Vol 4 Chapter 2099: Changes of the Sioux (Part 1)

The seven fortresses of the survivors of the universe have some independent existences at some times, and sometimes they are connected to each other.
The news that the star-eyed novice first opened the planetary hunting ground spread in seven fortresses in a very short time, and all the races that you want to participate in started to move.
Perhaps for the common thing of hunting on a planet, it is not too appropriate to use the word sloppy, but this is the fact.
If you switch to other races to open this planetary hunting ground, everyone will not be so furious, but the star-eyed family is different.
Who are the other races that open hunting grounds? Super big clan, big clan, or occasionally some urban complexes.
Needless to say, their strength is basically that most of the prey on the planet must be taken away by others. Each hunt is a feast of harvest for these super-clan and clan.
Of course, this means that nothing unexpected happens. For example, there is no overly dangerous life on the planet, or there is no large-scale conflict among the universe.
But this time it was different. It was the Star Eye tribe who opened the Star Wars.
Who are they? A small family. What strength do they have?
Even if it appears in the situation of the city consortium, where is their city? Hidden City! Where is the secret city? Everyone has never heard of it, only slogans.
Later, everyone inquired, oh, there are eight heads and eight middle races in it. If they are united, they should be comparable to some weaker races. Just a closer look and found that these eight middle races are not at all like that. They are a little weak. Together, they are really not enough for even the weakest race!
So everyone is happy, because for them, this is the most favorable news.
The reason for this is naturally because the races that open the planetary battlefield have'home field advantage'. They can take the lead in choosing hunting areas. In the past, super lords or lords chose the best place on the planet, such as the terrain is easy to defend and difficult to attack. , Surrounding materials are abundant, there are many prey, rare species and so on.
As the saying goes, a good start is half of the success, and in the planetary hunting ground, a good start will even be more than half of the success. As long as there is no accident, if you do not die, you will basically make a lot of money.
But this is only for those super ancestors or ancestors, because they have the strength to ensure that they can camp at any place on the planet at random, then quickly establish a camp to stabilize their positions, and then start hunting.
But the Xingyan tribe can't do it, or the strength of the urban complex of the Dark Strip City can't.
When they choose a camp, they must do what they can. Based on their natural conditions, there are not many places to choose from. They must not be able to choose the best places because they can’t prevent them.
Those places are naturally of other races.
After all, the order of things, except for the home race of the Planet Hunting Ground, the rest are randomly drawn, controlled by the terminal, depending on who is lucky.
For many races, this is a great opportunity, because there must be a best hunting ground, waiting for luck.
As in previous years, after the Star Eyes applied, it was quickly approved, and the time of departure was determined, but the specific unexplored planet has not yet been determined.
But the preparations of all ethnic groups have already begun.
Because the small family of the Star Eyes has the advantage of home field, all the races in the universe have seen the opportunity, so in the preparation stage, almost all the races that feel the opportunity have acted, and various strategic materials have begun to become tight, especially weapons This kind of equipment, which is extremely important and easily damaged, has a price increase of at least 20% compared with usual.
In addition to equipment, the price of various medicines also rises, which is even worse than that of equipment. After all, this thing can save lives.
This time of year is when Taros Red Dwarves and some races that are good at making potions are making big profits.
But this year is slightly different.
First of all, in many survivor fortresses, the supply of weapons and various equipment is obviously more than that in previous years.
This is mainly reflected in the sufficient supply of shops operated by the Su people.
Originally, the weapons and equipment in the Sioux shops were mostly incidental commodities, and even the source of goods was basically obtained from other races when they were bartered. The quantity was not large and the quality was uneven.
But recently, the number of weapons and equipment in their stores has increased significantly, and the quality is very good. Although the price is definitely higher than before, it is slightly lower than other homes.
Externally, the Su people say that these are years of inventory, and this time it was just sold at once.
Such a good thing will not be missed by other races. In just a few days, these things were sold out, and the Sioux made a big profit.
The benefits of this matter are far more than that. Everyone knows that the Su people have the goods at hand. Now that the shops of various survivor fortresses are sold out, what about the Su city?
The people on the other survivor fortresses have no way to solve the thirst, but all the people in the same survivor fortress with the Sioux are smart people, and they immediately swarmed into the city of Sue, all the weapon shops in the commercial area. Almost sold out.
They found that the price here is not only relatively cheap, but also the quality is better, and there are many advanced equipment from the Taros Red Dwarf, such as the red coagulation level, and even a small amount of Lenny level!
At this time, the universe people were willing to invest. When they bought these things that were more expensive than usual, their eyes did not blink.
At the same time, the housekeeping commodity market of the Sioux is also very tight. In the past, the Sioux was very cautious in the sale of the plate, but this time, people of other races found out that the shops of the Sioux are no longer in the market. Reluctant to sell, the volume is still sufficient.
This thing is not very useful when fighting against each other in the universe, and the disadvantages are obvious, but when dealing with other prey, it is a good thing.
All of a sudden, there was a wave of panic buying on all the survivor fortresses, especially in Sucheng. Even many races with good relations with the Sioux, they also ordered directly with the Sioux as long as they were delivered before the start of the Planet Hunting Ground. Just do it.
The price is naturally rising.
Not only that, the Sioux even released a news that shocked all races, including those of the super clan.
The Sioux...you can arrange a magic circle for each race in this Star Battlefield!
One stone caused a thousand waves.
Many people think of the previous ones and suddenly realize a problem.
The Sioux race, which has been mean for countless years, seems to be changing quietly!
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