Vol 3 Chapter 588: Four Elephants Fusion

Xia Bai was a little bit uncomfortable, and the sudden situation was beyond her preparation.八★一中文网 WwくWく. ★ 8√1√ZW. CoM
After getting the brand of Neptune, she determined that it was those beads that had an inexplicable connection with herself, and she hadn’t paid much attention to the horns of the four elephants that had always been in the line.
Ye Zhongming told her about this, and Xia Bai also knows how to use it, but she doesn't think how powerful the Horn of the Four Elephants is, at least for now.
The four rays are very powerful, but they are only very powerful. Xia Bai, who has reached the seven-star evolution level, believes that if she is facing these rays, she should completely hide.
But from the moment when he pulled the huge horn of the four elephants into the battlefield, Xia Bai felt an inexplicable force from this big guy. Variety.
Xia Baixian, she, a few mysterious beads and the horns of the four elephants, the three are connected together.
I don’t know what the human body felt like when I was electrified, but Xia Bai felt that it should be very similar to her current situation. The pain of her is basically impossible to feel hot and cold at normal temperature. She even felt hot and cold. After a while, it was sweaty and trembling.
After that, Xia Bai's feelings disappeared, and his eyes went blind, just as if he had been dug out and thrown into a vacuum.
Xia Bai did not know how long this situation lasted. When she could see things again, there were four different colors in front of her.
Light blue, milky white, blue purple, bright red...Four colors flooded her vision, and finally formed a very strange picture...
A huge iceberg stood between the heavens and the earth, surrounded by a sea of ​​fire, the sky was a roaring wind, and from time to time a huge snake-shaped lightning struck.
These pictures are moving. With every movement, Xia Bai who has just recovered her consciousness feels that her body is changing, cold or hot, torn or crisp.
Xia Bai is making an unknown change, and even feels that a long time has passed, but in the eyes of others, she just stayed there for a moment.
Sweat and trembling are the only things others can see. Of course, there are four colors of light on the huge four-horned horn, even in the morning light.
The people or sea beasts here are all evolutionary life, and they are particularly sensitive to power. Although for the time being they can't tell whether Xia Bai itself is the huge equipment that looks very fanciful and makes them palpitate, the majestic and extremely unstable power is very clear.
Many people are retreating. If this complex force explodes, its power will be enormous.
The only difference is Ye Zhongming. Instead of retreating, he moved forward.
In his eyes, he was full of surprise.
This situation... Ye Zhongming vaguely has some impressions, but is not very sure.
He had heard certain rumors in his previous life that some extremely special equipment would encounter extremely special people and would produce violent reactions and changes, becoming an exclusive equipment.
This is different from the improved Rong's Saint Cloth in Mo Ye's body. It is a professional exclusive equipment, and this is the exclusive equipment of the evolver.
The information is not complete. Even if it was not Xia Bai's situation, Ye Zhongming would never remember this rumor.
But now, Ye Zhongming feels more and more that some magical changes have occurred between Xia Bai, the mysterious beads, and the horns of the four elephants. This kind of equipment that is said to be an excellent model of colorful weapons is becoming Xia Bai’s exclusive equipment.
It's amazing, but Ye Zhongming can understand it.
To give an inappropriate example, this is the same as organ transplantation. An organ that matches a person’s indicators can fit the data. This is the premise of transplantation, but this organ does not belong to this person.
The Horn of the Four Elephants is actually an organ. Even if the beads are not organs, they are also tissues in certain bodies. They have the basic properties of organs.
Originally, Sea Giant was completely different from Xia Bai. One was a sea beast and the other was a human. However, the sea king branded the two to a certain extent. Ye Zhongming has not forgotten that now Xia Bai has acquired the first three levels of branding ability. , Although not powerful, basically gave her the possibility to survive in the water.
So with the sea king brand, and sea giants such as sea giants living in the ocean, the attributes are completely justified.
In other words, the prerequisites for organ transplantation exist.
But the abnormality that Xia Bai is showing now may just be a kind of "rejection reaction". After this reaction passes, maybe... some changes will happen.
Level 7 sea beasts were a bit scared.
Xia Bai's momentum is very strong, and the cold looks with killing intent, for the sensitive sea beast, the pressure is very strong.
And the Horn of Four Elephants also made this sea beast very afraid.
The sea giant is in the ocean, but it is stronger than it. Now the big guy's horn is dragged by this human. Obviously the sea giant is killed, then he is obviously weaker than this human.
This is the psychology before the sea beast, and even prepared to start defense.
But who thought that this man seemed to have excited the horns of the four elephants, but suddenly stopped there, it seemed that it was still not very good.
The sea beast confirmed for a few seconds, hesitantly decided to tentatively attack once, his large mouth covered with sharp short tentacles opened, and a thick water column spit out.
The water column hit the four elephant horns and Xia Bai accurately. How easy is the talent skill of the seventh-level sea beast. Xia Bai and the huge four elephant horns are rolled back by the impact.
Human beings are in a state of uproar, no matter whether they like each other or not, but after all, Xia Bai is the highest evolutionary level in the human camp. Only a seventh-level sea beast hit, and fell down and rolled out, can it be killed by a second?
The seventh-level sea beast didn't think of one-strike meritoriousness. Its mind was not so complicated. Seeing that this human didn't resist, where is it polite, the dark brown scales all over the body suddenly opened, and hundreds of pointed creatures were exposed inside, each Creatures like sea snakes are surrounded by thick currents.
It turned out to be hundreds of mutant electric eels!
Swish whispering, the seventh-level sea beast moved its second talent ability, the goal is naturally Xia Bai who has not yet got up.
Many humans turned their heads annoyed and felt that they really lost their way. They knew that even a seven-star evolver would be hit by such a move without any precautions.
However, when these mutant electric eels reached Xia Bai, their tens of thousands of volts of electricity suddenly disappeared, and then a black light and shadow did not know when they appeared between them. They were all cut in two.
Xia Bai didn't know when she had stood up before. The huge four-horned horn disappeared beside her, but the sharp-eyed man showed that the mask, which was originally only exquisite blue and white, appeared on the edge of the surroundings. Form a circle of four-color corners! (To be continued.)
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