100,000?" The headman of the other line couldn't help it.
"Soon, there will also be great masters in the Xingyan tribe."
"Well, you leave the ability of your people just now, this one hundred million, don't have to do it."
After Yao Hansu finished speaking, he looked at the head of another line. The man thought about it and nodded.
They saw the power of that formation. If they can learn it, it is indeed worth 100 million months of pension.
Ye Zhongming touched his chin, hesitating and hesitating before he gritted his teeth: "200 million."
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