Vol 3 Chapter 860: Alive

Even if he had been to the Wangcheng once, when he met again, Ye Zhongming was still shocked by it. ??Eighth Chinese? W?W㈧W?. ?8㈧1㈠Z?W㈧. ?C㈠O?M?
Perhaps the posthumous people are backward, and for so many years, they still maintain the system that has long been behind. Perhaps, their ruling class does not want to make progress, but just wants to be successful. Perhaps, when faced with the attack of the Temple of Dawn, the people who live in this city are still drunk and dreaming of death, and they are drunk.
But this city, which does not know how many years it took to build it, is obviously a dead man, or a time of civilization and other greatness.
Ye Zhongming suddenly had a thought, if he didn't come, even if he came, wouldn't he change the ending of the dead? Will this royal city, like the end of the dynasties on the earth, become a special book that is only written by the posters of the later generations in the annihilation of civilization and the collapse of the system, and can only be taken by the posterity Scarlet and tragic, can only carry the broken wall of regret and nostalgia?
"Zhong Ming, wait here first. I'll go back and discuss with them. Rest assured, although I can't promise you anything, this is extremely promising. Don't worry."
Hongxiang Wangzun knew that Ye Zhongming would not go into the Wangcheng family. Although the two sides are likely to cooperate, everyone must guard against each other. It is the best choice to be stationed outside the city first.
Now he really wants the two parties to cooperate. He really saw Ye Zhongming and the fighting power of his men. If the posthumous man and the Temple of Dawn are two forms of civilization, then Ye Zhongming and his world, and the Temple of Dawn There are also two forms of civilization.
In this battle concerning the survival of the race, King Hongxiang has determined that Ye Zhongming is the hope of the dead.
Looking at the back of King Hongxiang taking people away, what Ye Zhongming can do temporarily is to wait while making equipment.
The gate of the Wangcheng already had this team entering the mountainside, and a lot of guards were flooded at the gate, serious and nervously alert.
It is... a bit crowded.
Hong Xiang quickly walked to the meeting hall of Wangcheng. He had sent people in advance to inform the kings in the Wangcheng to gather there.
As soon as I entered the house, I saw that many people had gathered here early, and King Hongxiang glanced over these people, and his face was not very good.
Among the seven kings, there are six other than Hong Xiang, but here there are only four.
"What about Blackwall King and King Sm?"
Hong Xiang used the power in his hand to convene this temporary joint meeting. In his mind, this matter is about the life and death of the dead. Everyone should pay attention to it, because outside, the Temple of Dawn is already open.
But here he added that there are only five kings. According to the rule of the dead, some major decisions require the consent of most kings. To cooperate with Ye Zhongming, four kings must agree. Wang Zun, who was absent, did not agree to count the votes.
In other words, there are already two negative votes before this talk begins! Among the four kings present, two more people disagreed and this cooperation could not be discussed.
The seven great kings of the posthumous people, when Ye Zhongming came last time, had three major eighth ranks and four major seventh ranks.
The three kings of Heibi, Heyan and Lingkun are at level 8, while Niao, Hongxiang, Kanzishan and Yuehong are at level 7.
Now after Hong Xiang's breakthrough, he became four of seven and eight.
"Their tribe met the army of the temple and went back to preside over the overall situation."
He Yan looked up at Hong Xiang and said indifferently.
There is nothing wrong with this sentence, it sounds like these kings should do it.
However, Hong Xiang's face was gloomy. Although several other Wang Zun had known the news, they were quite right.
In the war against the Temple of Dawn, the posthumous people have never won, but one thing is worth praising.
That is, Wangcheng has never been captured.
For the Temple of Dawn, the location of the posthumous king’s palace is not a secret. After several battles, the final decisive battle was actually carried out here.
The posthumous number of times lost all their territory, leaving only a king city.
But Wangcheng never fell!
Because every time the war begins, the posthumous people who know that they will lose will hit their power in the king city as much as possible, and use the natural advantages of the defense here to fight against the army of the temple.
In this way, not only can the temple be dragged into the city where they most want to attack and defend, but also the strength of the dead can be preserved as much as possible, so that they will not be destroyed one by one.
Wangcheng is the only city where the posthumous people can rely on the overall system of defense such as the city walls to fight against the Temple of Dawn.
Now that everyone clearly knows the news that the Temple of Dawn has invaded again, the most important thing to do is to take as many tribes as possible while the temple is still clearing the outer strongholds, especially the most powerful royal tribes. All gathered in the royal city, where they battled the temple.
The temple is not stupid, and is even smarter than the posthumous people. They naturally also know the means of the posthumous people in previous wars. When they have to clear the tribes outside the posthumous people to prevent them from harassing the rear when they attack the royal city, they will also Send some sharp knife troops to harass and attack some tribes and delay their return to the royal city.
When encountering this kind of thing, one of the previous practices of the posthumous person is... run!
There are many tribes, so they use their old and weak lives to delay the pursuit of the temple army and cover the retreat of others. When necessary, they will also use the life of some soldiers to open the way of the tribe's breakthrough.
The king city usually only sends people to respond, but it will not help, because that will cause the temple to hold more people, and their air force may appear at any time, hitting the dead.
If you really can’t get out, then give up completely. After all, the temple can’t have too many abilities to attack every level tribe, most of the royal family can still retreat to the royal city smoothly.
In the past, everyone used this method of abandoning a small number of people to deal with the temple.
But this time, even two kings didn't pay attention to this kind of coping method summed up by the lives of countless posthumous people, but took the people back to their own tribe?
What are they doing? Do you think Wang Zun can act arbitrarily? Wang Zun is the backbone of defending Wang Cheng. What should I do if he goes out alone and is killed?
King Hongxiang exploded in anger. The two kings were in danger. They knew they were unlucky. The mother was stared at by the temple. They also knew that if they followed the inertia of the dead, their tribe would be If you are not annihilated, you have to be seriously injured, and the clan has always been the greatest support of the king. How many kings have lost their status because of the demise of their mothers?
They are afraid of losing the status of king! Lose the huge distribution of benefits resulting from this!
From their personal point of view, this is understandable, but at a time when the entire posthumous people are facing the genocide crisis, they are so selfish to choose so.
Hong Xiang thought with his toes that the two kings would never return to the king city. Once they saved the tribe, they would wander in the wild, waiting for the decisive battle between the dawn temple and the king city. They thought in their hearts , The king city can certainly be defended, so that after the war, they can still come back and sit comfortably in the position of King Zun because of the great loss of strength of the tribes of all levels, there is no way to take them, even because of the imbalance of power , They may also get greater rights and more benefits!
What a shame!
But now that the family is gone, King Hongxiang hasn't done the trick. After sitting in his seat, he told his intentions to convene this interim joint meeting.
Hearing Ye Zhongming's name and seeing the heads of thousands of Dawning Temple warriors brought by King Hongxiang, the dead men were shocked.
Ye Zhongming was mentioned in Wangcheng last time, and his knowledge and origins of this person were also more clear this time.
"What do you think?" Wang Xiang, the king of Hongxiang, talked about what he could do to add oil and vinegar. He hoped to watch these kings who were on equal footing with him, waiting for their position.
Several kings were a little silent, and they were thinking about it for a while, or that king Heyan slowly said in his low voice: "Perhaps, there is another way that is more beneficial to us."
King Hongxiang froze for a moment and subconsciously said, "What way?"
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