Vol 2 Chapter 414: Book of Ten Thousand Blood Sacrifice

"Thank you for the 1888 reward from the Chinese football brothers, and 588 for the Lin Zhang brothers, and the other brothers who voted and voted. Thank you all! 》
The five-star evolution potion cannot naturally be as much as the four-star evolution potion, and the number of magic crystals required for each rotation of the five-star roulette is also large. Plus the luck is not very good, Ye Zhongming spent all the five-level magic crystals obtained from the secret realm Finally, I only got twelve bottles. Bayi Little ≧ said the net W≤WW. 81ZW. COM
After giving the copper pot Xiaoli and Ayang one bottle each, the remaining nine bottles of Ye Zhongming were kept.
But even so, Ye Zhongming’s number of five-star evolutions has reached three, which is more than the entire British city. As long as he wants, this number will increase, but these potions are destined to be reserved for the core members of Yunding Mountain Villa of.
These people from the Kiel Warrior Group squatted on the ground for a long time until Ye Zhongming came out and told them that there would be a chance to live with them.
These people can only follow, and they must follow, although they are not clear what this Ye Boss once wanted to do.
Ye Zhongming went directly to the six-star evolution roulette, and the plan he was thinking about since he came out of the secret realm is the key here.
The owner of this six-star roulette is SMI.
Although this is only a branch dispatched by SMI, it is not used here for the time being.
But Ye Zhongming was not at all polite, and the people who took the copper pot team and Ayang's big breasts, and the people who wrapped the Myeongdong and Kiel Samurai regiment, directly occupied here in one of the toughest ways.
"Husband, this roulette is different."
Xiao Li said quietly to her husband after Ye Zhongming took someone to lay down this six-star roulette belonging to Xingmei Company.
"How different?"
The copper pot now follows Ye Zhongming wholeheartedly, and naturally does not care about this kind of thing.
Xiao Li glanced at Ye Zhongming, who was heading to the room where Liuxing Roulette was, and quietly said to her husband: "Don’t you see anything strange? For example, whether it’s turning a four-star roulette or a five-star roulette, Ye The boss is the one who chooses the closest distance. The Myeongdong team and the Kiel Samurai regiment are just out of luck. They are just on Ye Boss’s course of action, so they are picked by Ye Boss. But what about this six-star roulette? I'm asking you, but I came here with someone directly, as if here...he knew it already."
Listening to the words of his lover, the copper pot also realized the boss's weirdness, and realized that the six-star roulette here was willing to be chosen by Ye Boss, but how did Ye Boss know? Hasn't he disappeared for more than half a year? How it seems to know this place in advance.
The copper pot can't be solved.
Just when Ye Zhongming and the copper pot took someone to occupy the six-star roulette, the news was also sent out. Both the Myeongdong team, which relied on the Renxing team, and SMI, which has a night contact system and emergency response mechanism, got some overview of these things in the next two hours.
Bai Feng is a five-star evolver. His rest time has been greatly reduced. Sleeping for two hours a day is enough to restore his physical strength.
But late at night, he received a message that made him feel that the world was going to collapse.
The Myeongdong team was attacked by the Tonghu team. It is suspected that the current leader of Yunding Mountain Villa, Ye Zhongming.
Many things are not a secret for Baifeng or Renxing team, for example, the copper pot is the eye of Yunding Mountain Villa.
Strictly speaking, the Renxing team is also the force that Genting cultivated in the British city. Compared with the copper pot team, the Renxing team with a better starting point has less dependence on Yunding Mountain Villa and the organization is more independent.
But this does not deny the shadow of Yunding Mountain on the Renxing team.
Even the leader of the Renxing team, Bai Feng himself, can't refute this.
He is very clear that without the strong support from Yunding Mountain Villa at the beginning, the Renxing team that has been crossed by Yue can not return to the top three in the British city in just half a year.
However, this does not make Bai Feng feel that he is a vassal of Genting Mountain Villa. When the Zero Chamber of Commerce found him and hoped that he would stand by on the offensive and defensive battle in Genting, Bai Feng compromised with huge benefits and related commitments.
Yes, he did not believe in any promise. This thing was the least valuable thing in the last days, but those benefits were real. After seeing it, Bai Feng told himself from the bottom of his heart that it was not vetoable. And give up.
So he made a choice.
Even one second before receiving this news, Bai Feng never regretted it.
When he received the news, everything changed its flavor.
Bai Feng's choice, provided that Ye Zhongming is dead, the man who can stir up the wind and rain in the British city at will, has swallowed the mysterious mystery.
To be precise, all this is caused by Bai Feng. It was him who sold the secret key to Ye Zhongming.
But like the previous decision, Bai Feng did not regret it. He felt that even if it is the end of the world, everything has fate.
However, Ye Zhongming...suspected of being suspected? ? ? ! ! !
Bai Feng wanted to kill this messenger.
Now is now, what is suspicious? How does this make you decide?
Even if it was about to dawn, Bai Feng did not feel a bit sleepy. He walked out of his room and looked at the dark night of the British city outside. After a long thought, he finally said to the man who had been waiting behind him: "Assemble the team, we Go and see Zhao Xingmei."
When Zhao Xingmei got the news, it was even earlier than Bai Feng. After all, the guard at the location of the captured six-star roulette was a direct subordinate of Xingmei Company.
At any time, Zhao Xingmei will take a bath before taking a break, even today.
Under candlelight, when warm, clean water washed the body, Zhao Xingmei felt that this was the greatest enjoyment of the last days.
Looking at the almost flawless ketone body in the mirror, the current Yingcheng first person showed a satisfied smile.
Even as a five-star evolutionist, Zhao Xingmei couldn't help but imagine which lucky man could possess this heavenly gift-like body, so what kind of luck would he need.
It was at this time that her personal secretary, Xiao Ling, sent the news that the six-star roulette was captured outside the bathroom.
Zhao Xingmei got a message that made her cold.
"People who are suspected of Ye Zhongming in Yunding Mountain Villa lead the Copper Pot Squad, Myeongdong Team and the 1st Kiel Samurai Regiment to occupy the six-star roulette base on Nanwei Street."
Unlike Bai Feng, Zhao Xingmei almost saw the news at first glance, and he was quite sure that the man was back!
She stood up directly, did not step out, but kicked the bath barrel directly, and solemnly instructed Xiao Ling to gather in the company and enter the highest combat readiness state.
Xiaoling, who received the order, hurriedly conveyed the order, but walked, and this close person who had been with Zhao Xingmei for more than half a year suddenly had a problem.
Under his master's face that seemed to be the same as usual, it seemed...with a trace of fear...
When Ye Zhongming's two biggest forces mobilized for Ye Zhongming, the man who was destined to stir the world was sneering with a scroll just turned from the six-star roulette.
The scroll reads-Book of Blood Sacrifice for Ten Thousand People! (To be continued.)
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