Vol 2 Chapter 428: The first battle of the father of magic crystal

At first glance, these firearms are somewhat similar to Ye Zhongming's crystal energy magic bullet gun, but no matter in terms of performance or degree of refinement, the two are very different. ≯Bayi Chinese Network W≤W<W≦. 81ZW. COM
In fact, this is not surprising. In the previous life, the magic crystal weapon of Le Da Yuanming was actually inspired by the equipment that came from the roulette and used the magic crystal. He may not have been able to understand the principle of the crystal energy weapon on the roulette. , But those equipments opened a door for him, and he used his own method to complete the process of extracting energy from the magic crystal and transforming it into ability, which is already great in itself.
In this life, due to the appearance of Ye Zhongming, Le Dayuan had earlier and easier access to this concept and completed the most difficult subject introduction. For an engineer of his level, he entered the door and mastered the relevant theory It will become very simple.
In the past six months, Le Dayuan did not have Ye Zhongming's help. At the beginning, his research was difficult, but it also allowed him to obtain a completely independent process of learning and experimenting. He had made great progress in theory and experience. The types of magic crystal weapons he manufactured There are already many.
For example, the miniature fixed-point magic crystal fried pieces used by the Liao brothers just now is a very small and thin magic crystal bomb weapon. It is a one-time energy that strikes the magic crystal, resulting in a very small but powerful explosion.
For example, the magic crystal bomb used by Xia Lei and others to kill Wang Zong of the Royal Trade Union is the improved bomb type used by Ye Zhongming before. The state is more stable, the explosion power is more concentrated, it is more convenient to carry, and the strike is more free.
For example, the rays shot by the half-metal masks of the Liao brothers are also a magic crystal weapon. However, the way of shock is different. The shortcomings, reduced range and other shortcomings are exchanged for the advantages of fastness, power concentration, and diverse situations.
And now these firearms, according to the blueprint of the magic crystal weapon outlined by Ye Zhongming for Le Dayuan, this kind of firearm can only be regarded as a semi-finished product, and even this is a bit far-fetched, but it is finally compared to the time when Le Dayuan scared away from the British city prison. The use of rough products is a big improvement. At the moment of crisis in Genting, it can also be used as a hole card.
The four assistants who have been following Le Dayuan are now Samsung evolvers. Each of them is holding a strange gun that the warriors of Yunding Mountain Villa have seen for the first time, aiming at Liao Brother's monster.
Four third-level magic crystals were put into the grooves of each gun, and some bright lines suddenly spread from the grooves to the gun body, and then gathered at the muzzle, letting a little light condense there.
The four assistants have light yellow LCD lenses on their eyes, and there will be some CNC displays on them. Based on these data, they are constantly fine-tuning their arms.
Five seconds later, all four guns were fired suddenly, and the four fist-sized sequins flew out very fast, and in a blink of an eye, they crossed a short distance and fell into those monsters.
There was instantaneous stagnation on the battlefield, and then a large amount of blood burst from the monster group.
The four researchers clenched their punches. After all, they were not fighters, but they needed to operate this new weapon for the first time, so they were not very sure about the hit rate themselves, and specially made auxiliary instruments for this purpose.
As for the power, they never doubted the same as other magic crystal weapons, but this is after all a firearm. You can only talk about the power when you hit it. If the power is too strong, it will be zero.
Relying on the superior eyesight of the evolutionaries, both Genting and anti-Genting people can see clearly what the results of these four shots have just been.
All four shots were hit, but the effect was different. Two shots should have a perfect shot, directly hit the target monster’s neck and head, even the fifth-level mutant life can’t stop the power of this magic crystal weapon. Two monsters fell directly to the ground and lost their lives.
The third shot was a bit off, cutting off a part of the target monster's body, and then printed it into the belly of the monster behind. Both monsters were injured, but this kind of injury would only cause them to temporarily lose part of their combat power, but could not kill them.
The last shot was a bit sharp, and it crossed the gap between the monsters and cut directly into the ground.
Some regrets, but for the people of Yunding Mountain Villa, this result is enough to satisfy them.
Because this not only reduced the number of monsters that can still fight to only four heads, two of them were injured, but also proved that the influence of magic crystal weapons on the battle situation was enough to play a decisive role at certain moments.
"Little Nine Brothers, captured Genting, Le Dayuan returned to our Zero Chamber of Commerce, Liu Zhenghong returned to you to shine, how do you think?"
Seeing the four rays of light, the Holy Hall of Tietie reversed the situation for a moment, and immediately couldn't help making suggestions to the little nine brothers around him.
They had heard of the magic crystal weapon when they investigated Yunding Mountain Villa. Yao Shijun even experienced the taste of this thing, but it was actually used in actual combat and was seen by so many people for the first time.
But this time is enough to make anyone tempted.
"We and Genting both have enmity, but when it comes to the size of the hatred, I think your Zero Chamber of Commerce can't compare with our Yao Shijun. Not only do we have important people who are crippled and killed by them, Ye Zhongming also destroyed us 'S base."
Brother Xiao Jiu stood there with his hands on his back, watching the ongoing battle and saying, "And this time, we have the highest number of high-end combat capabilities, so the priority is ours. When we choose Liu Zhenghong Or Le Dayuan is our business."
The sound of the Iron Throne looked cold and made no concessions: "Then you should also be clear that the Fat City is our contact, the forces of the British City are suppressed by us, and the Royal Trade Union is our vassal, contributing to the coalition. Our Zero Chamber of Commerce is no less than you. What's more, if you have a hatred against Genting Army and Genting, we don't have it? One death and one disabled, Genting abolishes our two Holy Sees!"
After Yin Tie finished speaking, the two glanced at each other, and both saw each other's unyielding.
"Hehe." Brother Xiao Jiu suddenly smiled. "Sound of Iron Tie, we all seem to have forgotten the temple. Their goal must be Liu Zhenghong. Our Yao Shijun is not going to fight with them. Then... in the end it must be a monk A fleshy situation."
Hearing this, the Iron Throne was not only cold, but his eyes were frozen.
"It seems that this is the case, then, let's talk about strength, who has more high-end combat power, but it is not Xiao Jiu's casual talk."
Brother Xiao Jiu gave a grin and smiled, "This is the best."
The two turned their heads together and separated their eyes that were entangled, but their hearts were stunned at the same time, knowing that the other party also had a hole card they didn't know.
But, what is this hole card? Zero Chamber of Commerce another holy seat? Which army of the Yaoshi Army?
The two comrades who were still fighting side by side suddenly suspected each other.
Lu Lan shoved the glasses on his face, and suddenly remembered that someone once told himself that the women in the underground art bar said that they were abnormal in certain ways.
The man once said that please open up after the task is completed.
Shaking his head slightly, Lu Lan sat in the head of a monster dozens of meters long.
Yes, in my head, this one is many and many times bigger than the python ‘Tumu earthworm’, and the head has been transformed into a ‘cabin where people can sit. ’
For the shrine, this is not difficult.
"Sun Wanhu, although we haven't known each other for a long time, you haven't had time to invite me to pick up girls, and even call me glasses, but this time I will help you kill the guy who came back from the secret realm, be grateful to you Right."
Lu Lan chuckled and clapped his hands slightly. The giant earthworm immediately burrowed into the ground and slammed away.
"Oh, right, and his dirt dog that killed the Thunder Beast." (To be continued.)
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