Vol 3 Chapter 960: Bright Moon Bloodstone

According to the final statistics, there are more than 280 bones with ghost gold chains. The least one has only one iron chain on it, and the most has seven. On August 1st? The text? Net W㈠W㈠W?. ? 8㈧1㈧ZW. COM
This means that a total of more than a thousand ghost gold chains have been obtained by Genting, but it is a mixed bag. It is Ye Zhongming's headache that he wants to feed these ghost gold.
After a busy day, Ye Zhongming and Liu Zhenghong and many researchers confirmed some things based on a large number of experiments.
The ghost gold chain can indeed be cultivated with flesh and blood, the higher the flesh and blood of higher life, the more energy it can provide to it.
But experiments have shown that this method is more like letting it'proliferate' faster than growing normally.
Those ghost gold chains that have been damaged in the battle with Ye Zhongming can be recovered quickly after absorbing flesh and blood.
What Ye Zhongming now needs is that it can grow normally, and does not need to'grow seedlings' for them.
All bones have life, and all bones can absorb blood and flesh. This is another appearance of Ye Zhongming, even those who do not have ghost gold.
This makes Ye Zhongming have to wonder if they can grow ghost gold as long as they are nutritious enough?
So how much can this small one thousand bones grow in the whole chain prisoner?
If this is the case, there is no doubt that this is a huge asset, but this is based on the fact that it can feed so many bones.
Another point is that from the body of the chain prisoner, the energy of these living bones disappears quickly. In just one day, those who have never "eaten" flesh and blood have become dying and will die at any time, which makes Ye Zhongming had to find a lot of flesh and blood to let them absorb it first to maintain their lives.
Later, Ye Zhongming and Liu Zhenghong cut the ghost gold chain from the root, leaving only the osteotomy head and round base. Once again, the energy absorbed not only did not decrease, but also increased exponentially. Zhong Ming's face was bitter.
Perhaps it was just the fans of the authorities. When Ya Tian, ​​who had nothing to do, came to see the excitement, and pointed at the small bone that had been cut off by Ye Zhongming's ghost gold, and said onion head, Ye Zhongming and Liu Zhenghong glanced at each other for a long time before scolding together. A sentence of national criticism.
Ye Zhongming grabbed the bone and used the cultivation ability. Although the mental strength has disappeared a lot, but the bone where the bone is broken, it has grown to have a ghost with a finger width!
Before they all subconsciously felt that this thing was dug in the organism, instinctively thought it was an animal, and ghost gold was just a substance it secreted.
But I never thought that this is a plant, and the metal of ghost gold is the fruit and not the other.
After planting, Ye Zhongming gained the affinity and recognition of the bones of this plant, which made it a lot easier to study. In the end, everyone was surprised that this bone turned out to be very yearning for the rot soil under the wall After burying it in the mulch, it didn't seem to change, but after a few hours, Ye Zhongming felt an increase in life energy.
These guys can actually live and sustain growth in mulch.
In fact, if you think about it carefully, you will find that everything is connected. These piranhas were originally the seeds obtained from the blood tree. Now the huge wood is still standing in the center of the mountain, and it is the prisoner of the iron lock. arms.
Putting flesh and blood into the mulch, the piranha and the ghost gold bone are also absorbed, and they are also quickly consumed, and the increase in life energy will peak. If you do not feed for a short time, there will be no loss of life.
This made Ye Zhongming completely at ease, at least he found a way to make these bones survive, so he cut all the ghost gold chains on these ghost gold bones and increased the number of piranha plantings. Buried in mulch.
Solved the problem of ghost gold bones, Ye Zhongming was relaxed, and began to study the horn.
In the previous life, the horn in the legend is called the horn of life, and it is an artifact-like existence of the plant department. Ye Zhongming heard only the envious part.
In this life, this thing is now in front of Ye Zhongming.
After two rounds around this corner, Ye Zhongming studied left and right. He could feel the seemingly endless power contained in it, but he could not know how to use it.
Drawing on the previous lesson, Ye Zhongming applied the skills of both the craftsman and the gardener to the Horn of Life, but it was completely useless.
Ye Zhongming couldn't do anything else, he could only do other things. While manufacturing equipment, he was distracted to think about how to solve the problem of the horn of life.
Is it such a good thing that it can't help itself when a huge crisis is about to come?
There is a large amount of ghost gold, and Ye Zhongming is no longer stingy. After adding this material from the equipment he made, silver levels have appeared continuously. He has been sleeping for nearly a hundred hours and has produced more than 10,000 pieces of silver. The outfit, plus what was there before, completes the dress up for the main battle unit and the guard unit.
When all the Genting teams have become silver-clad teams, it has a great impact on the surrounding forces and the dead.
Many people have subconsciously determined that when the same number of people, no one is the opponent of the Genting team.
In addition to these, Ye Zhongming, the core staff, was naturally not relaxed. Everyone was equipped with a full set of green equipment, and the earth set was complete.
This consumes a lot of fertile soil. Under the premise of the regular output of the little guy, this national specialty in Ye Zhongming's hands is basically consumed.
After finishing these, Ye Zhongming was about to solve the second thing before the war, when a news came from Puxing Town.
Someone found a bright moon bloodstone.
At that time Ye Zhongming was not calm.
The bright moon bloodstone, taken alone, is only a precious material, and its value is not high, because ordinary people have no use for it.
But for Ye Zhongming, the meaning is completely different, because this is a kind of material required by the sword.
Fengyue and Wusha are just the first two forms of Yuesha, which are considered incomplete, and Yuesha is the ultimate form.
The blue dance sand was destroyed in this battle with the chain prisoner. Ye Zhongming was very distressed for a while. I was thinking about recreating one for myself in these days. It's hot.
Can we make a handful of moon sand directly? I have been paying attention to collecting materials before, but there are still a few missing, among which there are such bright moonstones!
Taking people to Puxing Town and coming to the official exchange reception room of Yunding Mountain Villa, Ye Zhongming saw the person who was going to sell the bright moon blood stones.
Ye Zhongming only glanced at the man, and his pupils shrank violently.
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