Vol 3 Chapter 973: The virgin is here, the redhead is gone

It is still the campsite, but the area has expanded several times compared with when it was first started. August 1?? Chinese W? W? W?. ?8?1㈧Z?W㈠. ?C㈧O㈧M?
The core part is the ground made of hexagonal jade, and in other directions, it is light silver metal.
The Temple of Dawn seems to be using this method to show their temperament.
Of course, it may be to show off their wealth.
In a huge white camp in the core area, the three giants of the Dawning Temple sat at the table with a serious expression.
With a cup in his mouth, he took a sip of the turquoise liquid inside, and Nanzhen smiled bitterly.
"Before, drinking Biguo sweet juice was one of my few hobbies. I always felt that the sweet and sour taste in my mouth was a kind of enjoyment, but now how do I feel that this thing is full of bitterness."
The other two people were helpless when they heard Nan Zhen say this.
They have encountered the biggest setback since they attacked the dead.
These days, bad news keeps coming. First, some of the rear beast-raising places were raided, thousands of defenders were wiped out, and nearly ten thousand mount war beasts, they suffered heavy losses.
Strangely, when the army that was about to go there for inspection arrived, only a small part of the body was found, and some of the incomplete ones were removed from the spine. Those mounts disappeared and disappeared.
The five-figure beast, even if it bleeds, will form a small lake. Why is it gone?
There are indeed some traces at the scene, but there is no useful clue other than to prove that there was a battle there.
Oh, yes, there are traces of the use of soul skills.
But this is the battle with the posthumous people, isn't it? What other accidents do people use the soul technique?
Of course, that kind of soul technique is very strange and terrifying, and it makes people lose their souls completely.
However, for the three giants of the Dawning Temple, that is nothing. The posthumous people have the ability to make people scare. Why not have the Dawning Temple?
The attack on the animal breeding ground is only the beginning. Then the dawn temple army in several places was attacked. The enemy can describe it in three words.
Fast, accurate and ruthless!
If you don't take it, you will be wiped out.
The Dawning Temple has a very high tactical literacy. When they clean up the tribe of the posthumous people, it can be said that the cooperation is very good. The interlocking forces of each unit are basically not giving people an opportunity to take advantage of.
Naturally, this was before, and now this kind of "seamlessly seamless" cooperation is broken by people. There are two sites of the Knights of Light, one of the sites of the Bright Feathers, and a supply base in the forefront of scale.
These troops that were not together or even in the same area were originally the pride of the three commanders, but now they have become the results of the dead.
"Although the loss of the main force is not large, and the total number is less than 3,000, the other troops and logistics units have suffered heavy casualties. Now there are more than 10,000 casualties... No, no injuries, only deaths."
Zaili gently looked at the table and said what he had just heard today.
"Leaving handsome, you are the commander of the bright feather warriors and have the strongest motivation. Can you find a way to track this person? I feel that these attacks were done by the same team."
Rongzhi is the commander-in-chief of the temple guards, responsible for the safety of the temple, the virgin, and the father. Although the level is the same as that of Nanzhen and Zhaili, the status is slightly higher.
He said that, in fact, he was already dissatisfied with the light plume regiment that was in charge of the air force.
"I've tried it, but it's useless, because the enemy also has an air force, and it's not weak."
Zaili had already let his subordinates patrol in the front airspace, but there was no evidence. The closest time, they only saw the back of the group of people evacuated from a distance, but when chasing the past, they encountered some unknown. The famous attack, the kind of explosive fire, made the first sight of the vulture a little afraid, so the white patrol at that time did not dare to continue chasing.
Rongzhi nodded, frowning tightly: "Is there only a way to narrow the war zone and keep the ministries as close as possible?"
"But in this way, there will definitely be omissions from the tribe of the posthumous people. The Father said that this is an abnormal genocide battle. Our purpose is to wipe out the posthumous people from here. Breeding is also trouble."
The other two marshals did not answer the call. Although they had the right to make decisions, many times they needed high-level politics.
Rong Zhi was silent for a while, then said rather reluctantly: "Do this now, I will explain to Father."
After he finished, he was a little hesitant, and finally said to Zai: "I think that when necessary, you can use that kind of thing for the large tribes and level tribes of the posthumous people. Soul skill is not a good thing!"
The other two commanders looked at each other and nodded.
The meeting was over here. The three of them stood up and were ready to leave. Everyone had a mess of things to deal with, but at this time, a loud dragon sound suddenly came from a distance, causing them to stop in unison.
The three looked at each other, and they all knew that the saint came.
Just as the dawn giant scratched its head in order to solve the matter of the posthumous attack of the posthumous people, the team that made them grind their teeth had left the area that the dawn temple thought was infested, and arrived behind them, where the Aao tribe was located.
In the team, carrying three huge totem poles, each soldier carried a strong murderous body.
"Hong has been in it for two days." Liang Chuyin sat on the side of the dead man on the of the Undead, looked at the distance, and asked Ye Zhongming beside him.
Ye Zhongming agreed and looked at the same.
Hong is coming up the undead, and Ye Zhongming knows that even guessing that Red is coming for the soul beads, there may be those high-quality bones.
But he did not expect that after bringing here, Hong rushed down with his hands and disappeared in the eyes of everyone for a few hours. After two days, he still did not return. If it wasn't for the spiritual connection, Ye Zhongming really thought she had an accident.
The hillside of the undead is just a substitute name. In fact, a large area is called the hillside of the undead. Ao once said that all the junctions of the place where the dead men live and the night demon plain are the hillsides of the undead.
Now the red is estimated to have reached the border of the Night Demon Plain.
"Are we still waiting?"
When Liang Chuyin thought of the same undead life, his body became numb, and he didn't understand how Hong survived in this situation.
"Wait no longer." Ye Zhongming made a decision, not sure when Hong would return, he couldn't spend too much time here.
Ye Zhongming gave Hong a series of repeated mental powers, telling her that she was leaving, and asking her to call her when she was going back so she could pick her up.
After that, the team began to return.
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