Chapter 236: Gift from Freya

Coca-Cola is preparing for an expedition, and the Shadow Choice can be seen.
The success rate of the two Dragon Whisper sisters to tame the dragons is not high. On the one hand, players can't find some dragon eggs and cubs that have been fully preserved. Level also takes a long time.
At this stage, the frost-eating dragon's cub is only 30th level. The bubble loves this young dragon very much. Even the pet space in the newly launched pet system is not much, let alone holding it. Come out and blame.
In general, players on the forum have analyzed that the pet system at this stage is still only a semi-finished product, mainly because the two dragon sisters' dragon taming proficiency is not high, and the game of the Holy Spirit is still in the three beta testing stage. What small bugs and some players who haven't finished can be quickly accepted.
Although the player's personal battle pet is still in a semi-finished state, the functional livestock system raised by the guild is quite complete. The two sisters' biggest contribution is to tame two camel dragons. The two dragons have a level of only 37. , Looks like a rhino.
These two camel dragons were judged to be 'carriage mounts'.
This cola maniac expedition is in cooperation with these two camel dragons.
The expedition target Ember Dragon is located in the lava area of ​​one of the most remote areas of Bailand Island. Players can ride there for at least three hours. The premise of these three hours is that they will not encounter any danger on the road. monster.
Fortunately, the road conditions along the way were fairly safe. Occasionally, one or two lord-level monsters would emerge, but the strength of the Coca-Crazy expedition could soon be resolved.
"President, why don't we use flying mounts?"
"The most important thing in Brand Island is the flying lord monster. What do you think?"
The bubble counted the supplies carried in the camelback backpack. One of the difficulties in this expedition was that ... if you are dead, you must quickly resurrect the priesthood class. Once they are not resurrected, they will be killed. Hurry for another two hours to the door of the copy of Ember Dragon.
Bubble also complained on the forum why not to set up a teleportation point in the lava area, but the speculation in the forum should be to complete some hidden tasks in the lava area to open the transmission point.
Unfortunately ... he doesn't plan to wait any longer! He has made up his mind to build a portal before the intercontinental!
"The crew is ready to go! Watch the intercontinental live broadcast on the road! Start the captain to follow! Let's go!"
After confirming that everything was properly prepared, the bubble directly summoned his mount and led the Cola fanatic expedition to leave the stronghold.
Shadow God chose to join the team as a spy, and he followed suit.
This cola expedition went smoothly ... at least before meeting Ember Dragon.
The bubble led the Guild's 73 elite Raiders to the cave where the Ember Dragon inhabited ... After leaving a small number of nurses to temporarily find a place to camp, he began the long master of the Raiders.
The Ember Dragon is not to be called the strongest island master on the forum. For the first time in less than an hour, the bubble's Raiders group was covered by the lion and the dragon. The monster in flames threw its cave directly.
But such a wasteland ... isn't it just to be destroyed and come to life and find a strategy and then kill the boss?
Over the next period of time, the Bubble's Raiders team showed the Shadow God Selection what the toughness of the Holy Spirit is and its ability to be abused.
For the entire three days, the Bubble Raiders group's Raiders of the Ember Dragon failed fifteen times, and it was destroyed six times by the regiment!
Originally, the bubble thought about how the Ember Dragon is also a wild map boss. The number of people can always be piled up, just as if they were fighting the Frost Dragon.
But he was so wrong! The Ember Dragon is a purer creature than the Sky Frost Dragon. Therefore, the Emperor Dragon smashes bubbles once per group, and its blood can be quickly replenished within one or two hours, which is cruel.
This is a desperate strategy. The shadow gods really lamented how these holy spirits persisted and were killed by such terrible monsters. If they were replaced by human soldiers, their morale would have collapsed to flee.
But these holy spirits did not exist. On the third day, they still sat and laughed and sat inside the camp near the cave of Ember Dragon.
Shadow God has long been accustomed to the optimism of these Holy Spirits. She only hopes that these Holy Spirits can find some more people? It was like when three hundred people besieged the Lord of an island before the crusade against Tianshuanglong, the seventy-three Holy Spirits were too reluctant to crumble against an ember dragon.
And now ... the content they are discussing has nothing to do with this Ember Dragon Crusade, which is the final of the Intercontinental.
"Smiling Grandpa is so bullying!"
"What is Xiaoye Niubi! Are all the four guilds great? This intercontinental performance is just amazing!"
"Our club members are the best."
Now all the enthusiastic Raiders of Coca-Cola are gathered together and sang and danced again ... because the situation of the four major guilds in the intercontinental race is really too deflated.
That's right ... defeat, the bubble knows that the players in his Raiders group are almost senior disputers. After seven years of disputes, except for the glorious period of the two years before the world, the other periods are almost all the baseball countries in the international arena. Fighting against North American countries.
The world league champion is the only one that has won the world, and the intercontinental champion has never been!
But this time in the Intercontinental, the four major guilds all played like adrenaline. Although the qualifiers were behind two game versions, they lost three consecutive games to the great country. Bubbles remember that the country was really a mockery. Various rhythms, and more and more the meaning of pointing the finger at the Holy Spirit.
However, the Huaguo Division successfully eliminated the United Division and directly advanced to the finals and the Baseball Division.
Obviously, the coaching staff has adjusted their strategy in the finals, and the players have fully adapted to the current version of the game, and have begun to backhand the team of the blood torture country.
Now everyone is watching the intercontinental heads-up duel. This part adopts the KOF system. Twelve players are sent from the Huaguo Division and the Baseball Division to compete in Taiwan.
Those who have won will have a little more blood to continue fighting, and the losing team will send a new player to the game.
The first Chinese appearance in the Huaguo Division was Zhao Mingwei. Zhao Mingwei's appearance in a nearly full-blooded state directly perfected KO and dropped an equally top player from the great country.
Now it is the second game of Zhao Mingwei. Zhao Mingwei's health was reduced to half by the opponent, but he was still taken away by Zhao Mingwei.
"One out of four! I don't care anymore, I will laugh at dog licking dog powder in the future."
"Get out of your way, can you get licked and laughed?"
"Don't be noisy, maybe you can wear five!"
Today, Zhao Mingwei once again made history. He defeated four top players in the stick country in an unstoppable manner, but unfortunately lost in the fifth place due to lack of blood.
But this still makes world history!
Everyone is the top professional player. Why can you play four of them? On what basis?
Bubbles bit their fingers and watched Zhao Mingwei's performance on the field, and suddenly understood that the beating of the nucleus seemed to be unfair?
The follow-up games almost need not be watched. It is almost a victory with the overwhelming attitude of the Chinese side ... Hua Guo's team won the championship in the world arena, but never before.
"King Lin is the best!"
"Coke is crazy!"
All the members of the Raiders group beside the bubble entered the intensified state. The bubble watched the scene of the four teams holding cups in the baseball stadium of the baseball nation, and there was also some blood surged, but unfortunately he did not have time to go to war in person.
"President, we seem to have found the Ember Dragon's lair, it ... and a wife, it seems that they have just laid three eggs." A pathfinder player sent by the bubble suddenly ran back at this time, I told the bubble one ... let him see the news of the success of the strategy.
"President ... Wait for the cans when they come back for a raise?"
"Rise! Definitely rose! You killed the Ember Dragon, and I will also raise your salary! Okay! The game is over! Everyone should make it!" Bubble said.
At night, the capital of the great country.
After the players from the four major clubs, the coaching staff, and the logistics team won the Intercontinental, they were, of course, celebrating, celebrating together.
Everyone ordered one of the best barbecue restaurants in the capital of Bangkok and gathered to celebrate.
"Come! Jing Song coach a cup, without coach Song adjusting the tactics in the early stage, we are difficult to reach the final!"
"And laugher!"
"Zhao, he doesn't drink." Mo Shigui took over the wine glasses of the coaches of other teams, and at the same time helped Zhao Mingwei stop the wine glasses handed to him.
The two biggest contributors to this intercontinental match are Zhao Mingwei and Mo Shigui. One is the strongest warlord on the battlefield, and the other is a military division behind the battlefield.
Zhao Mingwei's interest after winning the game was not high, and Mo Shigui could not guess what he was thinking, but at this time Mo Shigui's mobile phone suddenly received a message ~ ~ originally he was this one It's just a spam message, but it started with 'to the Holy Spirit'.
The Holy Spirit? Who would send him a message using this term?
Mo Shigui suddenly thought of a terrible possibility ... but he took the phone back to his suit pocket without leaving a trace, and planned to find a reason to leave the dining table.
"Go online?" Zhao Mingwei saw Mo Shigui's intention to leave.
"Go out and breathe."
Mo Shigui didn't tell Zhao Mingwei too much, he left the barbecue restaurant and walked to the street outside.
He came out on the street and looked at his hand ... Mr. Yin was right.
It's not that they have weakened! But Zhao Mingwei has become stronger, and they have also become stronger, but ... far less than Zhao Mingwei.
This time at InterContinental Mexico, I have a deep understanding of this!
The players who have played the Holy Spirit in the four major clubs have not only strengthened their physical fitness, but also have a series of things that seem to be incapable of training, such as responsiveness and intuition in combat.
Therefore, the four major clubs are able to hold on to the tyranny of the great nations. As for those defeated games, they are opportunities given by players who have not played the Holy Spirit.
It ’s really like this ...
Should he thank the Holy Spirit game? Mo Shigui can't figure out what's going on ... or should he thank Freya?
Because in the background story of the game, Freya summoned the Holy Spirit and gave it the power.
This is not the time to think about it.
Mo Shigui took out his mobile phone and checked the new message ... After opening the message, there was a quaint stationery with crooked Chinese written on the stationery, which looked like a primary school student wrote it.
This is the writing of his family, Freya!
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