Chapter 386: Interfering leaflet (bottom)

No one knows what Ye Zhongming is going to do, but the current image of this young man and what he has just done are too shocking, whether it is the A'ao tribe with whom he is already familiar, or the Gray Mountain tribe with some knowledge, or has been The Shankan tribe, who was too scared to move, no one dared to obey the orders. Bayi Chinese W≦W≦W≤. ≦8﹤1≤Z﹤W﹤. COM
This is a single-handed horse that can destroy men of medium-sized tribes!
The big pit was quickly dug out, and the copper corpses, one by one, were carried by the soldiers to the edge of the big pit, and the blood in their bodies was poured into it. Soon, a huge blood pool was formed.
Many posthumous people watched, the fear in their eyes grew stronger.
Ye Zhongming had a decent move before. Many people of the Lingshen tribe did not lose their breath. They were thrown into the blood pit and splashed blood ripples.
Looking at the situation in the blood pool, Ye Zhongming calculated it in his heart, and then took out the previously stored...zombie virus from the space crystal.
Yes, he will use junior puppetry.
And, he wants to make many puppets at once! .
According to the recipe, it takes three thousand milliliters of zombie virus to make the lowest-grade iron corpse. Ye Zhongming has tested it before, and it refers to the common zombie virus. If the virus is replaced by the virus of the second-level and above zombies, the number will be reduced accordingly. The fourth-grade throat-locker’s virus can even replace three thousand milliliters of ordinary zombie virus with just two drops.
For the convenience of the producer puppets in the future, Ye Zhongming specially left a lot of the viruses of the third-level and fourth-level zombies, which can be used today.
Before, Ye Zhongming had no large-scale manufacturing puppets, mainly because he didn't have many magic crystals, and there were not so many people who died, and, from the heart, Ye Zhongming more or less rejected this method.
But it’s different now. No matter where you guess the exit is, the royal city of the posthumous or the Temple of Dawn, or even the ghost abyss of the Night Demon Plain, it’s not a place to go easily, even if you go After finding the exit, he would encounter great resistance if he wanted to leave.
So as long as there is even a little way to enhance his own strength, Ye Zhongming will not let go, and what can be done to make some people puppet iron corpses!
Viruses and magic crystals were all put into the blood pool, and the originally calm blood lake began to boil. Ye Zhongming poured all the remaining one-star evolution potions in time and waited quietly on the side.
As for how much he can succeed in the end, he himself is not sure. After all, it is the first time that such a large-scale manufacturer, Ye Zhongming, is for the first time, but in any case, as long as one hundred can succeed, it will not lose.
The blood in the blood pool disappeared with the naked eye, and the posthumous people watching while exclaimed, they have lived in this world for a long time, have never seen it, or even heard such a thing.
Those Tongman's blood soon disappeared, and all the Lingshen tribes who had just laid down were exposed, lying on the bottom of the blood pool, all closed with their eyes and no movement, even The slightest ups and downs.
"Not all drowned."
"It's possible, I saw them breathing just now, and their eyes are open."
"Here, have so many people been killed?"
"Ye makes me feel a little scared."
The posthumous people whispered on the side, but Ye Zhongming was watching these puppets intently.
Suddenly, a person opened his glasses, and after a few eye movements, he slowly stood up from the bottom of the blood pool, looked up at the blood pool, and after Ye Zhongming slowly walked out from the inside, action Smooth, but his eyes look a little woody.
This seemed to be a signal. The second puppet stood up, followed by the third, fourth, fifth...
In a short period of time, more than three hundred puppets were successfully produced, all of them walked into the blood pool and crawled in front of Ye Zhongming.
The rest of the people at the scene all saw their backs cold, and most people instinctively stepped back a few steps, as if staying away from Ye Zhongming would feel safer.
Ao and Gray Mountain have complicated looks. They didn't expect Ye to have such a means. Looking at these and dead puppets all over their bodies, a word that only appeared in the legend rose in their minds.
The word appeared in the hearts of many posthumous people at the same time, and Ye Zhongming at the moment coincided with the powerful and evil existence represented by the word.
Ye Zhongming's head is a little swollen. The reason why he made so many puppets at one time is that there is a problem that cannot be ignored. The burden of mental power is very large. This is that he has practiced Daqian Soul Refining Technique. Has been greatly improved, otherwise even if he has enough materials, it is impossible to have so many puppets at a time.
After adjusting to it, Ye Zhongming issued an order in his mind. The iron corpses immediately stood up neatly, and everyone straightened up as if they were a well-trained army.
Although the production process of these iron corpses is the same, there are some differences in their strength. This is related to their level of life, but in general, they are basically about two levels, and only a few have three levels of strength.
But these iron corpses did not fear, defy death, or even ignored the pain, and it was quite scary to fight.
With this iron corpse army, Ye Zhongming has a completely own armed force, which has laid a good foundation for the future.
As for his image in the hearts of these posthumous people... Ye Zhongming really doesn't care much.
Although the current Ye is chanted as a demon leaf by many people, the benefits he brings are really real, plus the slaves of the Shankan tribe and the Lingshen tribe who have unconditionally agreed to merge, all the posthumous people have realized More than 1,400 copper heads brought about changes.
They no longer have to worry about the food in the cold season!
This is just the most basic. The people of Aao and Huishan tribe told the brothers of Shankanbe that these copper cubish horns and bones will become powerful weapons, and their hard and thick skins will become the best skins. A! It's the kind of light that makes people want to have the equipment they want!
This is the benefit of joining the top of the cloud!
Of course, you need to pay for some useless magic crystals, that is, the kind of monster crystals on the forehead that children are not willing to play with.
The two tribes were merged at once, which increased the number of people who fell into the alliance at the top of the cloud to about 2,000. Among them, there were 500 soldiers. This is not the 300 iron corpses of Ye Zhongming. If you count these, eight Hundred warriors, this number has exceeded many medium-sized tribes.
In a short period of time, the rapid expansion of strength exceeded the expectations of the plan, but the danger will also follow. This danger has made Ye Zhongming a bit unprepared.
Because in a moment, some pictures appeared in his mind, some... pictures on the earth! (To be continued.)
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