Vol 4 Chapter 2152: Scarlet Hunting Ground (3)

"Two in One, Everyone Refreshing After Ten Minutes"
Countless thorns drilled from the ground, and did not grow very long afterwards, but blossomed strange brown flowers.
Under the light, the petals shone coldly.
The mutated life that just stepped on the metal ball and regrouped, we can see that the road ahead has been covered with thorns.
Ye Zhongming was slightly sweaty.
He is an excellent craftsman. Up to now, he has reached the peak of roulette technology that can be assisted by the craftsman, and has learned and cracked the technology of the Tarot Red Dwarf. Now, he is embarking on a climb in this area. Road to heaven.
But at the same time, Ye Zhongming's progress is not limited to the craftsman, he has also improved rapidly in other places.
Among them, the gardener's career also rose to the top.
With the disappearance of the main occupation, there are many ways to improve these subsidiary occupations. At least, you can no longer rely on career upgrade scrolls.
On Ye Zhongming, whose mental strength is the most characteristic, any career rose to the top, especially the auxiliary class, is extremely terrible, not to mention Ye Zhongming is good to take the heart of nature and so on. s things.
However, Ye Zhongming rarely uses the gardener's ability. One is that this ability has little direct effect on combat. The other is that Ye Zhongming deliberately makes people ignore his ability. At a critical moment, it can have an unexpected effect.
Now is the time for him to develop this professional ability.
It was Ye Zhongming who stood by himself and persuaded everyone to choose Dieshui Jedi as the resident. He felt that he had the necessary and obligation to make more efforts to hold here.
The gardener occupation was a separate ability before, just like a craftsman.
Artisans are enchanting, forging, inlaying, gathering and refining, and homogeneous strengthening. These abilities still exist, but the boundaries are very blurred. Ye Zhongming can now gather while performing homogeneous strengthening, and even complete enchanting.
The same is true of the gardener profession. The initial cultivation, activation, etc. have also become less rigid and fixed.
There is no fixed number of abilities derived from basic abilities, just look at how Ye Zhongming can play.
As now, Ye Zhongming activated the seeds of the plants and allowed them to learn the form he needed.
This is a very high level, but outsiders may not be able to see it.
Mutant life, even if they see these sharp flowers like metal, they don’t care too much. With their defensive ability, even if they step on the real metal, they can’t hurt them, so the metal have rolled. After reaching downhill and gradually dispersing and losing most of their blocking effect, they stepped on these thorny flowers and continued to charge.
It was just that the first batch of mutated life that rushed down the path only paused, and then became restless, then moved forward a few meters and fell directly to the ground.
A large number of elementary schools flowed out of their footsteps. Later, when they fell to the ground, they also studied abroad. Not to mention advancing. Looking at the amount of bleeding, it is estimated that they will lose too much blood and die in less than a minute.
But the charge didn't stop, and continued to be madly shocked in the back. They passed the companion on the ground and moved towards the goal. Then they fell again and became a stepping stone for other similar.
No matter if it is one of the few fierce heavy fur beasts, or other mutant life afterwards, as long as you step on this thorny flower, you can't insist on walking out of five meters, and finally all will be cut off your feet and fall down.
This saw a sigh from the people in the base.
They speculated about what those thorny flowers were and how they could be so sharp.
Ye Zhongming completed his ability, and his hands fell naturally to the side and retreated to the team, and no one saw the metallic color of his palm.
When the professional abilities become blurred, their combination with other professional abilities becomes possible.
Ye Zhongming is a top craftsman, he is also a top gardener, and he just issued these thorn flowers, which is one of his attempts. Those powders, those seeds, and the energy he input into the ground are all an attempt. Now It seems that the effect is pretty good.
Seeing the mutated life of the former servants who fell down and then rushed up afterwards, Ye Zhongming thought, this technique is temporarily called mashup.
"Twenty minutes, great."
The person watching the battle looked at the time and found that from the battle to the present, the first team’s defense line had adhered to half of its men, from the formation, to the metal ball, to the thorn flower, the mutant life had been charged several times. It worked, but because of the too dense formation, they caused their own chaos for a short period of time. This process adds up to at least five or six minutes.
Coupled with the attack of the armoured Sikongai, the mutant life army was prevented from the front line and there was no advance.
"It is estimated that this is the end, and the temptation to mutate life is over."
At the moment Master Yang is the best, his eyes are naturally very sharp, and he is often able to perceive faster than other people in the battlefield.
Everyone looked in the direction of his fingers. Sure enough, all the shrubs and other trees have been laid down and cleaned up, and several groups of life have moved towards the sides of the path.
Obviously, they intend to use the height of their companion bodies to launch attacks from both sides.
Perhaps they were powerless in the upper half of the trail because of height issues, but at least they could attack the first line of defense where the first team was.
At the same time, tens of thousands of neat tens of thousands of Hammer Apes have been lined up. They will become the second wave and the main force of the charge. They have completed the breakthrough of the trail and reached the base of the small race alliance in one fell swoop.
The arms of a mallet ape are like two thick iron mallets. They have the power of a catty, and their legs are full of strength. They are very fast, and they also have the ability to jump. Plus the thick skin and thick meat, the racial ability is to let them enter. A state of madness, making these mutant lives very suitable as the vanguard.
The former Haunted Heavy Leather Beasts have completed their missions, and now it’s the real ‘regular army’ appearance.
They came to the giant multi-armed savages, and the logs in the hands of the giants could help them resist the light beams from time to time on the armored Skong cover, so that they had no worries and could fully attack.
Suddenly, tens of thousands of Hammer Apes simultaneously shouted at the sky, and the entire battlefield was suppressed by these sounds. No matter who they were, they all felt terrified after hearing it.
I saw that each of these three-meter-high hammer mallets directly swelled their body, approaching four meters, and each end was thicker and half a circle, especially the arms, more terrifying, not yet attacked, just With a slight swing, you can vaguely hear the howling sound.
"Let Zhong Ming pull them back!"
Lord Xing endured for a long time, at this time still gave orders. She did not discuss with anyone, but she believed that Master Yan would definitely agree, because they did not want Ye Zhongming to have an accident.
Now in front of the first squad, there is no danger to defend. These heavy hammer apes that have entered a mad state rushed up and it is estimated that they will be in contact with the first squad in ten seconds, although they can only attack together. No more than twenty heads, but the back is almost endless, and they even stepped on the back of their companions and jumped behind, falling behind the first team.
At that time, it was too late to retreat.
The first team will be instantly overwhelmed by the enemy.
The order was immediately transmitted to the first team's liaison, but Ye Zhongming refused the order, and he returned.
hold on.
"Zhong Ming, come back immediately! It's too late to delay any more! You can hold it for more than twenty minutes. This is already a miracle, don't be greedy!"
Master Star is really anxious.
Anyone in the Xingyan tribe can have an accident now, but Ye Zhongming can’t. The current situation is that if the first squad is a little hesitant and doesn’t retreat before the Hammer of the Hammer begins to charge, then it’s definitely too late. Even if they retreat, they will definitely Will be caught up.
But Ye Zhongming didn't respond anymore. When Lord Xing planned to use the patriarch's identity to order Ye Zhongming to return, the sudden change happened.
It is those metal that have rolled under the path that brought about this change.
They are naturally on the trail, because of their rigidity and the treated road surface, they will not be crushed. Whoever steps on them will immediately lose their balance and roll down.
But under the path, they have no power. The soil below cannot support the power of the mutated life to step on the ball. The ball will be stepped directly into the ground, completely losing its power.
Even if it can be supported in some places, but the terrain is flat, the mutant life stepping on it is at most a stagger, and then it will stabilize the body.
So these that have been scattered on the first line have completely lost their attention.
But at this time, these returned to the vision of all life in an incredible way.
They burrowed out of the mud, and a pair of small wings protruded from the sound of the on both sides, and then quickly vibrated and flew into the air.
This change made all life look, but did not wait for any life to react, these balls... exploded.
There is no loud noise and dazzling firelight of gunpowder weapons, and only a slight crackling sound like wood burning.
After that, I don't know how many sharp weapons broke the peculiar roar of the air.
The orb was originally in front of the mutant life camp, that is, the position of the Hammer Ape. After they exploded, these monsters fell into pieces, rolling painfully on the ground, no blood, only lost. Sober pain and howling.
Even the body of the giant dobby savage was crooked to the side, and the giant tree roots did not fall on the ground, but the mutant life under the giant tree fell into bad luck and was killed by being alive.
A smile appeared in the corner of Ye Zhongming's mouth.
These seemingly ordinary balls, but one of the killer skills he prepared, if he just wants to let the mutant life rushing up roll down, he actually has other methods, such as the magic circle or even smoothing the path in advance. Apply lubricant and so on.
However, he chose the metal ball, which is extraordinary, and he was branded as the new equipment of the "round bee".
These spheres are actually compact small pieces of equipment. They have two characteristics. One is a hard shell, which is not crushed by these mutated lives. At least it must have the defensive power of the gram-level equipment. This is decided. It is impossible to make with ordinary materials.
Those who watched the battle before were actually puzzled. The use of this good material is just to delay the charge, is it a bit extravagant.
Just considering that Ye Zhongming took out so much equipment at all times, I felt that for this kind of local tyrant, maybe people don't care about this, so even if I think of it, I don't take it too seriously.
After all, ordinary people in the local tyrants world will never understand.
Ye Zhongming is indeed a local tyrant to the people of the small race alliance, but he will not do that kind of prodigal behavior.
The second feature of the sphere, or rather the difficulty of this thing, is its internal structure, which uses a high-end method of making weapons and equipment from the Taros Red Dwarf, officially known as-stacked bow.
It took Ye Zhongming three days at the time. He did not know how many experiments he had done without sleep, and then he really mastered this technique, and in the continuous practice later, he had a new experience.
This time they used this technique in the round ball. It was very simple. There was only such a skill, but he did it. Indeed, each metal ball was folded ten thousand times.
When learning this ability at the time, Ye Zhongming disassembled the Taros Red Dwarf’s equipment using this technique, and the most used one was 972 times, which was less than the "round bee" developed by Ye Zhongming himself. one tenth.
After mastering the stack of bows, the difficulty is not high. After a lot of practice, you can easily stack 500 times, but in the future, the difficulty will gradually increase. A whole new level.
That already requires the ability to be insignificant. Otherwise, in order to ensure the success rate, it is estimated that one thousand times the bow is one thousand meters long.
Ke Ye Zhongming's top artisan status and his ample spiritual power, as well as Daqian Soul Refining Technique, brought him a superb comprehensive ability.
When he tried to use the stack bow to see how far the limit could reach, they stacked more than seven thousand in five minutes!
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