Vol 3 Chapter 951: Honest child

Even by monitoring the screen, Ye Zhongming could not see the whole picture, but he was driving the blue water to shake, obviously feeling the hull sink a little. ?? August 1st Chinese Language? W?W?W. 81ZW. COM
Then the hull shook violently, and the degree dropped a bit. The swing brought by inertia made every evolutionary feel very clear.
"It's the fish king!"
Although it was just a glimpse, someone still saw the shadow of the fish king. The vibration of the hull just now was attacked by the fish king.
Now it can be king in the sea, at least it is also a seven-level existence. The six-level gangster that Xiaopeng encountered before is at most an elite monster.
Before Ye Zhongming came here, he added four pieces of armor to the ship's hull, so that the defensive power of the entire Blue Water Shake has increased. Although some degrees have been sacrificed, it will undoubtedly be safer.
Lanshui Yao's defense is displayed in percentages. The two networks were attacked just now, and the overall defense level has not decreased, but is consuming energy. However, just now, the defense level shows that it has dropped by 2%.
This is a piece of data that survivors do not know how much or how little.
The reason for this is that it is not clear what the attack method of this fish king was. If it is an ordinary collision, then the problem is serious. Once a strong attack occurs, it may cost 10% or more of the defense. And if this is a skill attack, only a 1% drop will undoubtedly mean that this guy is not a big threat to the fishing boat, and the survivors can even deal with it on the boat.
But then, the fishing boat was attacked by a series of attacks, netting more than 30 mutant fishes, and trawling just caught more than 100, but the total number of fish in this group was 230. One, there are dozens of them outside now. These fish followed the fish king and began to attack the hull.
The defensiveness of the entire fishing vessel immediately dropped from 98% to 91%.
Ye Zhongming is still not sure whether the depletion of the defense degree is the same as energy recovery, in case he needs artificial repair, he does not have such a talent.
So he immediately moved Blue Water's active defense ability-energy account.
The entire hull was immediately covered with a thin layer of mist.
It’s not a round shield, it’s like an extra layer of armor.
As Ye Zhongming added four pieces of armor to the hull before, the total defense of Blue Water Shake changed from 15oo to 24oo+, and the energy account is to apply a shield that is ten times the defense power to the hull, which is 24ooo+ The defense force, this value, is the real horror of this ship.
Perfect the defensive power of the floating ball, but only 2ooo......
As soon as the energy account appeared, the attack of these mutant fish was immediately isolated, and the degree of defense no longer decreased.
A man suddenly screamed in surprise, he retracted the head that protruded from the cabin, touched it himself, and extended it again.
This time, everyone also saw his changes.
He stretched out the cab, also covered with a layer of energy account!
The ship turned out to be protected even by the people on the ship.
"Go up and do Tn!"
Seeing that there were such benefits, several people went to the deck one after another, operating the energy speargun and their own weapons, and began to attack the fish that chased the blue water shake.
Everyone was covered with a veil and defended against 24ooo, which made them invincible at least for now.
A large amount of blood suddenly appeared on the surface of the sea, and the fish were covered by the fierce firepower of human beings.
There are joys and worries. The appearance of the energy account is based on the consumption of a large amount of energy. Ye Zhongming saw that the energy is decreasing with the naked eye. It was originally only used for five fifth-level magic crystals that can last for dozens of hours. Now it seems that it can only last for another ten minutes at most.
At this time, the trawl had put a net of fish into the water cell, and Ye Zhongming then spewed another net, not to see how it was harvested, and drove towards the shore in the blue water.
The school of fish and the fishing boat carried out a fierce chase on the sea. When the blue water wave rushed directly to the beach, the mutant mullet retreated, the energy account also disappeared, and the energy of the five magic crystals was completely consumed.
The crowd entered the cabin and killed the captured mutants. With the water cell, these guys were only allowed to be slaughtered.
Finally, the statistics show that this time the harvest of the sea caught more than 160 fish, of which one of the six levels, four of the five levels, the rest are the existence of three levels of four levels.
Compared with the cost of five magic crystals, this sale is very profitable.
"You have to build a shallow water pier. It's very sturdy. It's a fenced type. You can't let the boat rush ashore." Ye Zhongming officially gave Lanshui Shao's command to Xiaopeng, and then he offered his opinions. Just now the ship rushed directly to the button, and the degree of defense had dropped.
Of course, with this fishing boat, many tactics can be developed around it, and even some man-made boats can be operated together.
These mutant fishes caused a shock to the whole branch of Yungang. Many people came out to watch, and then they started to work together. The scales were removed, the bones were removed, and the blood was released. They were very busy.
Ye Zhongming and Xiao Peng quietly left the crowd and came to a secret warehouse.
"The Genting branch now has a total of more than 15,000 people, including more than 9,000 fighters, more than 500 people with special abilities, more than 1,000 kinds of necessary talents, and others are family members. logistics."
"Evolutionary level due to the support of the headquarters, the soldiers are on average Samsung. Those with special abilities are higher, but they have not reached four stars. Others have only one star."
"This is a material warehouse. It's on the list here. I didn't do well. I didn't collect too much. Here are other materials."
"There are also some scrolls and cards, all in this box."
"The roulette information you need is almost the same, and I can organize it for you tomorrow."
While talking, Xiaopeng introduced the same thing to Ye Zhongming.
"Oh, yes, the magic crystals are here."
Ye Zhongming looked down at Xiaopeng's eyes, where there was a big push magic crystal, which was piled up into a hill.
Ye Zhongming couldn't help but feel moved. The child Xiaopeng is real. Probably most of the income these days has been accumulated.
"Don't you say that you can deal with the first three magic crystals yourself? There are also scrolls, which can be used as appropriate."
Hearing Ye Zhongming saying this, Xiao Peng scratched his head and grinned: "That, I think, or you can play the biggest role of these, if I use it without permission, it will be a waste."
Xiaopeng said this, and Ye Zhongming couldn't say anything more. He patted the guy on the shoulder and was very satisfied with his original decision.
This is really a sincere child.
Ye Zhongming first picked some of the materials, for example, the gold in the meat was accepted, and the rest was left to Xiaopeng for processing.
Mo Jing Ye Zhongming didn't plan to stay, he was going to turn the roulette to change to a potion, and then according to this stage of performance, it was assigned to the soldiers of the Yungang branch, and the advanced Mo Jing left a part of Xiao Peng as a blue water shake Motivation.
It was those scrolls and cards. Ye Zhongming took some time to confirm, let alone, he really encountered a few very good ones.
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