Chapter 190: July 13 · Sunny

"Lord of the Snowfield? Holy Spirit, our duty is only to wipe out the law-stealer on this island. The monsters on this island are really helpless."

The God of Flowing Water chose to be persuaded as soon as he heard that the Holy Spirit was going to pull them to hunt the monsters on this island. He didn't want to be bitten by the monsters on this island and then got crystallized.

He didn't wait for Liushui Shenxuan to say the next word of rejection, and a hearty laughter came from behind him.

"Isn't it our duty to purify the plague of this island? The Holy Spirit has so enthusiastically invited us to hunt down the strongest monster on this island. How can we shrink as a warrior chosen by the gods!"

The next day Shenxuan and the president of the guild gray pupil society he met really hated each other ... Jiang Qiao was listening beside him, but I felt that this big bald selected and the Lion Heart Knight must have said a lot.

别 "Don't forget that we're here to bring Sierra back." The shadow choice reminded the heroic colleague.

"It's okay to leave Cheryl to the Holy Spirit for a period of time. I'll tell you about the high priest."

On the next day, the first president who took the lead to lead the gray pupils walked towards the edge of the forest. Of the six deities, only the next one chose to promise so fast. The other four deities stood in place and said, 'Farewell. "Farewell" no, no. ’, And another shadow chooses to stand still for a moment ...

She found that her legs were shaking, now is not the time to be afraid!

Shadow God used her hand to slap her thigh meat, and forcibly restrained the tremors of her legs with pain, she quickly followed the next day's choice.

莎 "Sarrie, I thought that all of your shadow sects taught a group of cowards, but I didn't expect you to be the bravest of them."

The next day, God chose to stand up and ride his own war horse tied to a tree ...

"Do you really think the crystal disease can be cured?" Shadow God chooses not to rush to sit on her horse, she came to the next day God choose and asked.

"Why not? The Holy Spirits completely purified one-seventh of the crystal plague in less than ten days after coming to this island! It is not difficult to purify the other six-sevenths, and I see people's eyes Exactly, each of them is a brave fighter. "

On the next day, God ’s selection of the Holy Spirit was extremely high ... Listening to this evaluation, Shadow God ’s selection turned towards a player wearing a pixel hood and a billowing snowman costume walking past him.

"Huh? What's wrong? Want to fight?" Mai Coffee noticed that these two NPCs focused on themselves.

"Your next-day sect defines this as brave?" The more the Shadow God chooses to contact this group of holy spirits, the more uncomfortable the heart is.

"There is always a difference between the costumes of other worlds and ours! You can't be prejudiced against people in another world. Look at their mounts, Shari ... even the creatures in Hell, such as Nightmare Tamed. "

The next day God's chosen finger pointed at the chairman of the Cola Fever Guild Bubble. The bubble's mount was a nightmare full of faint blue flames.

The nightmare is also a creature of nightmare in the legends of their world. According to rumors, any powerful person who has tamed the nightmare will not be burned by the fire of on the nightmare.

Bubble Riding Nightmare is just a very ordinary modeling plus blue flame texture effects, but Jiangqiao's modeling and special effects are very well done. This nightmare just writes the word domineering in just looking at it. In appearance, it is worrying whether the flames from the nightmare will burn the buttocks.

他们 "They also have dragons. That's a ghost dragon? It doesn't look like much, but anyway, Sarah, you know, these mysterious creatures can't be tamed just by strength."

曜 The next day's choice is trying to persuade the shadow choice with the various mounts of the Holy Spirit. These strangely dressed holy spirits are far beyond her imagination in terms of combat ability and character as a strong man.

In fact, the next day God chooses what he wants to render ... it is nothing more than the force of the Holy Spirit. He wants the shadow gods to believe that the Holy Spirit has the power to save the world and purify the crystal disease, and is a great hero summoned by God.

But other gods don't think so ... so do shadow gods.

The weird outfits worn by the Holy Spirit made them unable to associate with the image of "hero". Another reason that caused the image of the Holy Spirit to collapse was that they had been sleeping 24 hours a day in the initial stronghold. Endless old age mahjong dance party.

Before choosing to formally greet these holy spirits, Shadow God really squatted at the initial stronghold for 24 hours, and wanted to see if they had any other plot to come to this island.

But no ... these holy spirits do nothing when they are not hunting on this island.

Playing cards.


After drinking, continue playing cards.


Paula helps to play cards together.

Playing cards.

At half-time of the surveillance of the God of Shadows, I really want to catch a Holy Spirit and shout ‘Mother of the Earth and pull you here to make you play cards? Get out and brush up! ’

Now the holy spirits finally came out of the nest and went out to brush up and blame them ... but the shadow was not happy at all.

"Mr. Hitomi, my friend ... Are you ready to set off on an exciting ice dragon hunting trip?" The words chosen by Hatsukaichi interrupted her thoughts.

"Why do you speak so much translation?" As a president of the gray pupil society, Huibai Tong is a professional exorcist.

The exorcist is a change of priesthood. The background story of the profession and Zhao Mingwei's enlightenment teacher are extremely eastern regions of the same origin.

Therefore, this class introduces the elements of heavenly charms and gods. By releasing the spell magic, and the profession of summoning gods to fight for themselves, in addition to the exorcist can choose another route of power, then Turn your main weapon into an axe and smash the enemy into a meat sauce by wielding a huge axe.

Hui Baitong is an exorcist who works in both ways. He, like Mo Shigui, does not like to wear fashion, so the style on Grey Baitong looks like an old monk.

"Translator's voice? There is always one or two parts of your Holy Spirit's vocabulary that I cannot understand."

"It doesn't matter, I shouldn't choose this boring option to explain the mission ... We have probably explored the coordinates of the Lord of the Snowfield. Considering that your crystal hunters cannot cause damage to the monsters on the island, what you need to do is Help stop the avalanche. "

Grey Hitomi is a president who is a serious type who can't tolerate jokes. The reason is because ... his laugh is too high.

And the task he is responsible for in the Guild is different from the commander of Mo Shigui. The task he is responsible for is more like a data analyst.

"Avalanches? Do you often see avalanches when hunting in snowy areas?"

"Yes, the terrain disaster mechanism of the snowfield is too frequent, and the fire attribute skills that can cause large-scale destruction may cause avalanches. We raided two lord monsters in the snowfield and encountered two avalanches in eight hours. , Two of them were triggered by the Abyss Shrine Guild next door, and avalanches will reduce our health by a third, and may disrupt the formation. "

Gray and white pupils reported the battle situation on the battlefield to the next day selection and shadow selection.

Because at this time, the option ‘I hope you can help me do these things’ has popped up in the dialog box selected by God of the Day.

In the eyes of the gray pupil, the next day the npc is chosen as the plot npc that helps players to go through the picture. This npc is either designed to be a burden that can't do anything. It needs the player to protect him at all times, or to design Cheng Qiang is a gangster-level bodyguard who can even kill the copy monsters, which makes the player refreshed.

The next day's selection is clearly somewhere in between. Gray-white pupil wonders when brushing the snowfield map. Those large-scale avalanches are too disruptive to the game experience, but now it seems that he lacks a npc to lead the way.

"I will try to block the impact of the avalanche on you as much as possible." The next day God chose to approve the request of the gray pupil, and then turned his eyes to the shadow choice next to him "Look, Saray."

"Look what?" The shadow chooses not to understand where the full sense of superiority of the next day choose comes from.

"Although the appearance of the Holy Spirit is very weird, they are all warriors full of wisdom and strength! If this crystal plague is purified by them, I think they should ride on the island of Brandy on the mount as a sculpture Be remembered by the world. "The next day God's Choice has almost blown into the sky.

"I skipped the story dialogue first, and it's time to set off." Gray-white pupil listened to the blows of the next day's selection. There was no psychological fluctuation. He played online games for so many years, licking the player's npc crazy, let alone thousands There are also hundreds of them.

Now the gray pupil is a little sleepy.

当然 "Of course! My warhorse is ready to gallop the battlefield, but Mr. Shiraishi Hitomi ... how did you sit down?" Misaki Hatsune looked down, and found that Shirayaki sat down straight down.

"This is my mount, I'm driving on my way, you remember to keep up."

"Your mount?" The next day God chose to glance around, what looked like ... a wheelchair?

Is the gray pupil inconvenient? its not right! Even if the legs are inconvenient, it should not affect riding.

"Need me to send someone to push this thing?" The next day God Pick still didn't understand what the wheelchair was, Lingmai Forest and Snowfield were not good roads.

"It's not necessary, and if you can't keep up, remember to shout ~ ~ Grey pupil is still analyzing the data of the snowfield map and the monsters produced by the snowfield.


The next day's election was a big question mark on his forehead, but it was too late. He only heard the sound of an engine roaring, and then the wheelchair disappeared with a gray pupil. In front of him.

The next day, God ’s Choice, if he understands the language of communication between the Holy Spirits, now in my mind, ‘I lost to a wheelchair in the Lingmai Forest last night. He drifted through inertia, and the speed is fast ...’

"Then ... what the is that?" The next day God chose to touch his big bald head, looking at the taillight of the gray pupil that had gone away.

"I remember you just said that if this crystal plague was purified by them, I think they should be remembered as sculptures by the world as they ride on the island of Brandy on their mounts?"

The sound of shadow selection sounded in the ear of the next day selection, probably ridiculed, she repeated what the next day selection had said before, and then rode on the war horse to follow the army of the Holy Spirit.
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