Vol 4 Chapter 2463: Singles (below)

"Hey, kid, aren't you worried?" Yaohansu put down his cards, glared at a few card friends who were obviously not here, and turned his head to vent his dissatisfaction on Ye Zhongming, who had been studying the mechanical armor for the past few days.
The King of Genting was too focused, and he looked up blankly after hearing the sound.
Yaohansu rolled his eyes angrily, pointed at the light curtain and said, "Look, this one will be over in an hour. Your woman and Dongzhu have already arrived near the portal, and they are about to start ordering. Pick it, aren't you worried?"
Ye Zhongming was stunned for a moment, a calm expression appeared on his face that made Yaohansu a little bit want to strangle him.
"This cycle, our people performed very well, you look at the standings."
At this stage of Huozhi, he is also studying the formation method, and has a lot of experience. Basically, after the novice battlefield is over, he should be able to thoroughly understand the ancient formation method Ye Zhongming gave him, and his own strength will be improved. The floor is certain.
Ye Zhongming looked at the rankings and found that the points spent by Genting in the previous cycle were basically compensated. Obviously this cycle has gained a lot in the 58th district.
Now, Liang Chuyin is ranked 98th, Xia Bai 172nd, Yan Wangshu 460th, and Gao Yi 731th.
In the overall ranking, Star Eyes ranks forty-ninth.
Ye Zhongming deliberately looked at the rankings of the other members of the Star Eye Clan. They were not high, but only middle-class. If it is the previous Star Eyes, the rankings of these people are already very, very good, but because of the previous results, it seems a bit inconspicuous.
Because of their rankings, the overall performance of the Star Eyes was affected, and they could only be ranked 49th.
"It's going to start." The stele said, reminding everyone that the show is about to begin. "Actually, I am also very curious, are you really not afraid of Liang Chuyin losing? Dongchi may leave a line with Zhang Jia. I defeated him but didn't kill him, but the people who have already formed hatred against you, especially in the front, are unlikely to be left with Liang Chuyin's life once Dongchi wins."
Ye Zhongming nodded, he knew that was what the stele said. Dongchi was obviously appointed by someone to avenge him, and he was bound to carry an order to kill.
"If Dongzhi's strength is really just the way he showed when he defeated Zhang Jia, then I really have nothing to worry about, he can't beat Hatsune."
Hearing Ye Zhongming's so confident words, the expressions of the people in the room were different, the people in Yunding looked relieved, and the three pinnacle masters were a little skeptical.
Dongzhi’s previous combat effectiveness is already very, very good at this stage. It may not be the top level, but it is absolutely outstanding.
But at this stage, what kind of performance is top? If no one else performs better, then the hole holding is top-notch.
In such doubts, the two people on the light curtain began this much-anticipated heads-up.
The two short sticks held by the hole all flew out. After Liang Chuyin easily dodged, he didn't care about this weapon that might come back at any time. The ball embroidery belt was lightly touched on the ground, and it actually retreated a certain distance.
This frustrated the wish of Dongchong who wanted to lean in for melee combat.
In terms of agility, the difference between two people is a bit much.
After Liang Chuyin fell to the ground, the weapon in his hand immediately flew, and the embroidered bands pierced the hole holder under the guidance of the front sphere.
No one knows how many of Liang Chuyin's hydrangea belts are, whether they are separated or connected together at the end of the hand, but now, this weapon seems to be endless, with many spheres carrying The hardened embroidered tape continuously pierced towards the hole, although the direction was not in all directions, but the front, that is, in front of the hole, was already full of such attacks.
Dongchi stood there, knowing that it was useless to avoid, his body swayed from side to side, shaking constantly, his fists were constantly attacking these spheres.
The sound of banging sounded constantly, and with each sound, a ball embroidery belt was hit in four directions, up, down, left, and right.
In addition, these embroidery belts will also affect the flight trajectory of other embroidery belts during the process of being knocked into the air, which greatly reduces the number of attacks on the hole.
Seeing this scene, many people in front of the light curtain nodded in admiration.
For such agile opponents, the attack is still so high. If you change to other people, you will either retreat or have been hit by an unknown number.
This situation lasted for more than one copy, and it continued. Both of them seemed to be comparing the energy reserves of the body to see who collapsed first.
Dongchi is not afraid of this situation. He doesn't think that the woman opposite can fight against him in terms of energy thickness. What's more, even if the other person is also very good, there is nothing wrong. When he can't hold on, there are two others. Weapons with roots wandering in the back do it.
The first change was Liang Chuyin.
In these ball-embroidery attacks, two suddenly pierced towards the legs of the hole holder. In previous attacks, this situation was rare. Most of the embroidery belts rushed to the deadly places of the head and chest.
The hole holder didn't notice anything, and still quickly knocked the ball into the air with his fist.
Because of the angle, the two embroidery belts were hit to the ground by him.
The ball embroidery belt fell and pierced into the ground.
Normally, this situation is normal. The strength of each other is very large. When the downward ball embroidery belt hits the ground, it will inevitably get into the soil, and Liang Chuyin will take it away in time to accurately attack the next time. .
But this time, the two embroidered belts that got into the ground were not withdrawn, but stayed in place.
Dongchi is also a master, and the problem was discovered after a few seconds. After the battle, he glanced down, his face changed a bit, and his feet that had been stable as Taishan immediately stepped back.
He saw that those embroidered belts were constantly digging into the ground.
Just after he took a step back, the two embroidered belts that he had knocked into the ground where he was standing swiftly broke through the ground from there, and the first one, because the hole holder had already begun to evade, hit the air. He wiped his body and flew into the sky, but the second hit hit the abdomen of the body that was leaning backward, causing the hole holder to move a little bit diagonally to the back, and his feet also left the ground.
In the next second, countless ball embroidery belts rushed towards the face.
Dongchi resisted the pain, even if his body was still in the air and couldn't land, but he still wanted to use his fists to solve the problem, just like before.
However, his body swayed left and right uncontrollably, and was hit by three embroidered belts in an instant.
Liang Chuyin saw the opportunity, and even the ball embroidery belt's attacks suddenly became much denser. Obviously, she didn't have all the strength just now.
Dong Chi's body was hit back immediately before landing.
Bang bang bang!
This time, it was the sound of the body colliding with the sphere. The hole holder couldn't contend with his fists, so he could only cross his arms and protect the important parts of the body to reduce the damage and stand back.
But Liang Chuyin's agility prevented her from losing her opponent. She was also advancing, the attack did not stop, and there was a tendency to become stronger and stronger.
More embroidered belts hit the hole holder, which makes him look like a living target because of the fast speed.
In fact, he is now a living target.
Liang Chuyin, who was on the offensive, suddenly stopped. Many embroidered belts flew behind him. Two flying iron rods collided with these embroidered belts. At the beginning, the momentum was very strong, but they were breaking through. After several layers of defense, he was exhausted and was entangled by embroidery tape.
On the other side, the arms held by the hole gave off a few rays of light, and almost half of the embroidery belt that was still attacking him was exploded. Under the reverse push of this force, he temporarily left the battlefield and pulled away. The distance between Chuyin and Liang.
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