Vol 4 Chapter 2595: Underground Fight (Part 2)

Without any understanding of Sky Corruption ability, when these mecha fighters are asked to respond, the probability of making mistakes increases greatly.
They didn't expect that even after jumping out of the mecha, these disgusting material damage would be so great in a few seconds.
A large part of them have no other equipment except weapons. After all, they are wearing advanced mechanical armor. Their protection and combat capabilities are comparable to the Lenny class, and they even cooperate better than the Lenny class. They are used to I have never experienced failure when driving this kind of thing to fight.
In this case, it doesn't make much sense to bring other equipment.
This habit that they have cultivated all the year round makes them feel bitter at this moment, and occasionally a few of them brought other equipment, put them on at the moment they jumped out, and quickly took them off when they got here, although they couldn’t avoid a little bit of corrosion Liquid, but also much better than his companions.
Dozens of people came over, and more than three-quarters all lay on the ground and tumbling painfully. Even if they were given the medicine, even if their realm was very good, they couldn't get rid of this kind of ghost that quickly penetrated into them.
Individual dwarves simply cut off their contaminated parts after discovering the situation of their companions. They are considered to get rid of this kind of thing, and it is inevitable that they will be disabled later.
As for the remaining mecha fighters who are still within the scope of the sky rot, they no longer dare to jump out, they can only rush toward this side desperately.
Ye Zhongming would naturally not let it go, just harvesting their lives continuously behind.
When the last lucky mechanical legion soldier arrived here, the captain who also escaped counted the number of people, only to find that such a little time, about two minutes? Of the 200 people they came in, there were only less than 50 left, and most of them obviously couldn't survive long. The corrosive liquid had already penetrated into the body, and there was no way to cut off certain parts of the body.
At this time, there was a huge sound from Luoxu, and the battle between the two pinnacle masters made that side very strong and the all-metal roof collapsed.
Lord Luoxu's voice came, not to give them an order, but the kind of angry roar, usually only when fighting, and... when the fighting is not going well.
At the same time, the person who attacked them also appeared, but he still did not appear in front of them, but stood among the black matter, no longer moving, looking at them coldly.
"There is still someone who can fight, come!" The captain gritted his teeth and roared.
Eleven mechas surrounded him.
"Hold on, our brother above will come over soon."
There is a collapse here, and the team left behind on the ground will definitely come over, maybe it only takes ten seconds for the helper to arrive.
In any case, let this time pass.
To the surprise of the captain, the attacker still did not attack, still standing there, as if waiting for something.
Some voices came, and an anxious call from ground companions began to appear in the remaining mech fighters' communication system. The signal interference here was diminishing as the distance between them was getting closer.
After waiting for a while, a certain location slammed, and another area collapsed, which was opened up by the dwarves on the ground.
They have discovered that life with the pinnacle realm is fighting, and they have not chosen to enter from there.
The restoration of communication allowed the team leader to quickly report on the situation here, and when Master Zique took a person into the ground, he immediately locked the target on Ye Zhongming in the black matter.
Zique took a look over there and judged that although Luoxu hadn't defeated his opponent, but at least the situation was stable, what he needs to do now is to kill this guy who caused heavy casualties to the mechanical legion.
He is indeed not the peak realm of combat, but facing a non-peak realm, the essential gap is enough to ignore this tendency to be good at fighting or not.
"Set the fire, get him out of me!"
Previously, Zique knew that the flame had a cleaning effect on these corrosive liquids, so he gave this order.
Countless flames immediately sprayed over here, and the scope of sky rot was rapidly shrinking.
Ye Zhongming kept retreating in it, but still did not go out of the scope of decay.
"Pay attention to the liquid on the ground, burn it all up and then move forward." The captain reminded the new companion.
The advanced battle armor brought these dwarves to take the initiative again with the ability to fire. They didn't deny that the dark area was very large, but it was only relative. They would burn all the things in a short time.
A weird gun-like weapon appeared in Zique's hand. The place where he was holding it was bright and dark, and there were three muzzles on the front, showing triangular ratios and different sizes.
The uppermost muzzle is the thickest, the lower two are larger on the left and smaller on the right.
Holding it in this way, Zique followed these mechanical warriors and moved closer to where he felt Ye Zhongming.
"It is estimated that it will be cleaned up in 30 seconds!" The Tianfu area was almost cleared after a while. A person in charge deliberately turned on the external amplifier, apparently speaking to Ye Zhongming.
"Heh." Ye Zhongming heard a sneer.
Zique's eyebrows were raised, "surrender and say everything we want to know can keep you alive."
"The scope of the sky rot, I control it. I haven't done it for so long. I deliberately. I can't get out of it. I designed it. So, you should worry about yourself."
After Ye Zhongming finished speaking, his body suddenly disappeared from the few days of rot. Before these dwarves went to explore where they went, around them, the reaction pillars that had been ignored by them suddenly exploded. In the column that had been corroded and riddled with holes, a lot of huge beings whose bodies were not completely corroded suddenly rushed out. They seemed to have been pressed some switch, and rushed out and rushed toward the dwarves.
The dwarves immediately attacked, and various skills hit them.
But the result is not as they thought.
These seemingly tattered lives are very fragile. A single attack from the dwarves can kill them, but what is frightening is that once these people are killed, their bodies will immediately explode!
At the beginning, the dwarves did not pay too much attention to this phenomenon, but they were surprised. After all, there were few rushing to their side, but gradually, this kind of life was too much and too crazy, constantly appeared from the reaction column, and then appeared. Perhaps it was blocked by those in front when hiding, and the body was much more complete, and the defensive power displayed was much better. They could even resist during an attack.
When the power of such an explosive body spread to the dwarf defense formation, causing chaos for the dwarves, more and more individuals rushed to their vicinity, died, and then exploded.
The scope of the explosion is not large, but the power is extremely powerful. A single one may not be a fatal threat to the dwarf wearing mechanical armor, but when the number is large, the power becomes terrifying.
The popping sound was like a urging dance music, overwhelming the group of dwarves who thought they were about to win.
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