Vol 4 Chapter 2276: Be seen

"Then I will say the second thing now." The No. 2 creator continued.
"Don't be so nervous, this is a good thing."
Along with the founder's joke, a list was sent to everyone's independent terminal.
"Last year we developed well, and the task completion rate created a new high, so the profit is naturally good, deducting 10% of the development fund and operating expenses, and the rest is distributed according to their respective share ratios. Everyone can take a look."
"The two new top members are really embarrassed this time. By the next year, you will be like everyone else."
Ye Zhongming listened to No. 2's speech, moved his hand slightly, opened the terminal and looked at it, his heart accelerated to beat for a few seconds.
As a top member, he received more than 40 million monthly pensions in a universe year last year!
He casually estimated it, wouldn't it be said that this last year's organization, called the dark direction, had only billions of profits on the bright side!
So how much will their total transaction amount be?
It's scary to think about.
No wonder the pinnacle masters like Kunzi are willing to be a top member here, so they can make money by lying down.
After thinking about being here for nearly 100 million months of pension, Ye Zhongming felt that the reward of killing a pinnacle master could finally be read.
It is not that he is not satisfied, but that the risk of killing Kunzi is too high. Take the equipment and the money that he is getting as a reward, and ask the other peak masters whether they can kill a sibling. The answer must be no.
However, Ye Zhongming knew that the benefits he brought to him by killing Kunzi were gradually appearing, and more and more in the future.
"There is one more thing, we hope you will pay more attention to it in the future, that is, the universe is now in a special period, and the overall situation is not stable, so I hope you can pay more attention to all kinds of situations and you can come to us when you need help. For help."
"I hope our organization can always exist and become stronger and stronger, and I hope you can always sit here."
"Okay, come here today."
After the founder of No. 2 finished speaking, it was announced that the party was over, and everyone got up and left, either returned to their courtyard or exchanged information in the courtyard, at will.
Of course, you can also leave. There is a teleportation array in the exclusive courtyard of the top members, the coordinates are adjustable, and the corresponding other teleportation array is owned by the members themselves, and can be placed around Yekahun City at will. Anywhere in the city.
It's just that Ye Zhongming didn't know where the Kunzuk put the teleport point.
Ye Zhongming first operated on the terminal and chose to extract his ‘survival’ and monthly pension. After getting it, he reviewed the posted tasks again and found that there was still nothing suitable for him, so he planned to leave.
As for finding A21 to discuss matters related to the earth, Ye Zhongming intends to think about the details again, and will talk about it at the next meeting.
Just before he left, information came from outside, and someone wanted to come in and meet.
Ye Zhongming looked at it and turned out to be the founder A01!
The A01 sitting in the middle and never speaking!
There are ten founders, which is good, but to be the number one, it must be the most important person.
And in such a mysterious organization, the most important often means either the most powerful, or the most extensive, or the most powerful, or the richest...
Ye Zhongming glanced at the teleport array not far from himself, took a deep breath, and opened the door.
The figure was not how tall but imposing A01 walked in slowly. After nodding to Ye Zhongming, he hated to be on the sofa some distance away from Ye Zhongming.
"The predecessor of the dark direction is an underground black market, where the people are all blindfolded, trading something that is not visible, or looking for someone to kill someone they don't like."
"Later, a few people who always traded with each other became acquainted, and slowly formed a small circle. After that, the small circle continued to expand, and the speed was not fast, but the people who came in were able to withstand the test and they were all capable. "
"Later on, the twelve people in this small circle established a dark direction together, formulated rules, and began to recruit members in various ways."
"We set the rules at that time, that is, we cannot bring people who know their true identity into the leading organization to ensure the purity of the organization, but some people violated the rules, so you see, there are only ten founders left. ."
A01 said when he came in, but Ye Zhongming got colder and colder.
As an A11, even if you don’t fully understand the components and growth process of an organization, you should know more than half of it. But what do people mean when they come up? Meaning, knowing that you are a fake!
However, the queen of Genting sweated back and sweated, but she didn't panic, because people said that, they shouldn't plan to slap him to death.
"After that, there were more than 20 members joining the club. At that time, there were more than 20 members. Later, some withdrew, some violated the rules, some happened during the task, and some disappeared and never appeared..."
"They are dead without exception, whether they are active or passive."
A01 said that there was a pause here and asked with interest: "It looks like you understand, can you tell me?"
Ye Zhongming smiled and nodded: "My newcomer can stay, but to do 1, don't betray the organization. 2. Can't quit the organization. 3. Observe the organization's rules."
A01 burst out laughing.
"It's quite confession."
"I don’t care who you are, and you don’t care about replacing the person before you, but in addition to the three points you said, you also have to make due contributions to the organization. You don’t have to do more than your predecessor. It's better, but it can't be done badly, otherwise you will have no value, I will find another valuable person to replace you, and you will die when it is replaced."
After finishing speaking, A01 stood up and looked at Ye Zhongming calmly: "Well, the reason why I can sit first among the founders is naturally some special skills and privileges. I can see you, no It’s okay to represent other people. Even if there are a few of them, at most they are doubts. As long as I admit you, you will be fine."
"So you can rest assured to work for the organization, I think, a person who can kill the Queen seat should not disappoint me."
"I'm done, I'm gone." As soon as the voice fell, the A01 turned around and walked, said: "I didn't violate the rules. I didn't know that A11 was the Queen, but there were only two peak masters who recently hung up. It’s just a combination of where these two guys were at the time of the previous meeting.
A second before A01's back disappeared in the energy gate, another sentence floated to Ye Zhongming's ear.
"The other side of the teleportation array should be in the wilderness outside the base of the Noble Starship. It is still safe. Go back and tell the person behind you, he can come in person at the next party, don’t send a person who can’t even block the energy array fluctuations. ."
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