Chapter 376: volunteer

"what is this?"
A Mao picked up the crystal clear test tube in front of him and asked with a surprised expression. ≯>Bayi Novel Network W﹤W≦W≤. <8≦1﹤Z≤W≤. ﹤COM
Ye Zhongming organized the language in his mind, and then said to the old man: "This is a potion, from my hometown. In our country, only taking this potion will let my strength step into a brand new State of mind."
A Dao listened carefully, especially when he heard Ye Zhongming saying "My hometown", the old man's body leaned forward, for fear of missing anything.
"I have been thinking about whether this thing is useful to the posthumous people. But I can't joke about the life of the soldiers of the Ao tribe, so I just thought about it until recently..."
Ye Zhongming didn't continue to talk down, but A Dao also understood what this meant. Hearing this, the old man's heart was happy and complicated. This powerful young man cherished his own family. This is what A Dao would like to see most. , But the Dab tribe is also a part of the dead.
Things are really not as simple as black or white, Aao secretly sighed.
"Although there is no final result in the trial, it is almost three days now. It seems to be very good. The person who took this potion has increased his strength. This one-star potion makes his strength in two. About a quarter of the growth within days."
A 匋 eyes suddenly lit up, increased by a quarter? !
Ye Zhongming, the person who did the experiment, naturally knows that the appearance of the second-level less than the third-level makes such a person's strength increase by a quarter in two days. Is this a bit exaggerated?
"This bottle is a one-star potion, this bottle is a two-star potion. I don't have many potions in my hand, and the highest level is only two stars, so I don't want to continue to waste it on others."
A Dao understood that the amount of this kind of potion in Ye Zhongming's hands is not much. If you continue to test and thoroughly understand the effect of the potion on the posthumous people, there may be little left in the end, so even if it proves that there are no side effects, It will not help the tribe very much.
However, this kind of thing has not been completely tested after all, and once there are side effects in the future...
Aao frowned, and some dare not make a decision. This is a matter of life and death. Even if he is the patriarch, he can't be hasty.
Ye Zhongming looked at A Mao's face and made a suggestion.
"Do you think you can use voluntary methods to tell the tribe people about the efficacy and possible side effects of this medicine? We can strictly control the number of people who take them voluntarily, so that we can avoid certain risks if there are really no side effects. And will not waste such good things."
"But..." Aao still couldn't make up his mind. Such a thing as a dead man was too much for the entire tribe.
"High returns are always accompanied by high risks. The step-by-step exhibition takes too long for you and me. Since there are possible shortcuts, we must have the courage to gamble. And this kind of In fact, I have 80% certainty that the medicine is harmless. The possibility of failure is only 20%. This chance is worth trying."
The old man stood up and walked back and forth in the camp. He finally gritted his teeth and said: "Yes, but the first batch of volunteers can only choose people of the second level or less, and they can take it on a large scale after they are sure that there is nothing!"
Ye Zhongming smiled and said, "I mean that too."
The news spread quickly throughout the tribe, and the Aao tribe immediately exploded. This excitement was filled with panic, even before the Dabu tribe was conquered.
There is no way, a potion that can improve strength after drinking, without the need to practice hard. The appeal of this thing is not to the ordinary posthumous people of the Aao tribe, just to get it to the Wangcheng, Wang Zun will also Heartwarming.
For a whole day of falling sand, everyone is talking about this.
The Ahao tribe, which had been very harmonious, had the first large-scale quarrel over this potion.
Men’s desire for power is always unusual. They are not willing to give up any opportunity to make themselves stronger, even if this opportunity needs to take great risks.
But these men also have parents, wives, and children. Most of these people's ideas are to hope that men are safe and peaceful. Their strength can be improved through hard work, but if they die, nothing will happen.
Disagreements arise from this different perception.
After a day of falling sand, all the Aao tribe people gathered around a few bonfires, and when they looked at Ye Zhongming and the A Mao chief standing in front of them, this complex emotion accumulated to the apex.
"The thing about this potion was made clear yesterday. This time, we need five volunteer warriors to take the risk of the whole family show. Children, I hope you think about it before making your decision. "
A Dao looked at the following people, and for the last time explained the possible consequences, then pointed to five bottles of one-star pharmacy and said, "After thirty breaths, those who are willing to take this pharmacy can go to the front. "
The originally quiet scene suddenly became noisy again, and many families were having final disputes, some succeeded and some failed.
After thirty breaths, there were nearly twenty people standing out.
Ao swept around these people's faces, and his face looked a little unsightly.
Ye Zhongming also saw his head straight, and he said it wasn't trouble.
Half of these people who stand up are old, weak and sick. These people have suffered injuries that cannot be recovered. They have to retreat behind in the year of the fight, and they are unwilling to be reconciled. Either it's older. I think they should bear this risk. Leave some seeds to the tribes. If it is really good, let the children eat it.
In addition to these people who accounted for more than half, the remaining few are the reasons why A凋 and Ye Zhongming shook their heads. These few people are all the best people and core members of the Ordovician tribe.
The two hunting captains Dino and Keno, two prestigious clan elders, are only second in strength to the two young captains, and... Bodhisattva honey shoots.
Ao can allow other people to have an accident, but he will never allow this to happen. They are the core and hope of the entire tribe, and they cannot be allowed to take this risk.
"You guys, get me back!" Aao's tone was very bad, and he angered several people with a cold face.
"Patriarch, we can. Once this medicine is useful, then we..."
Ao, who rarely angered, roared and roared, terrifying several people. The two captains and the two clan elders gritted their teeth and retreated unwillingly to the back. Only Mi Ya stubbornly raised his face and looked at Ah.匋.
"Grandpa Grandpa, we have no way back now. If we can't be strong soon, then after the cold season, it will be the upcoming General Assembly. Will we kill us if we kill the same family? No, from any point of view, even It is for the dignity of nothingness, and several kings will not let us go. The only hope we can survive is to be so strong that they are afraid of them. In this case, what else are you afraid of, even if these potions are really drunk Will die, and I am willing to try for the tribe!"
Ye Zhongming had to be impressed by the sound of the words.
This weak, closed, primitive tribe, there are people who have such a vision, this woman is really good.
Ye Zhongming also knew at this moment that there were at least two people in this small tribe who saw what they had done for their real purpose. One was Aao and the other was this honey bud.
They are very clear that what they did in the name is for the strength of the Aao tribe, in fact, it is nothing more than trying to tie the Aao tribe to their chariot and become part of their plan.
It's just that this matter is beneficial to both parties. Ao knows but doesn't say it, and Miya knows to say it.
"I heard that there are two kinds of potions. I want the better one." (To be continued.)
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