Vol 4 Chapter 2091: Trial of the Brave (Part 2)

"Two in One~~"
"To come here today is to make a difference with the Xingyan tribe."
A voice suddenly sounded in the Huitang clan's camp.
The originally chaotic team became much quieter after hearing this sentence.
It was Spier, one of the two leaders of the Huitang tribe this time.
Because of a series of behaviors of the Xingyan tribe, from changing equipment to using the array, the morale of the Huitang tribe's soldiers gradually declined, and even some commotion appeared.
In this state, this is very dangerous behavior.
In order to calm everyone down, Spier can only stand up and calm down everyone's emotions.
"We and them can only have one party out of here." Spier walked to the front of the team. Instead of looking at his clan, he looked at a few large formations of the Star Eye clan, but the voice was clearly heard. In everyone's ears.
"Before we came, we all thought we would be the last person to go out. Now, I still think so, the difference is that it will not be so easy."
"Look, people are very well prepared, well equipped, and such good things as large arrays. What is the purpose? Isn't it that they want to go out in the end?"
"But I ask you, do you want them to go out last?"
Letting others go out means that their entire army is annihilated and all are killed in battle. This is of course no one wants. After hearing Spier's question, the Huitang warriors finally exploded in blood and screamed in unison.
"Yes, don't let it!" Spier began to heat up, and the whole person began to enter a state of excitement, his voice became louder and louder: "Why do they have to make such a good equipment, why do they need to consume a huge array? Also Not because they are inferior to us!"
"They have those things, are they comparable to us? You said, are they comparable to us?"
"Incomparable!" The warriors of the Huitang clan roared again. This time the sound was louder than before, and even overwhelmed the huge clutter of the scene.
"What's so scary! What's there to worry about! No matter how they are, we will still win in the end!"
Spiel shouted, but he felt very happy.
"The good things on the opposite side must be prepared for us, the mechanical war beast belongs to me!"
Another leader Lola's voice was not loud, but it was also heard by all members of the Huitang clan.
Hearing that Lola said he wanted the best mechanical war beast here, it suddenly caused a lot of people who felt that they were eligible to own, and some slight boos sounded.
However, whether it is Spier or Lola, they all know that this is a good phenomenon, and now know that the Huitang warriors have come out of the continuous blows that have started in the morning.
"No worries, let's take a look. It is estimated that this bunch of opponents who have been ruined have so many prepared opponents, how long can their large-scale array last!
Spier's words drew laughter from Huitang warriors.
Yes, the position is only able to exert a strong attack power. Now that the Xingyan tribe has directly displayed these things, then their own side will not attack for the time being. See if they can survive, maybe Yes, they can't hold on themselves, and just give up the attack.
The two star-eyed adults and Ba Shilu and Cheng Liujin are in a battle line. As the core of them, they are located in the center, blocked by the layers of star-eyed warriors, and their silhouette cannot be seen from the outside.
In the stands, most of the reserved tickets of the Xingyan tribe were sold, leaving only a small part. Some elite of the Xingyan tribe were qualified and came to the scene to cheer on the tribe, Ye Zhongming, Bai Bai, Ji Kesu , Yashi Nan and others are all there.
"Our tribe is a little silent, do you want to cheer them up?" Ye Zhongming saw the star-eyed tribe standing among the four large formations below, facing the robe beside him.
"How come?"
The robe is white, and I don't know what Ye Zhongming said.
"That's what you shouted, Xingyan Clan, and everyone shouted together, come on.
Not only was the robe white this time, even the surrounding Ji Kesu Zhonghong Ai stared at him with a staring expression on his face.
"Okay, when I didn't say it."
Ye Zhongming felt that the cultural gap was really terrible.
"How long can they persist?" Ji Kesu has been battling Ye Zhongming at this stage, and he is not very clear about the things in the clan, and he doesn't even know the things in the market. Seeing this in the opening has inspired such a huge consumption. 'S large market, the worry in my heart has been lingering.
Robe Bai smiled, "Elderly, rest assured, even if it is consumed until tomorrow, we will consume it now."
Ji Kesu looked at Ye Zhongming and knew what the robe white meant, but he still sighed, "Can save or have to save."
He had never known before that it was so costly to do research and manufacture equipment, or at different levels, he had no concept of manufacturing at a higher level.
But since I saw Ye Zhongming's research and experiment, Ji Kesu knew that sometimes, money really can't be called money...
Although the senior executives of the Xingyan tribe now know that Ye Zhongming has received a huge sum of money from the Su tribe, it is still their own family, and it is now used to serve the tribe, not to be overdone without saving on dim sum.
"It's okay, if the Huitang clan thinks that this can invalidate the position, they are too naive."
Ye Zhongming, who knew everything, sneered. He really didn't have any good feelings for the guys who had been responsible for the bad star eye clan from before to now.
As soon as Ye Zhongming's words fell, the Star-Eyes in the arena moved.
On the left, the soldiers on the array with Ba Shilu as the core, all lifted their weapons together, and injected the body's energy into them. Afterwards, they used five people as a team, and the middle soldier raised the weapon, and the four people on the front, back, left, and right took the weapon. It's all on this man's weapon.
The sound of metal collision sounded like a piece.
The entire arena became silent at this time, because everyone knew that the fighting began at this moment.
For a team of 2,000 people, there are 500 people on each position, and there are 100 groups in a group of five. When all of their weapons have completed this state, a light comes out where the weapons meet. The halo appeared in a ring shape and swayed around. After meeting the halos of other groups, they merged and grew stronger. Later, a huge aperture covered the heads of the five hundred people.
"What's that!?" Almost everyone exclaimed, they really haven't seen such a thing.
If the Sioux use a variety of magic circles, they are not surprised, but these are all Star-Eye people. This large aperture is obviously made by them. This is strange.
Could it be that the Xingyan tribe has acquired new abilities?
The people of the Huitang clan saw that they were immediately alert, and the formation became orderly from the previous chaos, with some shield soldiers with excellent defensive power as the front, forming a defensive formation.
This kind of response showed that the patriarch of the Huitang clan nodded in the stands.
Although the two thousand people who participated in the battle of the Huitang clan crushed the star-eye clan in overall strength, they are now far better than the Huitang clan in terms of equipment and preparation, which has narrowed the strength gap between each other.
Especially in the face of this unknown ability, if you still rush up without thinking, it is the wrong choice.
The universe is not a flower in a greenhouse. They are the races that survived the war with the slaves for so many years. They are not the objects of random manipulation.
Ye Zhongming and the Xingyan tribe kept attacking the food team before, but it was also because they were suddenly unprepared for the raid, and later it was because of misjudgment. If the Hui-Tang tribe pays attention to it and really sends heavy troops to defend it, the Star-Eye tribe will give up.
The aperture floated in the eyes of everyone for a few seconds. After that, it quickly flipped up, from tiled to erected. Afterwards, the speed became faster and faster, and it rushed towards the battle line of the Huitang tribe.
Sounds like ah, oh in the arena began to rise and fall.
"Attention, far attack!"
Spier yelled, and many people issued skills under his command to intercept the roaring aperture in this way.
Rejecting the enemy from the outside is the safest way.
All the Huitang tribes who participated in the battle looked up halfway and watched that the aperture and their skills were getting closer and closer. The frontal tribes had erected a shield and made good defenses to prevent aftershocks.
The two sides quickly collided together, a great light, formed a large light curtain in the center of the arena, although dazzling, but fortunately the people watching are basically well-trained warriors, which does not affect their viewing.
In the light curtain, the aperture was obviously dim, but it still fell on the Huitang clan and made a loud noise.
Many Huitang warriors who were in charge of defense in the front stumbled backwards and were stopped by the people in the back to stop the pace. Some shields showed cracks. Obviously, the attack power of the Star Eyes is not small.
The fighters of the Huitang clan were relieved, and this was considered to be against the Xiayan clan's dismounted.
It's just that they didn't wait for them to stand up again, and suddenly they heard a huge uproar. They knew it was bad. They looked around and found that on the array that had just made an aperture attack, there was some more light... sword.
These lightsabers don't have a handle, only the body of the sword, which is different from the huge aperture formed before. This time, these handleless swords are separated, a hundred handles.
Spier’s voice was a little distorted. He really didn’t know what abilities the Star Eyes used. The aperture just hit the shield after being weakened. The kind of power, he has all the power to see The level of one blow, if not weakened before, may catch up with the attack of the master.
By analogy, the attack power of these scattered swords is at least equivalent to the strongest attack of fifty or sixty thousand Leila lives.
Once the people in the Huitang clan are met, not many people can withstand it.
When Spier shouted to attack, these stalkless swords stabbed one after another, faster than the previous aperture, and because they were very scattered, they were not so good defense.
The Huitang warriors were a little flustered, and many people blasted out their skills, hoping to offset these attacks.
This method is still useful. Many lightsabers were hit, and the first few were even disbanded.
However, in the case of a sufficient number of fifty, there were still more than thirty sesame lightsabers falling into the Huitang clan formation. The screams immediately sounded, and more than two dozen people were hit. Spier turned back. Ten people were killed when he discovered what he could see.
It’s not very good armor, it can’t provide enough protection for these people, and the strength of these killed people can’t stop the attack.
Spier had not waited to look back, he heard other soldiers exclaiming, he quickly turned around and found that this time more dense lightsabers had come.
When he turned back just now, he was still the warrior on the Star-Eye lineup. Instead of attacking as a group of five as the previous two, each person independently released once, 500 long daggers. The light flew and fell into their battle formation in the eyes of the Huitang warriors.
These light daggers did not have the power of the previous lightsabers, but they were too large in number and issued too fast, and did not give the Huitang warriors much reaction time, so the effect was even better than the previous two, and more than a dozen people died. Dozens of people were injured.
The audience in the arena was shocked by this almost endless attack, and they had no idea when the Star Eyes mastered this ability.
It’s okay if only one person masters this, but this is a collective mastering of 500 people, which is a bit scary. Compared with the third attack that caused the most casualties, everyone actually valued the first two, because it was a real team attack, and it was an ability that allowed low-paid Leila warriors to challenge higher fighters.
"Goal, they have a problem!"
A life said very determinedly.
For a race, mastering a completely new way of fighting may not be encountered for hundreds of thousands of years. They don’t think that the Star-Eye tribe, which was in a very bad situation before, has this ability, otherwise it will not be so embarrassing. In this case, the only explanation is the market.
Is it possible that the large array of the Sioux can break through the constraints of the scope and produce an effect similar to that of the Sioux?
If so, it would be a little scary.
Many lives have made up their minds, and after watching this competition, they will have to try a few trials.
Ye Zhongming looked at the battle below, and the expression on his face became more relaxed.
He and many people watching the battle saw that the Xingyan clan used the traditional thinking of the Huitang clan against the position, and felt that it could be dragged, allowing the opponent to come out and give up the position.
Unexpectedly, they themselves became passive because of this. What was considered the correct way of processing has now become the wrong way.
"This is just the beginning, feel it well." Ye Zhongming whispered. As he said, the Ba Shilu phalanx that had launched three rounds of attack on the field suddenly all gathered towards their core training chief, everyone The weapons were touched together with Ba Shilu's weapons as the center. In the eyes of more than 200,000 people, a huge amount of energy was emitted, forming a giant sword that was 100 meters long, just like a collapsed mountain. Overwhelmed the battle towards the Hui Tang clan!
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