Vol 3 Chapter 900: Out of control

Almost at the same time, Genting's defenders and the 80,000 soldiers who had left outside, including the dead, received orders to prepare for battle. Bayi Chinese Network W?W?W㈠. 81ZW. COM
Many people do not know what to do, just know that there must be a battle.
The presence of the Medal of Merit has given everyone the convenience of instant messaging. Orders of orders were passed through here, with Yunding Mountain as the core, and more than 250,000 soldiers moved.
In fact, there is a misunderstanding.
The purpose of Ye Zhongming is just to experiment with the power of the new Horcrux made from the ninth-level materials, and to mobilize the soldiers under his control, just to create an opportunity for him.
That is, everyone except him is a feint.
But now everyone is thinking about Ye Zhongming's speech after returning to Genting, waiting for Ye Zhongming to lead everyone to fight back.
So after these orders were issued, these soldiers felt that the counterattack was about to begin. Even some of the core members responsible for the command felt that although the boss did not express it clearly, a major battle was inevitable.
It was in this situation that Ye Zhongming was out of control on this trip of testing weapons.
The first shot was fired by the defenders of the city.
A pair of Genting warriors used the magic crystal cannon to start attacking after showing signs of mutated life outside the city wall, just like a signal, the other defenders on the wall immediately mutated life under the wall. Out of skills.
After seeing these people who were defending the city wall with these people, although they did not have the ability to attack so far, some stones and wood accumulated on the city wall and abandoned automobile machinery, etc. were thrown directly by them. Hit these disgusting guys.
The whole team started almost instantaneously, which made the commanders on the city walls a little stunned, but seeing the effect is good and they are at a complete advantage. No matter whether it is Yunding or the high-level of the dead, have no orders to stop it, This gave these fighters a false hint.
This is the long-awaited counterattack!
The momentum on the city wall excited the teams outside the city. Due to the large number of people, the intercom communication was not smooth, and I heard that the British city evolvers who participated in the defense inside the villa have been directly absorbed as Genting warriors. The people of Yingcheng naturally feel itchy and unbearable. Everyone is trying their best to fight for Yunding Mountain Villa. Why did you suddenly fly to Takachi and become a "regular army"? Just because of the near water platform?
These people's moods have changed and they are still very anxious. Now they are very excited to see the battle start. Before they wait for specific commands, some people have attacked the periphery of the mutated life.
This is just like igniting the arsenal, which is beyond control. Even with the broken reaction, the small tiger copper pot and other people are in a wrong situation, and it is too late to stop. Even after a moment, they are all wrapped into the fighting state and turned back The zombies and mutant animals and plants of World War II fought together.
As for the 50,000 left-behind warriors outside the city who have no language, it is even more unclear about the situation. Genting's translation has no effect at all. The gang of warriors who fought for a new life started a collective charge!
This is the fighting style of the posthumous people, which is inseparable from their battle with the monsters all the year round, and they have developed the habit of meeting the brave people on the narrow roads, because the monsters will not be kind to them, and both sides regard each other as food. Meeting is a life and death, but there is no such thing as surrender and compromise.
If only the original Genting fighters were engaged in this battle, there would never be such an accident. Xia Lei, Mo Ye, and Xiao Hu, three people who came out of the special forces, brought militarized management to the Genting team. In the meantime, they will strictly follow the above orders, and will never rush.
However, the proportion of Genting fighters is very small in the more than 200,000 people. Most people don’t have the concept of standardized combat, so under some wrong psychology, the behavior has also been very bad. Big deviation.
So everything was messed up.
This is the battle, especially the battle between races. It is not difficult to fight. It is still such a large-scale battle. Even if the command line is stumbling, it can’t be controlled. What’s more, in the hearts of these commanders, Even vaguely agreed to start directly.
No one seemed to think about what would happen if this battle were lost.
When the question was raised after the battle, the answer was surprisingly uniform.
Everyone thought that Ye Zhongming was at a certain place on the battlefield at that time, and how could he lose if the person was there.
After Ye Zhongming got the news, he was quite speechless.
If the previous battle between Genting and the outside was out of control, then when a team saw the unreliable posthumous man open the gate of the villa and rushed out into the melee state, it means this conflict is destined to be divided It's a victory.
Both sides have been unable to close!
Either humans and posthumous people completely wiped out millions of mutant lives from two directions, or these mutant lives crushed all human beings.
When the battle became in full swing out of control, the elite team composed of Hong Xiang, Ye Zhongming, Hong, Xia Bai and Di Huang Wan had already penetrated into the mutated life, only tens of meters away from the previously seen'command center' the distance.
Thanks to the red, she controlled some zombies, surrounded the squad in the center, and entered the depths of the mutant population in a big way. According to the plan, others covered Ye Zhongming, and after testing the power of the weapon, let the zombies controlled around her delay For a moment, afterwards, the floating ball will be picked up by everyone.
What Genting and the soldiers outside do is to attract the attention of the mutated life, and let them as much as possible the principle of Ye Zhongming and the'command post' he wants to attack.
Whoever thinks about it, the squad just came here, and the battle in the distance was born. The entire mutant army was in chaos. The high-level ones in the command post jumped out and were ready to return to their respective positions to command. .
If they were dead, they met Ye Zhongming directly.
These advanced life will not be affected by the zombies controlled by the red. They almost immediately showed the human beings mixed into them. They roared loudly, and all the surrounding zombies, monsters, mutant animals and plants were surrounded. Eat by a few brave humans.
In a hurry, Ye Zhongming couldn't take care of it, and directly raised the broken soul bone stick, and attacked the highest-ranked eight-level mutant zombie among them. Due to the emergency, he did not restrain his spirit. Li, the dark lines on the bone sticks were lit up by him one by one. When he was wrong, he couldn't stop.
The bone stick gave out the most dazzling light, and then a thick beam of light with a diameter of three meters was shot from the bone stick and swept toward Ye Zhongming's front!
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