Vol 4 Chapter 2566: Skill Master Ye Zhongming

"Two-in-one, get, and another thankless chapter~~"
Looking at these abilities, Ye Zhongming knew how he would fight in the future, but his skills would be terrifying.
Another point is that Ye Zhongming felt deeply after seeing it. Among the abilities brought by these elves, the auxiliary ability is really surprising.
Let's talk about the abilities of the water spirit first. Among them, there are only two offensive abilities, which are ability 8 and ability 9, Rage Night Terror and Water Naga.
The former is a group attack skill, which generates water on the ground, and the water turns into waves, and during the duration of the skill, it will cause a blinding effect on the target.
There is no clear explanation for the damage, but Ye Zhongming had seen it when he conquered the water spirit. He felt that it was no longer a stormy sea to describe it, but a metal wall that seemed to have the power of nature to be flapping. , The target that was hit was not damaged by any water element at all, but was completely hit by a metal wall while moving at high speed.
It's like... a huge metal fly swatter is swatting the target, or the one that does not stop.
Shui Naga is a summoning ability, which belongs to the kind of abnormal ability that can be summoned continuously as long as the energy is sufficient.
Each summoning a water naga consumes a fixed amount of energy, that is to say, the total amount of energy of each water naga is certain, and the power it exerts should be similar.
But in fact, this is not the case. Every water naga can change their form of existence through the fine-tuning of elemental spirits.
For example, is it an offensive type, a defensive type, an impact type, or an auxiliary type...
Shunaga is not a single type of existence, such as an attack type. They can be melee fighters holding weapons, or long-range units that throw water and shoot ice arrows at the back, speed assassins, and shields. Escort.
Another thing is that Ye Zhongming was very surprised. These water naga can use weapon armor, and if they are water attributes, they can even use the abilities they carry.
Originally, Ye Zhongming thought it was a bit bullying, but when he asked the water spirit to summon a water naga out to take a look, he was shocked.
Does it require so little energy to summon a water naga? Although both Ye Zhongming and the Water Spirit gave energy, it was just a little bit. And just such a little energy, when not fighting, can keep Shuinajia for a very long time, and there is no problem for two days. Even in a combat state, it can exist for more than three hours when attacking at full force!
The energy needed to summon them can be recovered in a matter of minutes.
Is it because most of the water spirit's abilities are auxiliary? That's why I gave it such a great ability?
Ye Zhongming estimated that, regardless of the follow-up combat effectiveness, he and the Water Elf could probably summon one bronze battalion at once.
The combat power of a single naga is indeed not that high, and the overall combat power is estimated to be several thousand Leila, but fine-tuned to a state with a certain aspect of specialty, such as full attack and full defense, the combat power will soar to Over ten thousand levels.
There are tens of thousands of summons that can be used with weapons and equipment. Isn't this just an extra army?
This is the attack ability of the water spirit, plus the two passive abilities of Unobstructed Space and Big Stomach, all the rest are auxiliary skills.
Ability 3, a wide range of warming and healing skills, when there is an injury, whether it is an external injury, an internal injury or even a mental injury, you can quickly recover within the scope of this skill, without injury At the time, if the body is in the skill, it can make the mind more concentrated and the mental power more stable. At the same time, a mark state will be applied. Within an hour after leaving this skill range, the damage recovery ability will be increased several times.
Ability 4, Curtain, this is a defensive ability. When released, the range of the skill can be adjusted to protect a large area, or it can be released by one person alone. This skill similar to a water curtain has very defensive power. Considerable, especially for the fire system ability has a strong restraint effect.
Of course, when defending in a large area, the defense power will be reduced.
Ability 5, Yangmingquan, this ability is a bit scary, it is a kind of ability to nurture new life, water elves can make a spring water, no matter what life enters into it, it can get unexpected benefits. For example, putting all kinds of beast eggs into it will increase the speed of incubation, and the survival rate and even the talent after birth will be higher.
As for what the unexpected benefits are, this is not certain. It is possible to get an ability with good luck, or it is just to make the body healthier and get rid of the pain and dark diseases.
Ability 6, fertile water produces nourishment. The effect of this ability is somewhat similar to that of Fertile Soil, allowing plant life to grow rapidly, healing wounds, and even promoting reproduction. Different from Fertile Land, this ability is not so overbearing. Even if it is spawned, it is gradually gentle and stable. It has a wide range and good continuity. When the energy is input evenly, the rain and dew that this ability turns into can even make a large area. The whole day is under the area.
Ability 7, empathy. If the previous support skills were all ‘traditional’, then the ability of empathy is a ‘special type’.
When the water elves use this ability, it can detect unactive consciousness, such as coma, sleep, foolishness and other memories of life.
To be honest, when Ye Zhongming first saw this, he was a little scared. Because as long as the conditions are met, there may be no secrets in front of the water spirit.
But fortunately, the water spirit belongs to him. If empathy needs to be used in the future, he can also know what the water spirit knows.
The last ability is 10, the blood is reborn. Perhaps some of the characteristics of the elemental elves are like this, or they can be resurrected, or they can resurrect other lives.
Bloodline rebirth is not a resurrection ability in the strict sense, but a restoration technique.
For example, the Musk Stars have a bloodline of a divine bird, and Yasewei even inherited this bloodline, but in this universe, there are many methods that can destroy the bloodline, as Ye Zhongming currently understands In fact, some senior masters at the pinnacle level basically have this ability.
Destroying the bloodline is equivalent to reducing the talent to a minimum. The destroyed life becomes extremely ordinary, and the advantages brought by the previous bloodline are gone.
Within a race with inheritance, there are definitely not many people with dominant bloodlines. It can be said that they are very rare. If these bloodlines are all destroyed, basically this race will go downhill.
This ability can restore this destroyed bloodline, and even some unrevealed beings are given this ability, and there is a certain chance that the bloodline will manifest.
Ye Zhongming knows that blood is a top secret thing in any race. Yasewei has such a good relationship with them, and only tells Ye Zhongming that she has blood, and she won't say much, because this is too important for a race.
If you know that Ye Zhongming has this ability, any race with blood heritage will come and cooperate with him.
The cooling time of this ability is also acceptable. About fifty cosmic days, it consumes a little bit. Basically, after using it, both he and the water elves need a certain period of cultivation and recovery.
Compared with the full assistance of the water elves, the dark elves are much more irritable, and their skills are basically attacking.
Ability 3, Nether Finger, the dark power is concentrated, causing corrosion damage and penetrating damage to the target. This ability can be issued by Ye Zhongming himself or through a weapon. There is no difference in power. It mainly depends on how much energy is injected into it.
In addition, this ability is instant, black, and has a range of more than 100 meters. Ye Zhongming felt that this ability was too suitable for the assassins of the Star Eye tribe.
Ability 4. Dark source swallowed. It should be said that this ability can still rely on auxiliary skills.
Strictly speaking, the two elements of light and dark are ubiquitous in the universe. This is a problem with the origin of the universe, and other elements cannot be envied.
Therefore, there are many places that can be called dark sources, such as dark stones, vegetation, special materials, and so on.
These things can all be absorbed by the Dark Elf using this skill without cooling time, and then extract the energy from it to supplement its own energy.
This ability can be said to allow the Dark Elf to be able to perform its function largely without Ye Zhongming's own energy. Ye Zhongming feels that its value is greater than other abilities. In other words, this ability is a foundation and the foundation of other skills.
Ability 5. Invisible sin. A curse-type skill, and it is the kind that must be hit. Once this ability is applied, the target will suddenly have at least one negative state to at most ten negative states. These states can vary in severity and are completely random.
If you want to resist, you can only have a high mental power, and then the lightest situation may occur-only a curse, with a slight degree, and fleeting.
But to be honest, even in the hands of the pinnacle realm, Ye Zhongming's total mental power and thickness are in the forefront, and wanting to feel better when he uses invisible sins is not something ordinary people can do.
Ability 6, night cutting. Actively improve Ye Zhongming’s combat effectiveness in the dark, enhance the power of dark system abilities, and when using offensive skills, it will automatically attach dark energy to increase the sharpness of Ye Zhongming’s weapons at the moment of attack on the target, and then dark energy will be Enter the target body and complete the second destruction.
Ability 7, day rot. A wide range of corrosive conditions are released. The skills are simple, but people will be extremely disgusted just by letting them go. This kind of corrosion is fast and deep, and there are not many ways to remove it, and even if it is prevented with various defense equipment and abilities, as long as the body is contaminated, it will continue to diffuse into the body before it is completely removed. Bring extreme pain, very easy to make the target lose combat effectiveness.
Ability 9, enchanted. The dark elves will make Ye Zhongming enter a state similar to frenzy, greatly increase combat effectiveness, and master three demon skills, but during this period, the ability to resist light skills, water skills, other purification skills, and materials Drop to zero.
The three demon skills are: 1, magic body, physical attack immunity, and the attack effect of other element systems except water system light system is halved.
2. Magic Knight, one of the five great mounts of the Demon King will appear randomly and fight alongside Ye Zhongming.
3. Demon soldiers. During the period of enchantment, the demon king’s unique weapon "Shen Yuan" will appear for Ye Zhongming to use.
Ye Zhongming is now a little surprised at the skills of the elemental elves.
This ability to cool down for a long time, reach one hundred cosmic days and only last for ten minutes, turned out to be possessed by the devil!
Ye Zhongming didn't know who was the demon king and how powerful he was. What he knew was that this skill was his courage to challenge the masters who had just passed the peak.
Shen Yuan, the demon soldier, should have a lot of skills, right?
Ability 10, cover the sun. Covering the light, let Ye Zhongming turn any place into his home court.
Comprehensively enhance the power of all the physical data and all abilities of the existence of the dark elves. During the duration of the sun, the dark elves' energy is continuously consumed. After the energy is exhausted, the skills enter the selection state.
The first type is that the skill ends immediately, the level of the dark elf remains unchanged, and it recovers after absorbing energy normally. In the second type, the level of the Dark Elf is lowered by one level, and the user can upgrade a certain ability of other elemental elves.
No wonder it can become the finale skill of the Dark Elf. This is really, a bit strong.
Not to mention, it doesn't matter if the fight is fully strengthened. After the fight, you can also upgrade the skills of other elves. This is a bit too strong.
Of course, this is just admiration, Ye Zhongming can't wait for it to be stronger.
The last one, the wizard of light, this is a strong milk!
Ability 3, general illumination. Let an area be shrouded in light, and the life injuries and negative states inside will quickly recover.
Ability 4, positive spring. Mental nourishment skills increase the upper limit of the target's mental power, increase the recovery speed, and stabilize the foundation of mental power. The same target can only be applied once.
Ability 5, let go of life. Turn the energy of the elemental spirits and Ye Zhongming into life, enter the body of the seriously injured and dying target, and regenerate. A life-saving technique for others.
Ability 6, blessing of light, single powerful healing skills, will be imprinted with the mark of light, during which all abilities that attack the target will be weakened.
Ability 7, continuation limbs, which can regenerate the broken limbs for the target, consume a lot of energy, and have a cooling time of 30 cosmic days.
Ability 8, Drive of Light. Ye Zhongming can enter this state and is immune to all negative states. At the same time, any injury to the body can be fully recovered for the duration of the skill. When using the light system skills, the effect is greatly increased. Life-saving skills.
Ability 9, breaking the cloud. Dispelling and mental stability skills can make the negative state and destructive energy in the body disappear. The application range is large and the effect is excellent.
Ability 10, Shenghui. The Light Elf can use this skill to resurrect a life that has been dead for no more than thirty hours. After release, it enters a juvenile state and needs to be re-cultured. After reaching the maturity period again, if this ability is released a second time, the light spirit disappears.
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