Vol 3 Chapter 613: Each mind

After the end of the world, I don’t know if it is because people once again realized the taste of the cold weapon era, so they are becoming more and more similar in their behavior. Bayi Chinese √ Net W★★★. 8★1ZW. CoM
For example, get a face war drum, get a battle flag and the like.
If Ye Zhongming is here, he will sneer at it.
In the last days, it seems that there are many survivors who are very arrogant. In fact, most of them are just that they feel good about themselves. In fact, they are very clear in their hearts. In the last days, human beings say nothing, it is the zombies, the monsters, the mutant lives.
Whether it is the Zero Chamber of Commerce, the Yaoshi Army, or the Tianxiang War Department or even a rebellion zone, you let them go to big cities, no, medium cities, dare they go? If it was not for the time when it was really necessary, they would not dare to go.
In Yingcheng, the reason why human survivors dared to build camps everywhere and arrogantly hunted and hunted in the city every day was because the zombies in Yingcheng were verbal and red. They Will restrain his people, try not to go to large-scale attack survivors camp, usually everyone use their own ability to hurt each other.
Even, they will attack mutant animals and plants other than zombies and use them as the main energy source for evolution, which in turn reduces the number of mutant lives and guarantees the safety of human evolution.
Although people die every day, and even survivors may be destroyed every day, compared with other cities, the external environment of survivors in the British city is much better.
Holding the high flag of war, are you afraid of being inconspicuous? Are you waiting for the mutated life to see you over?
In Ye Zhongming's heart, this is undoubtedly a very stupid move. He can put a banner representing power in Yunding Mountain Villa, but he will never get some of it outside.
But some people like it.
The Scorpion Legion is undoubtedly one of them.
They both belong to the same war zone. After seeing the young man, Guangyao knew that the Scorpion War Department came to support himself, but he didn’t know why Commander Wen sent them over. After all, Guangyao and Song Tian, ​​the commander of the Scorpion War Department, had always been Not too dealt with.
Of course, the glory of the strength of the Scorpion War Department is recognized.
The characteristic of the celestial war department is that the overall archery is excellent, and it has unparalleled advantages in the middle and long range.
The Scorpion Warfare Department pays more attention to close combat. They are the only troops in the T1 resistance zone that fight similarly to other survivors. On this basis, the Scorpion Warfare Department maintains the unique discipline of the resistance team. Sex and strictness, even because of their excellent physical control ability, their march battles are more tidy and efficient than the sky elephant war department, etc., they suddenly came over to such a close point that the sky elephant war department still hasn’t seen it now. Out of this.
Perhaps because of the different fighting styles, the two war departments are somewhat unfriendly in the resistance zone, and the competition is fierce. The boss of the Devil Scorpion Song Tian was originally because Guangyao obtained the MSI arsenal and now the tank can be separated. Put it in and slaughtered him once when buying a lot.
Although this kind of behavior belongs to the outside world, it can be regarded as an unfriendly expression in the resistance zone.
After all, in the opinion of the people in the resistance area, everyone is a comrade in arms, even if they belong to different war departments, the essence is the same.
Guangyao thought the same way, but he was wrong, so he even had to go out hunting for a period of time after being slaughtered, which caused some unnecessary downsizing in the Tianxiang War Department.
This makes him and Song Tian have a bad relationship.
And this guy gave the celestial war department a nickname when he first came, saying what light warfare department, and how Guangyao can treat him better.
"Song Tianze, shut up if you don't speak!"
Xiaoxiu was not happy, and he cursed directly on the side. Because of her special status, Song Tian was a little embarrassed, but did not say anything. After instructing her team to stand by, she came with two men and came to see it first. Look at the battlefield being cleaned, and then sneered.
"This thing also deserves to be cleaned up so carefully? It's better to find a group of mutant life hunters at this time."
Although Song Tian said something reasonable, from the perspective of cost performance, it is better to find a group of zombies to directly attack the whole annihilation and harvest the magic crystal from every inch of land here.
But what is the situation with the Tianxiang War Department? They have lost three-quarters of their strength in the city-to-city defense, the breakout battle against the Golden Bridge, and the roulette space. Now Guangyao wants to live with these men and tighten their belts, even'lazy bombs He’s put them into the MSI arsenal to automatically recover ammunition. Here he picks up something carefully, which is better than fighting downsizing again.
Song Tian said that, listening to the ears of light, it would be a bit harsh.
"You don't need to control." Guangyao replied, and then continued: "I have contacted Commander Wen two days ago. I will go to Jianfeng Mountain Pass to participate in the joint meeting of the resistance zone on behalf of him. Commander ask."
After that, Guangyao issued an order to prepare the entire team.
He is telling the truth, and this is also the opportunity he has won for himself. The resistance zone joint meeting was held to formulate the next joint combat plan. Guangyao and Xiaoxiu were added together and could barely represent Commander Wen. attend.
Naturally, this is not the main purpose of the glory. He intends to recruit survivors on the way to add to the war department, and complete the initial training during this period, to fight for the war on the way, to restore as much energy as possible.
In addition, during the meeting, there will be various auctions, trade fairs, expeditions, hunting operations, etc. to participate, he also plans to make up for his strength there.
After all, no matter how serious the loss of the Celestial War Department is, this trip to Yungang is still rewarding, let alone say, a lot of high-level equipment and some magic crystal grenades that were exchanged from Ye Zhongming before being separated from Yunding Mountain Villa , Plus a thunderstorm tower, these are enough to make Guangyao get enough wealth.
There is a very obscure point that Guangyao did not reveal, that is, he did not disclose any information about the Yunding Mountain Villa and the British City Alliance to the Scorpion War Department. Song Tian was not interested. Fortunately, once he was interested, he wanted to complete what Guangyao did not complete. Mission, then it is possible to touch Yunding Mountain Villa.
Then...in case there is something missing, it has nothing to do with the light.
Looking at the back of Guangyao leading people away, Song Tian showed a sneer in the corner of his mouth.
"Do you think I don't know the name of Genting? And their magic crystal weapon? You are too low-level to kill with a knife, but I really want to go and see, these gangs of countrymen who make you shine !"
Thinking in my heart, there was an order in his mouth to move on.
T1 rebelled against the Scorpion War Department at this moment, about a hundred kilometers away from Ye Zhongming's location. (To be continued.)
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